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[Printed handbill.] New Version of the House that Jack Built. [Parallel texts, with the 'old version' in one column, and the 'new version', in circumfluous language, in another.]

[Victorian parody of 'The House that Jack Built']
Publication details: 
[Without date or place.] [Late Victorian?]
Victorian parody of 'The House that Jack Built']

8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Fair, on thin aged paper, laid down on a sheet of backing. In small type, with the 'old version' of the nursery rhyme, in the left hand column, transformed into a 'new version' of 78 lines of prose in the right-hand column. The first line - 'This is the house that Jack built' - is changed into 'This is the domiciliary edifice erected by John.' The 'priest all shaven and shorn' becomes 'the ecclesiastical gentleman, the summit of whose pericranium was denuded of its natural covering'. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

[Printed handbill libretto.] The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata. With Solos, Choruses, and Incidental Music, Composed expressly for the Royal Aquarium, by Mr. George Fox. The Juvenile Troupe, Under the Direction of Mr. J. E. Nolan.

George Fox [The Juvenile Troupe; J. E. Nolan; The Royal Aquarium and Winter Garden, London; Hutchins & Romer, Conduit Street]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1880.] 'The Music Published by Messrs Hutchins & Romer, Conduit Street, Regent Street'.
The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata

Small 4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on browned high-acidity paper. Neat strip of stub from mounting in album still adhering to inner margin of verso of second leaf. Headed 'Words.' All but first chorus in double-column. A mixture of the original 'House that Jack built' with 'Jack and Jill'. Begins with 'Chorus. - "This is the house that Jack built."', the first lines of which are 'Our labours are done, our recompense won, | And anger has been on no back spilt, | So now with one voice we'll laugh and rejoice | As this is the house that Jack built.' Characters are: Mr.

A Broadside for July, 1911. [No. 2. Fourth Year] ['Blow, Bullies, Blow (Halliards Chanty)' with three illustrations by Jack B. Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1911. E.C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. In fair condition: a little grubby, with a couple of light folds and slight wear to extremities. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7.5 cm square) and second (7 x 10 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('Derby Day') on third page. Final page blank.

A Broadside for March, 1914. [No. 10. Sixth Year] [the poems 'Nora Creina' and 'The Tan-Yard Side' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1914. By E. C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. Good, on aged paper with a light vertical fold. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7.5 x 10 cm) and second (9.5 x 7.5 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('The Metropolitan Regatta Dublin') on third page. Final page blank.

A Broadside for February, 1914. [No. 9. Sixth Year] [Hyde's poem 'I shall not die for thee' and Guthrie's poem 'Paternoster Callaghan' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; James Guthrie; Douglas Hyde; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1914. By E.C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. Good, on aged paper with a light vertical fold. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7 x 10 cm) and second (8 x 7.5 cm) pages; black and white illustration ('Drowned Sailor', 12 x 10 cm) alone on third page. Final page blank. The first poem is not ascribed, but is known to be by Hyde.

Manuscript, in a contemporary hand, of an English satirical poem entitled 'Boney's Bridge', based on 'The House that Jack Built', concerning an incident during the Battle of Leipzig.

[Napoleon Bonaparte; Battle of Leipzig, 1813; English Georgian satire]
Publication details: 
[England, 1813.]

4to (22.5 x 19), 2 pp. Text complete in forty-three lines. On aged and stained paper, with wear and closed tears to extremities. The first three lines are 'This is the Bridge that was blown into air. | These are the Miners who had the care | Of mining the Bridge that was blown into air'. Three corrections in the same hand. The poem was printed in the Morning Chronicle, 24 November 1813, under the title 'Buonaparte's Bridge', and reprinted in 'The Spirit of the Public Journals for 1813', that version containing a couple of minor variations [authorial?] from the present text. A. M.

A Broadside for November, 1911. [No. 6. Fourth Year] [Colum's poem 'Carricknabauna' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Padraic Colum; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1911. By E. C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. In fair condition: a little grubby, with a couple of light folds and slight wear to extremities. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (4.5 x 7.5 cm) and second (6 x 7.5 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('Marionettes') on third page. Final page blank.

The Autograph Signatures of the members of the Hedley Ward Trio.

The Hedley Ward Trio: Jack Mckechnie, guitar; Derek Franklin, bass; Bob Carter, piano [English jazz musicians' autographs]
Publication details: 

On a leaf of blue paper (roughly 11 x 14 cm), removed from an autograph album. Good: lightly aged and spotted. Reads 'With best wishes The Hedley Ward Trio | Jack Mckechnie | Derek Franklin | Bob Carter'. Docketed, presumably by the recipient, with the members' instruments. Hedley Ward was one of the foremost British bandleaders of the 30s, 40s and 50s, and his Trio featured in many radio and television broadcasts, and are still to be heard on archive programmes.

Autograph Note Signed ('J B. Hobbs') and Initialled ('JBH') to Peter Briggs.

Sir Jack Hobbs [Sir John Berry Hobbs] (1882-1963), Surrey and England cricketer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On a piece of yellow paper (roughly 7.5 x 10 cm), laid down on a light-green page (roughly 14 x 8 cm) torn from an autograph album. Lightly aged and spotted, but good overall. Reads ' "Remember that if you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper. When you are in the wrong you can't afford to lose it" | [signed] J B. Hobbs.' And in a smaller hand, diagonally in the bottom right-hand corner 'Best wishes to Peter Briggs | [signed] JBH'.

Autograph Letter Signed "W. Hone" to an unnamed male correspondent.

William Hone, Radical bookseller and publisher (DNB).
Publication details: 
5 Bolt Court, 18 June 1840.

One page, minor staining not affecting text, laid down on grey coarse paper. "Here is the Cape Shipping List [perhaps including slavers?]. It's business-like details of murders by wholesale tell the cold blooded tales of horror more effectually than eloquent language. They [leave?] & lead the mind to imagine the terrible scenes enacted with poetical power which minute detail fails to [word excised "affect"] produce. I admire this brevity - it is inoffensively offensive. / I am grateful to you, my dear Sir, for your care of my daughter - your help to the helpless.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Bob. Crosby') to 'Dear Ken' [Ken Ryan].

Bob Crosby (1913-1993), American dixieland bandleader and vocalist, best known for his group 'Bob Crosby and the Bob Cats'
Publication details: 
New Years Eve, 1955.' On letterheads of The Aladdin Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri.

4to, 4 pp. Good, on lightly creased paper. From the Ken Ryan collection. Long, rambling, good-humoured letter on the . 'Here it is New Years Eve and I'm at home, and being quiet. - I was tired as we have worked hard all week. - and its good to be quiet. [...] London must have been interesting during the holiday season - I hope to some day see it but when I ever will is the question I'm never to [sic] good to save money. - Next week we have the Monte Carlo Ballet. Russe. and I am looking forward to seeing it. with pleasure. I've always been so fond of ballet.'

Autograph Signature ('J B. Hobbs.').

Jack Hobbs [Sir John Berry Hobbs, 1882-1963], English cricketer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On piece of paper roughly 2.5 x 5 cm. Laid down on leaf of cream paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, from an autograph album. In slightly faded blue ink, and with a crease to the bottom left-hand corner, affecting the lower loop of the 'J'.

Life of Jack Sheppard, The Notorious House and Gaol Breaker.

Victorian Chapbook [Newcastle; Provincial Printing]
Publication details: 
Newcastle-on-Tyne: Bowman, Publisher, Nuns' Lane. Price One Penny. [Slug on verso of title: 'Bowman, Publisher, 12, Nuns' Lane, Newcastle.'] Undated [1850, or between 1865 and 1875?].

12mo: 24 pp. Leaf dimensions: 15.5 x 9.5 cms. Unbound. Good, on aged paper with fraying to extremities and a little light staining to title. Decorative title-page with vignette. On verso of title: list of twenty-three 'Penny Histories' ('Crown 12mo. Three or upwards sent post free to any address, on receipt of stamps to the amount') and nineteen 'Penny Song Books'. Heavily worn type and loss to text at foot of three pages due to faulty imposition. According to BBTI Robert Benson Bowman was active in Newcastle from before 1826 to after 1859.

Autograph letter signed, Mary-Cecile Loge, translator, to A.P. Watt, Literary Agent

[ Jack London ] A French Translator
Publication details: 

Four pages, 8vo. She declines to translate "White Fang" because the similarity of its "most important scenes" to those in "The Call of the Wild" ("leading" Paris editors agree with her) would jeopardise sales, suggesting that compression into one third of the original length would be necessary. She remits eight guineas to be forwarded to Jack London, and makes a play for the rights to translate a new Robert Hichens novel. WITH: typed note signed, 8vo, in German, from the publishers, Ferdinand Schoningh, to A.P. Watt, 20 Nov.

My friend Henry Miller.

Alfred Perles
Publication details: 
London: Neville Spearman, 1955.

8vo. Pages: xi + 242. 11 plates. Good, despite one bump at head of back board. Dustwrapper good, despite fraying at head and tail of spine and show-through sellotape discolouration . Dustjacket discoloration to free endpapers. Neat inscription, presumably by Perles, in green ink on front free endpaper 'To | Jack Mitchell | from Alfred Perles | & | Henry Miller | London March, 56.'

Quo musa tendis?

J[ames]. K[enneth]. Stephen [JACK THE RIPPER]
Publication details: 
Cambridge: Macmillan and Bowes. 1891.

First edition. 12mo. Pages: 2 ('BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LAPSUS CALAMI.') + x + 84 + 4 pages of publishers' advertisements. Very good in original worn light-blue cloth with heavily-worn label on spine. Ownership inscription of Richard E. Benson (1892) on front free endpaper. Stephen was first put forward as Jack the Ripper in Michael Harrison's biography of Prince Albert Victor, 'Clarence' (1972).

1 Autograph Card Signed; 1 Typed Letter Signed. Both to 'Mr Wilson'.

W. H. Shelford
Publication details: 
Card, 1 August 1929, on letterhead 'Horncastle, | Sharpthorne, | East Grinstead, | Sussex.'; letter, 27 December 1930, on letterhead 'HORNCASTLE, | SHARPTHORNE, | SUSSEX.'

On 1 June 1935 Shelford bowled the first jack at the opening of West Hoathly Bowls Club. The card, dimensions roughly 4 inches by 5 inches, is 2 pages. The letter, 2 pages, 4to. Both somewhat grubby but in good condition. The card thanks Wilson for sending a copy of Francis Hackett's 'Henry VIII'. 'I dipped into it in the train this morning & it so <?> me that I had to skim my newspaper'. The letter begins with some Christmas chitchat, before discussing a lecture given by Shelford, a copy of which he encloses (not present).

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