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[Printed pamphlet.] University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Hall of Residence for Women Students. The Alexandra Hall (named by Special Permission), opened by H.R.H. Princess of Wales, 26th June, 1896. Rules and Regulations. [With application form.]

[Miss E. A. Carpenter, Lady Principal, The Alexandra Hall of Residence for Women Students, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth; Board of Education Research Library]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [University College of Wales, Aberystwyth.]

10pp., 12mo. Comprising fourteen leaves (the first three paginated to 6 and the rest unpaginated), with the central bifolium ('Fees (Exclusive of Vacations)' and perforated 'College Entrance Form') on pink paper and the rest in red. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, with stamp and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Library. Three perforated leaves, carrying the 'College Entrance Form' (as described above), 'Hall Entrance Form for Resident Women Students' and 'Entrance Certificate | To be signed by a qualified medical man.' The 'Rules and Regulations' are on pp.3-6, and include '5.

[Printed pamphlets.] Board of Education. Memorandum on Class Instruction at Schools for Mothers.

[Janet M. Campbell; L. A. Selby-Bigge; Board of Education, London]
Publication details: 
'This Paper may be referred to as Circular 912.' London: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Eyre and Spottiswoode, Limited, East Harding Street, E.C., Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1915.

14pp., 12mo. Stitched and unbound. In very good condition, lightly aged and worn. The 'Memorandum' is by Campbell, with a 'Prefatory Note' by Selby-Bigge, dated May 1915. Divided into two main sections: 'Class Teaching on the Consultation Day' ('Health Talks' and 'Sewing Class') and 'Classes held other than on the Consultation Day' ('Mothercraft, Hygiene, &c.', 'Sewing Class', 'Cookery', '"Advanced" Classes', 'General Arrangements' and 'Teachers'). Final section on 'The Local Education Authority'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Deputation to the President of the Board of Education and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Minutes of Proceedings.

[H. A. L. Fisher, President of the Board of Education; A. Bonar Law, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Sir Oliver Lodge; Sir Donald MacAlister; Sir Bertram Windle; Sir Alfred Ewing; Bragg; Gillespie]
Publication details: 
London: Universities Bureau of the British Empire, Imperial Institute, SW7. [Undated, but concerning a deputation on 23 November 1918.]

36pp., 12mo. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with rust to staple. With manuscript shelf-marks (of the Board of Education Reference Library). Compliments slip of the Universities Bureau of the British Empire tipped-in onto front cover. The first page begins: 'MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS of a Deputation of Representatives of the Universities of the United Kingdom and of certain other institutions doing work of University standard, which waited upon the President of the Board of Education (the Right Honourable H. A. L.

Three Typed Letters Signed from Col. Charles A. Lindbergh to the English science journalist Arthur G. Bourne, concerning whaling and marine conservation, including a description of a recent trip to Lima, Peru, when he went out on a whaling ship.

Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh [Charles Augustus Lindberg] (1902-1974), American aviator and explorer [Arthur G. Bourne, science journalist; De Witt Wallace; Reader's Digest]
Publication details: 
Les Monts-de Corsier, Vaud, Switzerland, and Scotts Cove, Darien, Connecticut. 16 and 31 August, and 4 November 1966.

Lindbergh's three letters are each 1p., 8vo. They are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; the first letter has a short closed tear at the head. Lindbergh begins the first letter by commending an 'article on whales' by Bourne. 'When we talked in London during the meetings of the International Whaling Commission, you mentioned sending me some papers you had written in regard to conservation planning.

Six documents from the papers of John Carter, including material relating to Stanley Morison and the Beatrice Warde Memorial Fund, including letters from James Moran, Professor E. A. Lowe, Nicolas Barker and D. van Velden.

John Carter [John Waynflete Carter] (1905-1975); Professor E. A. Lowe; Nicolas Barker; James Moran; D. van Velden [Beatrice Warde (1900-1969); Herbert Morison; Monotype Corporation]
Publication details: 
From London; The Hague; Princeton, New Jersey. Written between 1966 and 1971.

The six items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Typed Letter Signed to Carter, in English, from Miss Dr. D. van Velden, curator. On letterhead of the Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum. 22 March 1966. 1p., 12mo. Giving details of the opening hours. TWO: Typed Letter Signed to Carter from E. A. Lowe. On letterhead of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. 25 January 1969. 'If there are any new developments re Stanley Morison, I hope you will keep me posted. Some one sent me Brooke Crutchley's Two Men. There was no card so I do not know to whom I am indebted.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J A Froude') from the historian James Anthony Froude to 'Mrs Long', regarding

J. A. Froude [James Anthony Froude] (1818-1894), historian, son of Robert Hurrell Froude (1771-1859), Archdeacon of Totnes
Publication details: 
Dartington. Undated, but written before his father's death in 1859.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium, on grey paper embossed with crest. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damage to second leaf and with part of the paper to which it was attached still adhering to the blank reverse. He begins by declaring that he is 'much vexed' over a mix-up about a parcel of books 'I wrote expressly to London to desire that they might be sent here. As there is no help for it now I must beg you to believe it was not through carelessness of mine'. He asks her to send them on to Dartington, and to let him know the cost, which he will remit in postage stamps.

A Christian Philanthropist. A Sketch of the Life of Mr. Daniel Hand, and of His Benefaction to the American Missionary Association, for the Education of Colored People in the Southern States of America. [With manuscript 'Memo. of Hand Genealogy' etc]

[George A. Wilcox of Detroit; Daniel Hand (1801-1891) of Madison, Connecticut, Christian philanthropist, benefactor of the American Missionary Association]
Publication details: 
Rooms of the American Missionary Association, 56 Reade Street, New York. 1889.

31 + [1] pp., small 4to. With frontispiece engraved portrait of Hand. In original cream printed wraps, with 'DANIEL HAND.' printed on front cover in brown ink. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Presentation inscription at head of front cover: 'for Mrs. Evans - | with Compliments of G. A. Wilcox | Detroit.' Eight copies at American libraries on OCLC WorldCat, and the only copy on COPAC at the British Library. The manuscript, in Wilcox's hand, is 3pp., 12mo, on bifolium 1880s letterhead of the Hotel Metropole, London.

[Signed Mimeographed Typescript, headed 'SECRET'.] Federation of Malaya Police. [...] Subject: Burmese Names. [With accompanying Special Branch documents on 'MALAY NAMES' and 'INTERNATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS'.]

J. C. Lobb, for Senior Assistant Commissioner, C.I.D., Federation of Malaya Police; C. A. A. Nicol, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
Burmese Names document: [Federation of Malaya Police, Headquarters, C.I.D., P.O. Box 271, Kuala Lumpur.] HQ. Ref: SF/1/24/9. 13 November 1950. Other two documents without place or date.

Item One (Burmese Names): 1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Signed in red above '(J. C. COBB) | for Senior Asst. Commissioner, | C.I.D., Fed. of Malaya.' First page headed 'SECRET | FEDERATION OF MALAYA POLICE'. 'During the last S.B. course, certain police officers asked questions regarding Burmese names. | 2. The following is a list of titles used which might be mistaken for proper names: -'. The first of three numbered points following the examples: 'N.B. 1.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. E. Dobell') from Arthur Eustace Dobell of the London booksellers P. J. & A. E. Dobell, to 'Mr. Price', regarding deeds relating to Watlington, which the firm could get 'on apro [sic]'.

Arthur Eustace Dobell, partner with his brother Percy John Dobell in the firm of London booksellers P. J. & A. E. Dobell, 77 Charing Cross Road, and son of the booksellerBertam Dobell (1842-1914)
Publication details: 
On the firm's letterhead: 'P. J. & A. E. DOBELL, | Sons of the late BERTRAM DOBELL, | Dealers in Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, | 77, CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C.2. | AND 8, BRUTON STREET, LONDON, W. 1.' 8 June 1926.

1p., 4to. Good, on aged and lightly-worn paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Mr. Price | In reply to our advertisement for items on Watlington we have received the enclosed report of deeds, which we could supply at £2.15.0 if of any interest to you. If you wish to see them I think we could get them on apro. | Yours truly | A. E. Dobell'.

Three typed 'SULIT CONFIDENTIAL' Royal Malaysian Police documents: 'The Educational System in Communist China', 'Political Activities in China. Mainland Educational Institutions', 'Methods of Indoctrination in China Mainland Educational Institutions'

[Methods of Indoctrination in the People's Republic of China; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
Respectively Parts III, IV and V. All three parts ''RJP/CKL/ISG'. Part III dated 20 September 1962. Part IV dated 29 September 1962. Part V dated 6 October 1962.

The three documents mimeographed on folio paper. Part III: 21pp. Part IV: 24pp. Part V: 18pp.; totalling 63pp. All three in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with the last leaves of Parts III and IV loose.

Copy of typewritten 'Rahsia-Secret' Malaysian intelligence document, titled 'Report on a Visit to Taiwan (Formosa) By Head, Psychological Warfare Section, Ministry of Home Affairs'.

Head, Psychological Warfare Section, Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia [C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police; Taiwan]
Publication details: 
[Psychological Warfare Section, Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia.] PWS/SEC/187/65. Kuala Lumpur. 2 November 1965.

[2] + 14pp., foolscap 8vo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper.

Original typescript 'Supplement to P.I.J. 12/57', headed 'Secret | The threat of Communist Subversion in the Federation of Malaya'.

[Malayan Communist Party; Federation of Malaya [Malaysia]; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
December 1957.

8pp., foolscap 8vo. With a few pencil emendations. In good condition. The document is divided into sections discussing MCP aims, tactics, 'Youth, Students and Schoolchildren', 'Labour', propaganda, 'The United Front', and a conclusion. 'It should be clearly understood that the Malayan Communist Party owes allegiance to the World Communist Movement led by the Soviet Union, with Communist China in close support, which aims to set up (by revolutionary means if necessary) a World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.

Copy of typed Royal Malaysia Police Special Branch intelligence document titled 'Preparation and Submission of Confidential Reports [on officers]'. With five-page glossary of terms as appendix, under title 'Aids to Completion of Confidential Report'.

[Maktab Polis di-Haja [Royal Malaysia Police College], Persekutuan, Kuala Kubu Bharu; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
ONE: Maktab Polis di-Haja [Royal Malaysia Police College], Persekutuan, Kuala Kubu Bharu [Malaysia]. 5 August 1960. TWO (appendix): Without place or date, but same as One.

Both items foolscap 8vo. Stapled together. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper, with first leaf of first document loose. ONE: 'Preparation and Submission of Confidential Reports'. 8pp., foolscap 8vo. Divided into 44 sections, several of which are further divided into subsections. Headings include: 'Types of Confidential Report', 'Commendation and Awards', 'Definition of Terms', 'Colloquialisms and Unprecise Language', 'Principles of Preparation of Confidential Reports', 'Personal Knowledge of Officers', 'Officers Entitlement to see Reports', 'Adverse Reports'.

Copy of typewritten 'Secret' document headed 'Settlement of Penang. Extract from Chinese Affairs Supplement to Political Intelligence Report for September, 1955. Appendix A . Press Cutting from Straits Echo dated September 24, 1955' [Chinese triads].

[Federation of Malaya [Malaysia]; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police; China; Chinese triads]
Publication details: 
Malaya. 1955.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In good condition. Headed 'Secret'. Headings: 'The Hoong League', 'Founders. Symbols', 'Notorious Societies' and 'Mark of Leadership'. From the private papers of C. A. A. Nicol, who joined the Malayan Union Police Force in 1950, and in the Royal Malaysian Poilce between 1957 and 1967, 'to assist in promoting and consolidating the successful transition to full independence. During this period the Special Branch played a vital role in maintaining peace and security in the country.'

Copies of two typewritten intelligence documents by Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force, both headed 'EMERGENCY BRIEF', describing operations against the CTO [Communist Terrorist Organisation] in Malaya [Malaysia]. With manuscript additions.

[Communist Terrorist Organisation, Malaya [Malaysia]; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
[Malayan Union Police Force, Special Branch Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; c.1959.]

The documents are numbered 1 and 2. Both very good, on lightly-aged paper. Document 1: 2pp., foolscap 8vo. Headings read: 'Calcutta Conference - March 1947', 'Start of Emergency - 20 Jun 48', 'Advantages to CTO', 'Results', 'Government wresting the advantage from the CTO', 'Success against CTO' and 'Conclusion - Operation Bamboo'. Dates and figures have been added over the two pages, on subjects including Operation Parchment, Operation Chieftain, Operation Shark, Operation Bintang and Operation Ginger.

Secret typewritten copy Malaysian intelligence report on 'BURMA: INSURGENT SITUATION'. From the papers of C. A. A. Nicol, Member of a joint FCO/MOD department in Hong Kong.

[Communist insurgency in Burma; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force; Royal Malaysian Police; Member of joint FCO/MOD department, Hong Kong, 1970-1975]
Publication details: 
[Special Branch, Royal Malaysia Police, Kuala Lumpur.] 'Attachment to JIC(A) (71) (N) 164'. 23 September 1971.

3pp., 8vo. Two pages of text and a full-page map of Burma. The text begins: 'The insurgents in Burma, some 24,000 strong, are variously motivated by ideology, ethnic aspirations or prospects of profits from smuggling and dacoity.' From the private papers of C. A. A. Nicol, who joined the Malayan Union Police Force in 1950, and served in the Royal Malaysian Police between 1957 and 1967, 'to assist in promoting and consolidating the successful transition to full independence.

Copy of typewritten 'Secret' translation of document by the Clandestine Communist Organisation of Sarawak [insurgents against the government of Malaya] titled 'Annexure "A" to WISUM No.68. CCO DOCUMENT ENTITLED "OUR ERA". Precis of selected portions'

[Clandestine Communist Organisation, Malaya [Malaysia; CCO]; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
[Malayan Union Police Force, Special Branch Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; c.1953.]

2pp., foolscap 8vo. Good, on creased and lightly-aged paper. Divided into eight numbered sections, under the following headings: 'The General Problems Relating to the Revolution', 'The Present Duty of the Organisation', 'The Other Requirements for the Armed Struggle'. The document begins: 'Based on the assumption that more than 80% of the population of SARAWAK are farmers and that this farming class is made up of all races, the revolution of the farmers is the revolution of the farmers of all races.

Three typewritten documents from the papers of C. A. A. Nicol, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force [Royal Malaysian Police]: 'SPECIAL BRANCH LIAISON WITH UNIFORM BRANCH', 'SPECIAL BRANCH' and 'DEFINITION OF SUBVERSION'.

[C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
Malayan Union Police Force [Royal Malaysian Police]. None dated [1950s].

First document: 'PART E601 | SPECIAL BRANCH'. 3pp., foolscap 8vo. Creased, otherwise good. Begins with 'Definition', then description of 'main duties', 'Organisation', 'Contingent Special Branch', 'Circle Special Branch' and 'Military Intelligence Officers'. Second document: 'PART E603 | SPECIAL BRANCH LIAISON WITH UNIFORM BRANCH'. 1p., foolscap 8vo. Creased, otherwise good. Divided into three sections: 'Mutual Assistance', 'Special Branch Manual' and 'Responsibility of Special Branch Officers'. Document Three: 'DEFINITION OF SUBVERSION'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo. Lightly stained, otherwise good.

Typed 'Secret-Rahsia' intelligence document from the Special Branch, Royal Malaysia Police, titled 'GUIDE TO AGENT HANDLING'. With part of covering memo from Abdul Rahman bin Hashim, 'Pengarah Chawangan Khas, b.p. Ketua Polis Negara'.

[Abdul Rahman bin Hashim, 'Pengarah Chawangan Khas, b.p. Ketua Polis Negara'; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
[Special Branch, Royal Malaysia Police, Kuala Lumpur.] March 1966.

The 'Guide' is 18pp., foolscap 8vo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Divided into 92 sections, with headings: 'Agent Handling', 'Agent Security', 'Meetings and Communications', 'Arrangements for Physical Meetings', 'Telephone Communication', 'Accommodation Address', 'Live Letter Box', 'Dead Letter Box', 'Conduct of Meetings', 'Payment to Agents', 'Contact Notes', 'Scrambling and Filing of Information', 'Agent's Personal File', 'Training and Advancement of Agent', 'Discarding an Agent', 'General Comment'. Dated at end 'MAR 66'. A revealing document. See, for example: '56.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from Thomas Archer, editor of the Hornet, to the London solicitor Edward Draper, asking for contributions to the magazine; the first signed with a picture of a hornet and the second signed 'Th Archer'.

Thomas Archer (1830-1893), author and journalist, editor of the Hornet [Edward Draper of Vincent Square, London, Honorary Solicitor of the Savage Club]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterheads of 'The Hornets Nest, 86, Fleet Street [London]. Neither dated.

The letterhead features an image of an hornet seated at a writing table. Letter One: 1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'Friday | Dear Draper | Have you made up your mind to let me have a conceit or two for Ye Hornet. I can only offer 5/- a column but then Column is but a very brief affair. | Yours always | [signature in the form of a drawing of a hornet]'. Letter Two: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight traces of previous mount on reverse of second leaf. Addressed to 'My dear Draper'.

[Presentation copy of a printed pamphlet containing a poem on the death of his young daughter.] Pattie's Christmas Tree. By J. A. Langford, LL.D.

J. A. Langford, LL.D. [John Alfred Langford (1823-1903); the Herald Press, Birmingham]
Publication details: 
Printed for private circulation. 1892. [Printed by Wright, Dain, Peyton & Co., at the Herald Press, Birmingham]

[2] + 8 + [1] pp., small (18 x 14 cm.) 4to. Sewn with green ribbon into white wraps, with 'Pattie's Christmas Tree' in gilt on front. In good condition, with the wraps slightly sunned in panels. Inscribed at head of title-page 'With kind regards'. The pamphlet contains a single poem titled 'Pattie's Christmas Tree', printed on eight pages each with decorative border in gilt. Printer's slug on revers of title, and colophon on last page. The beginning and end of the poem indicate the theme.

[Printed pamphlet.] The First Resurrection, as promised to the Saints.

James A. Begg (c.1800-1868), Glasgow bookseller and religious author [Seventh-Day Sabbatarianism]
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Published by the Author, 35 Argyll Arcade; J. Johnstone, and W. Whyte & Co. Edinburgh; James Nisbet & Co. and Hamilton, Adams, & Co. London[;] R. M. Tims, and W. Curry, Jun. & Co. Dublin. 1844. [Wm. Eadie & Co. Printers, 48 Buchanan Street.]

34pp., 12mo. Side-stitched in original printed wraps. In good condition, unopened, on aged and dusty paper. Scarce: the only copies on COPAC in the British Library and National Library of Scotland.

[Printed book.] Summary of Doctrines taught in Christian Meeting House, 90 Norfolk Street, Laurieston, Glasgow. By the late James A. Begg. With a Memorial Discourse, by William Fulton.

James A. Begg (c.1800-1868), Glasgow bookseller and religious author; William Fulton [Seventh-Day Sabbatarianism]
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Printed by Bell & Bain, 41 Mitchell Street. 1869.

xl + 112pp., 12mo. In original buff printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps, with front wrap becoming detached and chipping to the spine. Fulton's memoir, on pp.v-xl, has the drophead title: 'In Memory of the late James A. Begg, Bookseller, Argyle Street, Glasgow. A Discourse by William Fulton. Sunday, 3d January, 1869. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at the Bodleian. Of Bain's careet Fulton writes on p.xxxlii: 'James A. Begg was born in Paisley, at the beginning of this century.

[Printed book.] Lecture Second. The Purpose of God in the Separation of the Israelites as a Peopl

James A. Begg (c.1800-1868), Glasgow bookseller and religious author [Seventh-Day Sabbatarianism]
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Published by the Author, 35 Argyll Arcade. J. Johnstone , and W. Whyte and Co., Edinburgh. E. M. Tims, and W. Curry, Jun. & Co., Dublin. James Nisbet, and Hamilton, Adams, and Co., London. 1843.

90pp., 12mo, paginated 39-128. Side-stitched in original printed wraps. Long prefatory note by Begg on inside of front wrap, dated 'GLASGOW, December 12th, 1843.'; both sides of back wrap advertising books by Begg. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn and grubby wraps, with back wrap detached. Scarce: no copy of this separate lecture on COPAC, and the only copy of the two lectures bound together (under the name of the first, 'The Value of Prophecy') at the British Library.

Printed lithographic certificate for a gymnastic pyramid designed by Adolf Schlieder of Gohlis, with autograph signature of Adolf A. Stempel, director of Stempel's Physical Training Institute and Gymnasium, Regent's Park, London.

Adolf A. Stempel, Sole Proprietor and Director of Stempel's Physical Training Institute and Gymnasium, 76 Albany St, Regent's Park [Adolf Schlieder of Gohlis in Saxony]
Publication details: 
Certificate: Gohlis [Saxony]. 1888. Stempel's signature dated from London, 12 April 1888.

On one side of a piece of 11 x 22.5 cm card. In fair condition, aged and a little worn, with one crease. Crude but attractive design, within a thick-thin border, depicting a gymnast within a sylvan setting, holding a laurel wreath over the head of a bald and bearded figure (presumably Schlieder). To the gymnast's left is a large banner bearing the motto: 'FRISCH FROMM FRÖHLICH FREI'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Trumbull') from the philologist and Republican politician James Hammond Trumbull to A. S. Train, complaining of the dificulty of dealing with his query at 'moderate length'.

James Hammond Trumbull (1821-1897), Yale-educated American philologist and Republican Secretary of the State of Connecticut, 1861-1866
Publication details: 
Hartford; 24 April 1876.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins: 'It would be tolerably easy to write a duodecimo of a couple of hundred pages by way of answer to yours of the 22d, but really I do not know how to talk about it in a letter of modest length.' He refers him to 'newspapers, magazines, special biographies, encyclopaedias, histories of the several colonies, and of the Revolution, - passim'. He concludes: 'Such a subject must be worked up like a patchwork quilt. There is no one book better than another, in which to look for facts and authorities.'

[Printed Second World War pamphlet.] Homeward Bound. Issued by the Quartermaster General's Branch (Movements Directorate) G.H.Q. (India). Cover and sketches by Capt. A. S. Morris, R.E.

The Quartermaster General's Branch (Movements Directorate) G.H.Q. (India) [Brigadier V. Boucher; Captain A. S. Morris, Royal Engineers]
Publication details: 
'GIPD - M 2079 Army - 12-12-44 - 5,000.' 12 December 1944.

[6] + 28pp., 12mo. In coloured illustrative wraps. Morris's illustrations are light and fresh, the first being a caricature of 'the enemy': a sour-looking bespectacled Japanese army officer. The first section, which it illustrates, is on 'Security' and concludes: 'Remember that in disposing of household effects, releasing servants from employment, etc., you may easily give away too much information.

Typed Letter Signed ('A J Sylvester') from Lloyd George's private secretary A. J. Sylvester [Albert James Sylvester] to Sir Charles Starmer, regarding 'Mr. Lloyd George's visit to Cober Hill Guest House'. With copy of Starmer's typed letter.

A. J. Sylvester [Albert James Sylvester] (1889-1989), Secretary to three Prime Ministers, David Lloyd George, Andrew Bonar Law and Stanley Baldwin [Sir Charles Starmer; Cober Hill, Scarborough]
Publication details: 
Thames House, Millbank, SW1. On House of Commons letterhead. 12 May 1933. Copy of Starmer's reply dated the same day.

Both Sylvester's letter and the copy of the letter by Starmer to which it is replying are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, each with punch holes to one margin. Starmer, who at the time of writiing was proprietor of a large group of newspapers, had begun his career on the 'Northern Echo'; he had for many years been a Liberal member of parliament, standing down in 1931 due to ill health. Cober Hill Guest House was at that time an early experiment in what would become the children's home or retreat. For clarity's sake this description begins with the copy of Starmer's letter: 1p., 4to.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A C Benson') from the Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, Arthur Hugh Benson [to the journalist Sydney Walton], complaining about the republication of an interview.

A. C. Benson [Arthur Christopher Benson] (1862-1925), English essayist, poet, author and Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge [Sydney Walton (1882-1964), journalist and publicist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Old Lodge, Magdalene College, Cambridge. 14 October 1945.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor spotting. Addressed to 'Dear Sir'. After thanking him for his 'kind letter' he states: 'I do not really make much objection to the republication of my interview. But what I feel is that I should have been asked about it & allowed to see a proof, as the interview took place some time ago now, & the circumstances are not quite the same.' He is glad [Walton] approved of the interview, adding 'I quite appreciate the spirit in which you view the journalistic aspect of affairs'.

[Printed pamphlet of Portuguese poems.] 'Biographia instantanea e cinematographica do illustre Cidadão. Ah! Ah! de Barros (Moça de recados dos Snrs. de Tres LLL) por Chicote (A. Vieira Mendes) No. 1'.

'Chicote', pseudonym of A. Vieira Mendes [José da Fonseca Lage]
Publication details: 
'Composto e impresso na Typ. da Agencia de Publicidade, Rua de Passos Manuel, 198 - PORTO | Proprietario e editor - A. Vieira Mendes'. 1909.

37+ [iii] pp., 8vo. Stapled, in red printed wraps. Fair, on aged high-acidity paper, in worn and chipped wraps. Containing nine poems, preceded by an introduction (pp.5-7) from José da Fonseca Lage, dated from Lisbon, May 1909, beginning 'A presente publicação parece mais uma phantasia d'um genio irrequieto, que a realidade d'um desforço de quem se vê roubado, escarnecido e ultrajado!, and followed by 'Esclarecimento imprescindivel' (pp.33-37). The 37pp. of text are followed by a page of 'Erratas', by another listing thirty 'Obras do mesmo auctor' and by a last headed 'No Prélo'.

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