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[Vance Palmer, Australian poet and critic.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vance Palmer') to an unnamed correspondent, discussing his political work, and praising writing by Bernard Shaw, John Galsworthy and J. M. Synge.

Vance Palmer [Edward Vivian Palmer] (1885-1959), Australian poet and critic, who collaborated with his wife Nettie Palmer [Janet Gertrude Palmer, née Higgins] (1885-1964)
Publication details: 
A<?>, <Chelsea?>. [1907.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 72 lines of text. For more about Palmer, see his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography. The start of the letter indicates its tone: 'Dear old man, | I was exceedingly glad to get your interesting newsy letter last week - more glad than I can say. The "New Age" did not turn up, for which I was sorry as I was looking forward to seeing the good old paper again, but this writing of Bernard Shaw for the "Pall Mall Gazette" delighted me. What a splendid dialectician he is!

[Alaric Alexander Watts, poet and journalist.] Holograph poem ('Alaric A. Watts') titled 'To Octavia | The Eighth daughter of John Larking Esq late of Clare Hall Kent, on the completion of her sixth year.'

Alaric A. Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts] (1797-1864), English poet and journalist [John Larking of Clare Hall, Kent]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. Dated October 1817.

4pp., 4to. On a bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with stub from mount still adhering. The poem consists of 84 lines, arranged in seven twelve-line stanzas. It begins: 'Full many a gloomy month had past, | On flagging wing, regardless by - | Unremarked by aught - save grief since last | I gazed upon thy bright blue eye, | And bade my Lyre pour forth for thee | Its strains of wildest minstrelsy!' The fourth line in the fourth stanza, 'For blessings on thy future years', has been deleted and replaced with 'To save thee from affliction's tears'.

[Maharashtra, India, 1919.] 23 signed field maps and corrected exercises by trainee British Indian Army officer Lt A. W. Green, with duplicated notes on 'Military Operations on N.W. Frontier' and map of the 'Indrayani Valley' by Major C. E. Dease.

Lieut A. W. Green [British Army; military map-making; Indian Army, Maharashtra; North West Frontier Province, British India, 1919; Major C. E. Dease]
Publication details: 
[Maharashtra, India.] Items dating from between 11 February and 2 April 1919.

The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, and gives an invaluable insight into the training practices of the officer class of the British Army in India in the period immediately following the First World War. ONE: 23 autograph maps by Green, each drawn in pencil on a separate piece of graph paper (all around 21 x 26 cm). Each is signed by 'A W Green Lt | 2/95 Infy.', and each is dated in the bottom left-hand corner (for example, 'Light Poor. | Time 7 am. | 26-2-19.') Several of the maps carry 'Notes'.

[Printed item with chromolithograph by Leighton Brothers of Drury Lane.] Thorley's Illustrated Farmers' Almanack and Diary, 1887.

[Joseph Thorley, Steam Printing Works, Thornhill Bridge, King's Cross, London; Leighton Brothers, Drury Lane, London, chromolithographic printers; A. W. Holden]
Publication details: 
London: Joseph Thorley, Steam Printing Works, Thornhill Bridge, King's Cross, N. [Printed in 1886 for 1887.]

48pp., 12mo. In illustrated coloured printed wraps, with the front cover showing a farmyard scene, and the back cover carrying a portrait of 'H.R.H. the Prince of Wales | President of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1886. | President of Indian and Colonial Exhibition, 1886.' The double-page chromolithograph, between pp.16 and 17, is titled '"Since we were boys together." From a painting by A. W. Holden', and shows two eighteenth-century gentlemen, seated at a table, drinking and reminiscing.

[Printed item.] An Address to Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte, on Her Marriage; shewing the Cause of the Distress of the Country, and pointing out a safe and effectual Remedy.

'An Englishman' [Princess Charlotte of Wales (1796-1817); A. J. Valpy, London printer and editor of 'The Pamphleteer']
Publication details: 
'Original. 1816.' [Extracted from 'The Pamphleteer', vol. 8, no. 16, published by A. J. Valpy, London.]

[44]pp., 8vo, paginated 487-530. Rebound in modern red cloth binding, with red leather label on cover, with title 'ADDRESS TO HRH PRINCESS CHARLOTTE' in gilt. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn.

[Printed pamphlet.] Some Differences in the Education of the Deaf and the Hearing. Read before the Arkansas School Association of Teachers of the Deaf, April 11, 1898.

A. G. Mashburn, Instructor in the Arkansas School for the Deaf [Volta Bureau, for the Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge relating to the Deaf, Washington City, U.S.A.]
Publication details: 
Distributed by the Volta Bureau. Little Rock: The Arkansas Optic Print, 1898.

15pp., 8vo. Tied with yellow ribbon. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Stamp, label and shelfmark of the Education Department Library, London. Uncommon.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Mental Development of the Orally and Manually Taught Deaf. A Paper read at the Congress of the British Deaf and Dumb Association in London, July, 1903.

Rev. A. H. Payne, M.A., Oxon. [The British Deaf and Dumb Association, London]
Publication details: 
Published by the British Deaf and Dumb Association. To be had from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. James Muir, 52a Victoria Street, Blackburn. [1903.]

19pp., 12mo. In light-blue printed wraps with full title on front cover. In good condition, on aged paper, in lightly worn wraps. Central vertical fold. Stamps, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: two copies listed on OCLC WorldCat, and none on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Education of the Deaf on the "German" System, A Paper Read in the Educational Department of the "National Association for the Promotion of Social Science," at the Twenty-second Annual Congress, Cheltenham, 1878.

Arthur A. Kinsey, Principal of the Training College for Teachers of the Deaf, Castlebar Hill, Ealing, London, W.
Publication details: 
London: W. H. Allen & Co., 13, Waterloo Place. 1879.

[2] + 16 + [2] pp., 12mo. Stitched, in pink printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With stamp, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Three lines deleted on p.14. Uncommon: a total of six copies found on COPAC and OCLC WorldCat, none of them in North America.

[Sir Thomas Phillipps.] Photostat of the Deed of Settlement between Messrs Lionel and Philip Robinson, Anthony Forbes Moir and Anthony Jamieson Haggie, regarding the disposal of 'the residue' of the collection of manuscripts of Sir Thomas Phillipps.

[Sir Thomas Phillipps; William H. Robinson Ltd, London booksellers; Lionel Keir Robinson (1897-1983); Philip Ramsay Robinson; Anthony Jamieson Haggie; Anthony Forbes Moir (1903-1967); A. N. L. Munby]
Publication details: 
[London.] 12 May 1960.

12pp., 4to. On Gevaert paper. In very good condition, on twelve lightly-aged leaves stapled together. Present as part of the photostat is the stamp '19 MAY 1960 | No. 14728' in the top left-hand corner of the first page, which also reproduces the four Inland Revenue tax stamps. The document is a typescript, and begins: 'THIS DEED OF SETTLEMENT is made the [twelfth] day of [May] One thousand nine hundred and sixty BETWEEN LIONEL KEIR ROBINSON of Redwalls Beech Hill Hadley Wood in the County of Herts Company Director who is hereinafter individually called "Mr.

[University College, London.] Six printed handbills: four syllabuses or calendars of events, each headed 'Special Arrangements', with another for 'Special Courses in Psychology', and an announcement of a set of 'Public Introductory Lectures'.

[University College, London (University of London)] [T. Gregory Foster; Walter W. Seton; William McDougall; Carveth Reid; Sir William Ramsay; Sir John Macdonell; F. Mackarness; L. M. Brandin]
Publication details: 
Unversity College, London (University of London). The four relating to 'Special Arrangements' dating from 'First Term. Session 1904-1905' to 'First Term. - Session 1905-1906.' The 'Special Courses' for 1904-1905. The 'Lectures' for 1905-1906.

The six items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With stamps, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. The four calendars of 'Special Arrangements' are all 1p., foolscap 8vo, and signed in type at the foot by T. Gregory Foster, Principal, and Walter W. Seton, Acting Secretary. They give details of lectures and other information including the 'Reception of new Students by the Principal and the respective Deans' and the 'Last Day for receiving Essays'. The other two documents only carry Foster's signature in type.

[Printed item.] London County Council: Home Circumstances of "Necessitous" Children in Twelve Selected Schools. Reports by the chairmen of the Sub-Committee on Underfed Children and the Education officer, submitting report by the organisers.

[E. A. H. Jay, Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Underfed Children, London County Council; Miss T. M. Morton and Mr. H. D. C. Pepler]
Publication details: 
Jas. Truscott & Son, Ltd., Printers, London, E.C. ['Covering Report' by Jay dated 20 July 1908.]

47pp, 4to. On aged and brittle paper, archivally repaired and bound in sturdy modern blue buckram binding by the Ministry of Education Reference Library (whose stamps and labels the volume carries), with white typed label on front board. Binding in very good condition. A detailed report, with numerous tables, and eighteen case studies including financial and other information including 'Teacher's report' and 'Investigator's report'. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or (other than eBooks) on OCLC WorldCat.

Printed handbill advertisement by 'W & A Gilbey | Wine Growers & Distillers', featuring five engravings headed 'Some Views of W & A Gilbey's Head Establishments'. With list of prices for wines and spirits.

W. & A. Gilbey, 'Wine Growers & Distillers' [Gilbey's Gin; business ephemera; priced trade catalogue]
Publication details: 
'Revised for 1884-5'. ['Agent Christopher L. Mead Wine & Spirit Merchant 65 Crouch Street Colchester.']

Printed on both sides of a piece of wove paper, 30.5 x 22.5. Text clear and complete, on aged paper with slight wear and a few short closed tears to extremities. The reverse consists of a list of prices for seven types of wine ('Selected from W & A Gilbey's List of 183 varieties.') and six types of spirit ('Selected from W & A Gilbey's List of 72 varieties.'). On the front, beneath the firm's heading (with tiny illustration of the 'Pantheon A.D. 1722') and Mead's details, are the five 'views', ranging in size from 4.5 x 18 cm to 4.5 x 5.6 cm.

[Arthur Henry Fox Strangeways, English musicologist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A. H. Fox Strangeways') to an unnamed recipient, declining to print an article in 'Music and Letters', and providing information about the composer Rauzzini.

A. H. Fox Strangeways [Arthur Henry Fox Strangeways] (1859-1948), English musicologist, music critic of the 'Observer' and founder of the magazine 'Music and Letters'
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of 'Music and Letters', 38 Lansdowne Cresent, W11 [London]. 13 January and 3 February 1934.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE (13 January 1934): 1p., landscape 12mo. The 'proposed article sounds the sort of thing', but Strangeways cannot accept it until he sees it. TWO (3 February 1934): 2pp., landscape 12mo. He thanks him for sending the article, regarding which he writes: 'if the musicians mentioned in it had been more important or there had been more about them, it wd. have been worth printing; but as it is I am afraid it is not of sufficient interest.' The writer's reference to 'Ranzini' is, Strangeways points out, 'almost certainly' a mistake for 'V.

[Arthur Henry Bullen, publisher and literary editor.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A. H. Bullen'), on the subject of Nell Gwynne's birthplace, the first to Charles Lavers Lavers-Smith, and the second to his son Hamilton Lavers-Smith.

A. H. Bullen [Arthur Henry Bullen] (1857-1920), English publisher and literary editor [Charles Lavers Lavers-Smith and his son Hamilton Lavers-Smith; Nell Gwynne]
Publication details: 
Both items on letterhead of 'A. H. Bullen, | Publisher, | 47, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, W.C.' 21 April and 4 May 1903.

The two items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: To 'C. Lavers Smith, Esq'. 21 April 1903. 2pp., landscape 8vo. He asks 'whether prints are to be had of Nell Gwynne's reputed birthplace at Hereford'. He made enquiries about the house in Hereford on the previous Saturday. 'It was pulled down in 1861; but in 1858 two photographs of it were taken, and I found an old photographer who had negatives which he promised to lend to me for a small consideration.

[Printed booklet on 'the first "Uncle" in British Broadcasting'.] Kenneth A. Wright. A list of his compositions published by Winthrop Rogers, Ltd. Sole Agents: Hawkes & Son (London), Ltd. [With biography, sample scores and photographic portrait.]

[Kenneth A. Wright [Kenneth Anthony Wright] (1899-1975), composer and Assistant Director of Music at the BBC; Winthrop Rogers, Ltd., music publishers; Hawkes & Sons (London), Ltd.; Vaughan & Freeman]
Publication details: 
London: Winthrop Rogers, Ltd. Sole Agents: Hawkes & Son (London), Ltd. Undated [circa 1927].

12pp., 16mo (14 x 8.5 cm). Stapled. Printed in brown ink on shiny light-brown art paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slightly rusty staples. Photographic portrait of Wright on cover. Full-page biographical note on p.2. 'List of Compositions' on p.3. Pp.4-11 carry eight reproductions of the first pages of the sheet music of various compositions. The back cover (p.12) carries 'A Few Opinions' (Musical Mirror; Morning Post; Liverpool Post & Mercury; Music Teacher; Musical Opinion; Basil Maine).

[Printed pamphlet by the Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland.] Handbook of the Marine Station, Keppel Pier, Millport. Compiled by the Honorary Secretary.

[John A. Todd, Honorary Secretary, Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland, Glasgow; Keppel Pier, Millport]
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Printed for the Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland. 1901. [Glasgow: Printed by N. Adshead & Son, Union Street.]

66pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. Internally very good, in worn and discoloured wraps. Bookplate of Henry Malo inside the front cover. On shiny art paper, and with eight pages of illustations, including five full-page photographs and five plans (two of the 'Station Buildings', two of the sailing yacht the 'Mermaid', and one of 'The Ark' carrying the laboratory). The last two pages (65-66) carry a list of 'Office-Bearers 1901' from which Todd's name has been extracted. Uncommon: no copy at the British Library, and only six copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Culinary ephemera from Victorian Banbury.] Handbill advertisement by H. A. O. Grimbly ('Sole Vendor'), for '"The Banbury" Concentrated Calves' Feet Jelly' ('Delicious and Economical as well as very Nutritious.')

[H. A. O. Grimbly, 17, High Street, Banbury; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury, Oxfordshire; cookery; cooking]
Publication details: 
H. A. O. Grimbly, 17, High Street, Banbury. 'Cheney and Sons, Printers, Banbury.' Undated [1880s].

Printed in blue on one side of a piece of 26 x 20.5 cm yellow paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A tasteful production, in a variety of fonts and point sizes, with decorative border and small vignette of two birds. Twelve flavours are listed, including Maraschino and Noyeau, and note: 'These Jellies are packed in hermetically sealed boxes, sufficient in each box to make one pint of Jelly. They can be made in a few minutes, and no straining or boiling required. | DIRECTIONS GIVEN WITH EACH BOX. | Delicious and Economical, as well as very Nutritious. | Accept no substitute.

[Inscribed first edition.] Poems by A. Romney Green.

A. Romney Green [Arthur Romney Green (d.1945); C. Curtis; The Astolat Press Guildford; R. Brimley Johnson [Reginald Brimley Johnson] (1867-1932), journalist and editor]
Publication details: 
A. C. Curtis | The Astolat Press Guildford | Brimley Johnson | London Office | MDCCCCI' [1901].

vii + 96pp., 8vo. In grey cloth binding, with title printed on cover and spine. Internally good, on lightly-aged paper (with minor discoloration in three openings from pressed flowers), in worn and discoloured binding. Title-leaf printed in red and black (including publisher's device on title-page). On reverse of title: 'Seven copies of this edition on Japanese vellum and 500 on handmade only for sale printed by hand at the Astolat Press Guildford and there published November nineteen hundred & one.' Inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper: 'E. M. H. | from A. R. G. | 14 Dec.

[Printed report.] City & County Borough of Chester. Education Committee. Report of the Director of Education upon Higher Education within the City of Chester.

A. E. Lovell, M.A., Director of Education and Secretary to the Committee, City & County Borough of Chester]
Publication details: 
Chester: Arthur Blayney, Printer, Bridge Street Row, Works - Watergate Street. 24 March 1904.

46pp., 8vo, with two fold-out appendices. In good condition, on aged paper, in worn grey wraps. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on WorldCat.

[Pamphlet.] A Scheme for meeting the Religious Difficulty in all Public Elementary Schools, and for affording adequate Financial Relief to Voluntary Schools.

George A. Spottiswoode [Spottiswoode & Co., printers]
Publication details: 
3 Cadogan Square, [London] SW. 10 December 1894. Printed and Published by Spottiswoode & Co. New-street Square, London.

8pp., 12mo. Stitched. With stamps, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, otherwise in fair condition, on aged paper. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford.

[Printed pamphlet.] Technical Education. Reprinted from "The Scottish Review".

Dr. A. P. Laurie [Arthur Pillans Laurie (1861-1949)], Principal, Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh
Publication details: 
Edinburgh, London, Dublin, and New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons.

31pp., 12mo. Stitched. In good condition, on aged paper. With stamp, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC or WorldCat.

[Sir Henry Waterfield of the India Office] Autograph Signed document on the 'Native States' and 'Mode of Acquisition of Political Territories in India', made as Victoria proclaimed Empress of India. With: long autograph sgd list by A. W. Moore.

Sir Henry Waterfield (1837-1913), Financial Secretary at the India Office; A. W. Moore [Adolphus Warburton Moore] (1841-1887), senior clerk in the India Department and mountaineer
Publication details: 
India Office [Whitehall, London]. 20 May 1876.

9pp., foolscap 8vo. On seven leaves of grey paper, held together with green ribbon, three of the leaves carrying the embossed letterhead of the India Office. First leaf headed with printed text: 'Reference Paper. Statistics and Commerce Department', and numbered in manuscript '408'. On aged and chipped paper, with slight bloom on blank reverse of last leaf.

[Sir Michael Clapham, while proprietor of the Cloanthus Press, Cambridge.] Scrapbook of Sir Michael's wife Elisabeth, containing forty examples of items either printed by him, or with woodcuts by his sister Christiana, or a combination of both.

Sir Michael Clapham (1912-2002), printer and industrialist; his sister Christiana Muriel Clapham (d.1967), engraver; children of Sir John Harold Clapham (1873-1946) [Cloanthus Press, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Items dating from between 1932 and 1937; many from the Clapham family home, Storey's End, Cambridge.

The 40 items range in size from 25 x 19cm to 5 x 4.5cm. All in good condition, lightly-aged, and all but five laid down on the grey paper leaves of a heavily-worn album, with back cover loose, and with ownership signature of Sir Michael's wife Elisabeth Clapham at head of first page. The couple married in 1935, and one of the 40 items is a card with text in red featuring Elisabeth's maiden name. It conveys 'Good wishes for Christmas & the New Year from Elisabeth Rea | 6 Barton Street, S.W.1'.

[First edition, in dustwrapper.] Now We Are Six.

A. A. Milne; E. H. Shepard
Publication details: 
London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1927.

x + [2] + 103 + [1]pp., 8vo. In original burgundy cloth decorative binding, gilt, with top edge gilt. In very good condition, in worn and chipped unclipped dustwrapper, with brown paper repair to closed tears on reverse. Pencil ownership inscription to front free endpaper, and bookseller's ticket on front pastedown.

[Peel River Land and Mineral Company Limited, London.] Autograph Manuscript certificate by C. A. Aylmer, with two memoranda, one signed.

C. A. Aylmer [Charles Arthur Aylmer (1814-1885)], Secretary, Peel River Land and Mineral Company Limited [New South Wales, Australia]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Peel River Land & Mineral Company Limited, 54D Moorgate St Buildings, London EC. 21 April 1865.

The certificate is 1p., 4to, on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. It reads: 'I hereby Certify that on the twenty-first day of April, One Thousand Eight hundred & sixty five, Walter Stevenson Davidson of No. 16 St. James's Street, Esquire, is a registered Proprietor in the Books of the Peel River Land & Mineral Company Limited of Sixty five thousand pounds (£65,000) Consolidated Stock. | C. A. Aylmer. | Secy.' The recto of the second leaf carries the following: '21st. Apl 1865 | Memo. | Mr.

[Rev. Richard Blake Brown.] Typescript of the novel 'My Aunt in Pink', with four sections of the autograph manuscript, and the autographs of 'The Land of Lost Spirrits. [sic] An Epic Poem', written when he was sixteen, and of another youthful story.

Rev. Richard Blake Brown (1902-1968), American-born English poet and Firbankian novelist, educated at Magdalene College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
The four autograph sections (1935-1936) and typescript (1936) of 'My Aunt in Pink' all from Fonthill, Salperton, Gloucestershire.' 'The Land of Lost Spirrits' dated 1918.

ONE: Typescript of 'My Aunt in Pink. A novel by Richard Blake Brown.' Fonthill, Salperton, New Cheltenham, Gloucestershire; 1936. 261pp., 4to. Black cloth binding, gilt. Cutting of review of RBB's 'Joy in Jeopardy' from John O'London's Weekly, 24 August 1935, laid down at front of volume. TWO: Autograph of 'The Land of Lost Spirrits. [sic] An Epic Poem, written by Richard Blake Brown. Author of "Caesar's Hamlet;" etc. With Frontispeice, [sic] And Various Other Illustrations.' 1918. 44pp., 4to. In notebook with red cloth spine and marbled boards.

[Rev. Richard Blake Brown of Magdalene College, Cambridge.] Extraordinary spoof 'printed' poetry volume, purporting to be 'The Works of Count Ivor Telmarckle. With an appreciation by Denis Basil Gray.' With photographs of Blake Brown in character.

Rev. Richard Blake Brown (1902-1968), American-born English poet and Firbankian novelist, educated at Magdalene College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
Sine loco: Printed at the Bleak House Press, 1923. ['Richard Blake Brown | Magdalene College | Cambridge | April: 1923.']

30 + [1]pp., 12mo. On good thick laid paper, and in an attractive but worn Bumpus half-binding, with green leather spine, gilt, and corners, and cream linen boards. The title is typewritten, as are the prelims, pagination and fake colophon: 'Of this edition one hundred copies have been printed on antique laid paper, and twenty upon handmade paper. Of the de luxe issue this copy is number - : | 28'. ['Colophon'.] 'PRINTED AT THE BLEAK HOUSE PRESS. | Nineteen hundred and twenty-three. The works of Count Ivor Telmarckle of Sweden.

[R. A. Austen-Leigh.] ALS and TLS to P. C. Vellacott, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, regarding historical queries; TLS from Austen-Leigh to C. H. K. Marten, Vice-Provost of Eton, with Marten's ALS reply on reverse. With draft of Vellacott letter

R. A. Austen-Leigh [Richard Arthur Austen-Leigh] (1872-1961), Jane Austen scholar and relative [P. C. Vellacott, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge; Sir Henry Marten (1872-1948), Provost of Eton College]
Publication details: 
One (ALS to Vellacott): As from D2 Albany, Piccadilly W1. 3 May 1942. Two (TLS to Vellacott): on letterhead of 1 New-street Square, London, EC4. 10 June 1942. Three (TLS to Marten): same as Two. Four (Marten to Austen-Leigh): Eton. 11 August 1942.

Austen-Leigh's three letters are all signed 'R A Austen Leigh'. ONE: ALS to Vellacott. 3 May 1942; 'as from | D2 Albany | Piccadilly W.1'. 2pp., 12mo. He asks if Vellacott can 'enlighten me on the following point - I am editing some letters of Dr. Goodall, who was Provost of Eton 1809 to 1840. There follows a sixteen-line transcript of a letter written in May 1838 from Goodall to his brother, regarding which he writes: 'Who would Mr.

Duplicated document giving the 'Romanization', 'Chinese Characters' and 'Standardized Translation' of 'Governmental and Political Terminology' in the People's Republic of China.

[C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012) of the Malayan Union Police Force; Hong Kong]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Malayan or Hong Kong police document, 1960s?]

133pp., 4to, paginated 1-133. Stapled document without covers or wraps. A few manuscript additions, in pencil, by The first section, 'A. State Structure', begins with the entries under the subheadings 'People's Congress', 'People's Government', 'State Council' and 'Commissions Directly Under State Council'. This is followed by: 'B. Administrative Divisions', 'C. Provincial Government', 'D. Commune Organization', 'E. Chinese Communist Party Structure', 'F. Political Parties and People's Organizations', 'G. Congresses and Conferences Terminology', 'H. Military Ranks and Units', 'I.

Printed circular 'Message from the Secretary of State for the Colonies', G. H. Hall, to returning British Prisoners of War of the Japanese ('a barbarous enemy'). From the papers of C. A. A. Nicol, and carrying autograph notes by him.

G. H. Hall [George Henry Hall, 1st Viscount Hall] (1881-1965), Secretary of State for the Colonies [C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
Colonial Office. October 1945.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. A frail survival, on aged and worn paper. The first page carries the 'Message', headed with the crest of the Colonial Office, and signed in type 'G. H. HALL.': 'Welcome home. You have suffered a long and bitter ordeal at the hands of a barbarous enemy. | You have never been out of our thoughts and we now know, as we had always expected, that you have borne the ordeal with the spirit of your race. | That experience is now past and freedom is yours again.

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