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Autograph Letter Signed ('Samuel Prince.') from the Victorian book collector Rev. Samuel Prince [to George Cruikshank], discussing his involvement in the Philological Society's new dictionary (later the Oxford English Dictionary).

Rev. Samuel Prince, Victorian book collector, of The Study, Bonsall, Derbyshire [George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English caricaturist]; James Murray
Publication details: 
The Study, Bonsall, near Mattock. 15 September 1857.

3pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'Dear Sir', but from the context clearly addressed to Cruikshank. (That Cruikshank and Prince were correspondents is shown by a reference in Rosa Baughan's 'Character Indicated by Handwriting' (1880), which describes a 'long letter' from Cruikshank to Prince.) Prince begins by apologising for not thanking Cruikshank for his 'Exposure of that "Scamp's" devices'.

Holograph Poem, in the form of an Autograph Letter Signed from the temperance campaigner Sir William Lawson to James Grahame, written from the point of view of a 'Blue bottle Fly', and described by its author as 'weak doggrell'.

Sir Wilfrid Lawson (1829-1906), 2nd Baronet, of Brayton, temperance campaigner and Liberal politician
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Brayton, Cumberland. 27 August 1901.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The poem is of eighteen lines, and begins: 'I agree, my dear friend that whatever we feel | We are really no more than the "flies on the wheel." | And that there's little more which each one of [us] does | Than fluster & flurry & worry & buzz | But each has his place if he only could know it | But I doubt very much if my place is a poet!

Autograph Letter Signed ('Brassey') from Brassey to 'P. Michelli [later Sir Pietro James Michelli], Esq | Secretary | Seaman's Hospital', regretting that he was not able to visit the Albert Docks.

Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey [Lord Brassey] (1836-1918), Liberal politician [Sir Pietro James Michelli (1853–1935), Secretary, Seaman's Hospital; Albert Dock Seaman's Hospital]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Park Lane, W. [London]. 16 July 1889.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with short closed tear to one edge and traces of mount on blank second leaf of bifolium. Signature slightly smudged. Brassey writes that he has been 'detained at the House of Lords, where I have been acting as chairman of a private committee', and as a result 'found it impossible to go down to the Albert Docks yesterday afternoon'. The letter almost certainly relates to the Albert Dock Seaman's Hospital, which was officially opened the following year, as a branch of the Dreadnought Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich.

Printed handbill by Thomas Gibbons & Co, Bishopsgate St, headed '(Important) Accommodation', offering 'good Mercantile Bills of Exchange' for 'needy Manufacturers and Tradesmen', with manuscript letter to James Baldwin, Birmingham copperplate printer

Thomas Gibbons & Co., 6 Great St Helens, Bishopsgate St, City of London, 'General Merchants, Agents, and Factors' [James Baldwin, copperplate printer, Birmingham and Sheffield; Freemasonry; Masonic]
Publication details: 
Addressed in manuscript from 6 Great St Helens, Bishopsgate St [City of London]. 8 October 1831.

2pp., 4to. Printed in small type, with manuscript additions on both sides of the first leaf; addressed on the recto of the second leaf, with broken red wax seal: 'P. P. 9d | Mr Baldwin | Copper plate printer & | Birmingham | Sheffield | Oct 8th.' Great St Helens was a centre for firms concerned with bankruptcy and liquidation, and this interesting document offers banking services for 'needy Manufacturers and Tradesmen', with a use of Masonic imagery which is designed to reassure.

Autograph Note Signed ('W M') from the Irish journalist William Maginn to his friend and fellow-native of Cork Thomas Crofton Croker ('Dear Croft').

William Maginn (1794-1842), Irish journalist and friend of Charles Dickens, contributor Blackwood's Magazine and Fraser's Magazine [Thomas Crofton Croker (1798-1854), Irish antiquary; James Hardiman]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [post 1831].

1p., 12mo. On bifolium. Good, on aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'T. C. Croker Esq'. Reads: 'Dear Croft | I return Hardiman with many thanks. | Yrs. &c. | [signed] W M'. The signature is underlined twice. The reference is to James Hardiman's 'Irish Minstrelsy', published in 1831.

Autograph Letter Signed from the writer Robert Innes-Smith, friend of British Union of Fascists leader Sir Oswald Mosley, to James Royston Clark, tried for treason at end of war as 'Number Two' broadcaster in Berlin to 'Lord Haw Haw' [William Joyce].

Robert Innes-Smith, friend of Sir Oswald Mosley [British Union of Fascists; James Royston Clark (b.1923), son of Dorothy Eckersley, 'Number Two' to Nazi collaborator 'Lord Haw Haw', William Joyce]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Old Vicarage, Swinburne Street, Derby. 20 March 2000.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by enquiring whether the recipient is 'the J. R. Clark who appeared recently on TV', whom he 'would love to meet'. 'In 1934 my two aunts were in Germany and wrote letters home. They were keen Nazis and my older aunt met Goering & Goebbles. My grandparents and younger aunt were given luncheon by the Mussolinis when in Rome.' He was 'rivetted' by the television programme, as he was 'transcribing the letters sent to their mother by my aunts when the programme was broadcast'.

Translator James Clark's corrected typescript of the English version of Max Brod's theatre adaptation of Franz Kafka's novel 'The Castle' [Das Schloss], with typescript of translation of essay by Brod, press cuttings, programme and advertisement.

James Clark [James Royston Clark] (b.1923), son of Dorothy Eckersley, traitor, and second-in-command in Berlin to Nazi collaborator 'Lord Haw Haw' [William Joyce] [Franz Kafka; Max Brod]
Publication details: 
Nine items from 1963 and one (programme) from 1969. Typescript stamped 'Please return to: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art 62/64 Gower St W.C.1.'

Ten items, in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Typescript titled 'THE CASTLE | A play in three acts (nine scenes) based on Franz Kafka's novel THE CASTLE | by MAX BROD | translated by James Clark | All rights reserved | 1963'. [viii] + 98 + [i] pp., 8vo. With two-hole metal punchbinding; in original blue wraps. Prepared by 'Scripts Limited' of Wardour St. With a few minor emendations in pencil. TWO: Two copies (typescript and carbon) of a paper entitled 'On Dramatizing Kafka's "The Castle" | by Max Brod' (3pp., folio).

Printed handbill address by James Haughton Langston to the 'Freemen of the City of Oxford.'

James Haughton Langston (1796-1863) of Sarsden House, Chipping Norton, Whig MP for New Woodstock, 1820-1826, and for Oxford, 1826-1834 and 1841-1863
Publication details: 
[Oxford, 1832?]

1p., 4to. Worn and aged. The item has been laid down and cropped to 23 x 19.5cm, with only the top part of Langston's surname is present at the bottom of the leaf. In heavily-inked type. The item reads: 'FREEMEN | OF THE | City of Oxford. | Gentlemen, | I want words to express my acknowledgements to you for your generous conduct towards me this day; and I am proud to find, that the longer the Contest continues the better I stand on the Poll.

Illuminated calligraphic document welcoming Sir James Bourchier Innes, 14th Baronet of Balveny and Edingight, on his accession to the title, with 37 signatures on behalf of the 'Tenantry of the Estate of Edingight'.

[Sir James Bourchier Innes (1883-1950), 14th Baronet of Balveny and Edingight, in the Parishes of Grange and Fordyce and the County of Banff, Scotland]
Publication details: 
Dated June 1920.
Sir James Bourchier Innes

On one side of a piece of thin light-brown card, 41.5 x 31cm. In very good condition. What appears to be the calligrapher's tiny monogram in the bottom right-hand corner. A striking document which has, despite the date, a strangely 'New Age' feel about it. Illuminated in a range of pastel colours, picked out in gold, around the text at the head and down the margins, with illustrations of a church, a mountain and, at the head, the Innes family home. The calligraphy has a modern feel to it, with Celtic influences.

Eighty-eight issues of the fortnightly magazine 'The Messenger of Wisdom and Israel's Guide.', with two volumes of its continuation, 'The Pioneer of Wisdom. A Newspaper Devoted to the Ingathering and Restoration of Israel.'

'Edited by Jezreel' [The New and Latter House of Israel, New Brompton, Kent, England; James Jershom Jezreel [James Roland White] (c.1851-1885); Jezreel's Tower, Gillingham, Kent; the Jezreelites]
Publication details: 
Printed and published by The New and Latter House of Israel, New Brompton, Kent. Dating from 1887-1933, and comprising: Vol.1, 7 issues,1887-1889; Vol.2, 78 issues, 1890-1892; Vol.3, 3 issues, all 1893; Vol.18, 1 issue, 1914; Vol.27, 1 issue, 1933.

An excessively scarce run of issues of the organ of the Jezreelite sect, founded by James Jershom Jezreel (real name James Roland White), under the inspiration of Joanna Southcott and John Wroe, and most famous for the unfinished construction of 'Jezreel's Tower' in Gillingham, Kent. For more information see P. J. Rogers, 'The Sixth Trumpeter' (OUP, 1963). The ninety issues in this incomplete run contain a variety of articles and poems in the same declamatory and horatory style.

Autograph Letter Signed from Charles Gilpin, Liberal MP for Northampton, to James Wyld, MP for Bodmin, putting the position of the Poor Board in the case of 'Mr Mayall', Relieving Officer.

Charles Gilpin (1815-1874), Liberal MP for Northampton and Quaker [James Wyld (1812-1887), MP for Bodmin and cartographer; Poor Board, Whitehall]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Poor Board, Whitehall. 31 October 1860.

2pp., 12mo. 25 lines. Fair, on aged paper, with a few ink spots caused by clumsy blotting. He has 'gone through the papers referring to the case' in which Wyld is 'kindly interested', and finds 'that the decision of the Board is in accordance with its uniform rule in similiar cases. | Mr. Mayall received his appointment as Relieving Officer on the express stipulation that he should reside in Bodmin'. Mayall's 'removal would have been objected to by this Board without any adverse representation from Guardians of the District'.

47 Autograph Letters Signed, 3 Typed Letters Signed and 3 Autograph Cards Signed, from the author 'Charles Inge' [Captain Charles Inge Gardiner] to his literary agent

Captain Charles Inge Gardiner, author, under the pseudonym 'Charles Inge', of six books between 1905 ('A North Sea Agony') and 1920 ('Flashes of London') [J. B. Pinker [James Brand Pinker] (1863-1922
Publication details: 
Written from London, York, Brighton, Windsor and other places in England between 1904 and 1920.

An interesting correspondence by an author about whom little is known. The 54 items (including one TLS to Gardiner from Methuen & Co Ltd) are in fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Four letters are signed 'Chas. Inge' and the others 'Chas. I . Gardiner'. The earliest items (1904-1911) are on the letterhead of 'CHAS. I. GARDINER', Blenheim Mansions, Queen Anne's Gate, London; thereafter he moves to 9 Irving Mansions, Queen's Club Gardens, West Kensington, and thence, while serving in the First World War, to York.

Second World War Autograph Diary of Mrs Sheila Stopford of Saxham, Suffolk, wife of Captain James Coverley Stopford, RN, mixing descriptions of day-to-day rural life with informed comment on the course of the war.

Mrs Katherine Sheila Stopford [née Macleod] (d.1986) of Saxham, Suffolk, wife of Captain James Coverley Stopford (1909-1985), RN, OBE [Geoffrey Keyes (1917-1941), VC]
Publication details: 
Mostly from Saxham, Suffolk. 24 December 1941 to 29 November 1942.

219pp., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn red-cloth binding. Closely and neatly written in a ruled exercise book, with frank and detailed entries throughout providing much information relating to the day-to-day life of women of the rural middle-classes ('country families') in wartime England. A few items including newspaper cuttings loosely inserted. Like her husband, Mrs Stopford came from a military family (her father was Captain G.

Autograph Note Signed ('Gorman Mahon') from the Irish nationalist Charles James Patrick Mahon ['the O'Gorman Mahon'] to 'Monsieur Mermet'.

Charles James Patrick Mahon [known as the O'Gorman Mahon or James Patrick Mahon] (1800-1891), Irish nationalist journalist, barrister, and Member of Parliament, a supporter of O'Connell and Parnell
Publication details: 
Hotel D<?> [Paris?]; 23 April 1832.

1p., 12mo. On aged and creased paper, with the second leaf of the bifolium (the lower part of which is torn away) carrying the address 'A Monsr | Monsieur. Mermet'. Reads: 'My Dear Mermet | I trust this will find you sufficiently well to enable you to come over here immediately on receipt of this from your's [sic] | [signed] Gorman Mahon | Monday Morg | 10 oClock A M. | April 23, 1832. | Hotel D<?>'.

Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Miss Cole' [perhaps daughter of collector Robert Cole] declining to engrave her work, as he has 'found the copying miniatures so injurious to his eyes'.

Richard James Lane [R. J. Lane] (1800-1872), engraver and sculptor, appointed Lithographer to Queen Victoria in 1837, and to the Prince Consort in 1840
Publication details: 
11 Chester Place, London. 29 January [no year].

2pp., 16mo. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. After presenting his respects, Lane states that he'regrets that he is so engaged for three or four months that he must not undertake any more - / He has found the copying miniatures so injurious to his eyes and the drawings so unsatisfactory in the printing that he is at all times unwilling to engage in very small Drawings -'. He concludes by thanking her for 'her most kind & gratifying note'.

Six Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Halifax'), and one secretarial letter, from Charles Lindley Wood, 2nd Viscount Halifax ('Lord Halifax') to Canon Edward James Russell, regarding the English Church Union and the evils of 'Undenominationalism'.

Charles Lindley Wood (1839-1934), 2nd Viscount Halifax ['Lord Halifax'], President of English Church Union and collector of ghost stories [Rev. Edward James Russell (1843-1911), Canon of Manchester]
Publication details: 
1900 (2), 1907 (4) and 1908 (1). Four from Hickleton, Doncaster, one from Garrowby, Bishop Wilton, York, one from 79 Eaton Square, London, and one from Harrowgate.

The seven letters total 23pp, 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The third letter, written from Hickleton on 7 January 1907, is in a secretarial hand, Halifax being 'laid up with Influenza' and 'utterly good for nothing'; it carries an autograph postscript by Russell at the head of the first page. The first letter (14 July 1900) invites Russell to fill the 'vacancy on the list of Clerical members of our E.C.U. Council'; Russell's acceptance is acknowledged in the second, which also discusses charges of 'disloyalty'.

Contemporary manuscript copy of a letter from Captain John Bower, 84th Regiment, to his father Alexander Bower of Kincaldrum House, Kinnettles, describing how he saved the life of the future Sir James Carmichael-Smyth while shark fishing off the Cape

Captain John Bower (d.1800), 84th Regiment of Foot, eldest son of Alexander Bower of Kincaldrum House, Kinnettles, near Dundee [Sir James Carmichael-Smyth (1779-1838)]
Publication details: 
Letter 'dated Cape Town May 10th 1797', on paper also with watermarked date '1797'.

2pp., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged laid paper. Bower begins by stating that he is sending 'a Copy of a Letter which I have received from Dr Carm Smyth [James Carmichael Smyth (1742-1821) of the Middlesex Hospital]'. Smyth's son (the future Sir James Carmichael-Smyth) is 'a very fine handsome young man Lieut in the Engineers come out a Passanger [sic] in the same ship with us'. Bower and Smyth 'wisely went into the Boat which was lashed to the Stern Gallery to fish sharks which were following the ship - the Boat suddenly canted round in the slings, upon which poor Smyth went plump into the sea'.

Autograph Letter Signed to J. S. Armstrong, President, Commercial Bank of Cincinnati, announcing that the Bank of Kentucky have resolved 'to commence paying Specie'.

James Hall (1793-1868), American judge and man of letters [J. S. Armstrong, President, Commercial Bank of Cincinnati; Bank of Kentucky]
Publication details: 
Louisville, Kentucky. 2 August 1838.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He sends 'by the Genl. Pike a package contg P31.563. of our notes for Crt of the Bank of Kenty. | That Bank resolved this morning to commence paying Specie on the 13th Inst'. Hall would himself be President of the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati from 1853 to 1865.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. K. Hosmer') from the American educator James Kendall Hosmer to 'Dear Doctor' [Dr Edward Jarvis of Dorchester], regarding a visit by 'Herbert & Anna'.

James Kendall Hosmer (1834-1927), American educator and writer [Dr Edward Jarvis (1796-1886) of Dorchester, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
Cambridge. 15 November [no date].

1p., 12mo. Sixteen lines. Good, on lightly-aged ruled paper. He reports that 'Herbert & Anna came down this morning from Concord, where they spent last week. This week they expect to spend most of the time in Cambridge. During the week I hope to have them visit Dorchester.' He asks if there is 'any time when it will be more convenient for you to have them come than another?' Jarvis's papers are in Concord Library.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H H Milman') from Henry Hart Milman, later Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, to Francis Cohen [later Sir Francis Palgrave], discussing his poem 'The Martyr of Antioch', the Rev. James Garbett and Milton's Adam and Eve.

Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868), Dean of St Paul's Cathedral [Dean Milman] [Sir Francis Palgrave [born Francis Ephraim Cohen] (1788-1861); Rev. James Garbett (1775-1857), Prebendary of Hereford]
Publication details: 
St Mary's, Reading. 11 April 1822.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Francis Cohen Esq | King's Bench Walk | Temple | London'. Fair, on aged paper, with the narrow remains of a paper windowpane mount around the edges of the second leaf. Milman begins: 'I found Garbett so much occupied that until yesterday I have not had an opportunity of seeing him'. Garbett has promised to send Milman 'a detailed answer' to all of Cohen's questions, 'and is very much flattered by your favorable opinion'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. C. Hare') from Julius Charles Hare, Archdeacon of Lewes, to James Fraser, proprietor of 'Fraser's Magazine', complaining of Fraser's handling of his 'Vindication of Coleridge', with reference to Thomas De Quincey.

Julius Charles Hare (1795-1855), Archdeacon of Lewes [James Fraser (c.1805-1841), London bookseller and publisher of 'Fraser's Magazine'; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Thomas De Quincey]
Publication details: 
'Hurstmonceux Battle' [Sussex]; 2 December [1834].

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. 21 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount adhering to corners of verso of second leaf. Addressed, with red wax seal and postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Mr Frazer [sic] | 215 Regent Street | London'. A significant letter, which shows Hare in conflict with Fraser over the publication his 'Vindication of Coleridge' a full year before the article appeared in the British Magazine (January 1835). The letter begins: 'I am very much annoyed at finding that you have put off my article for another month.

Autograph Manuscript Signed ('John Bowring') from Jeremy Bentham's literary executor Sir John Bowring to Professor James Pillans of Edinburgh University, asking him to assist 'M Mallar', who is reporting on 'the state of education in Scotland'.

Sir John Bowring (1792-1872), polititian, diplomat and writer, literary executor of Jeremy Bentham [Professor James Pillans (1778-1864) of Edinburgh University]
Publication details: 
London. 10 August 1833.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with remains of stub to reverse. His friend 'M Mallar' has come to Great Britain, 'recommended by the French government for the official purpose of looking into the state of education in Scotland'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Colman') from the playwright George Colman the Younger, defending his imposition of a financial penalty on the recipient [apparently an actress] for non-attendance [at a performance at the Haymarket Theatre].

George Colman the younger (1762-1836), playwright and manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London [James Winston (1773?-1843), acting manager at the Haymarket Theatre]
Publication details: 
Melina Place, London; 21 July 1814.

1p., 4to. On aged and grubby paper. The letter provides an interesting insight into the niceties of Regency theatrical practice. Colman peremptorily addresses it to 'Madam', before expressing his displeasure and defending his imposition of a penalty, as a result of the non-attendance of the recipient (apparently an actress) at a performance at the Haymarket.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. B. Tinker'), Typed Letter Signed ('C. B. T.') and Autograph Note Signed ('Tinker') from the Boswell scholar Professor Chauncey Brewster Tinker of Yale University to the Johnson scholar Charles McCamic.

Chauncey Brewster Tinker (1876-1963), Professor of English Literature at Yale University, and authority on James Boswell
Publication details: 
All three on letterheads of 847 Memorial Quadrangle, New Haven. Autograph Letter. 22 October 1924. Typed Letter: 30 May 1928. Autograph Note: 7 June 1928.

Autograph Letter: 1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope addressed by Tinker to McCamic at Wheeling, West Virginia. He thanks him for sending 'the book on Barber'. 'It enriches my working library, and I shall be frequently reminded of what I owe to your kindness and interest.' Typed Letter: 1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with light rust stain from staple at head. McCamic's 'file of the British Magazine' is 'rare, if not unknown'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Frederick A. Pottle') from Frederick Albert Pottle, editor and biographer of James Boswell, to the Johnsonian Charles McCamic, with a long discussion of the publishing history and current prices of three works.

Frederick A. Pottle [Frederick Albert Pottle] (1897-1987), biographer of James Boswell, and editor of his journals [Charles McCamic, Johnsonian; Chauncey Brewster Tinker; Robert Borthwick Adam]
Publication details: 
Both from 367 Elm Street, New Haven, Connecticut (one on a letterhead). 12 May and 11 June 1928.

Both letters fair, on aged paper. Letter One: 12mo, 4 pp. Discussing the possibility that McCamic might be able to 'stop-over in New Haven' on his journey to Smith. 'You might be interested to see the proofs of the Bibliography'. 'This has been a hard letter to write, and doesn't sound as cordial as I should wish, [...] I wish I could invite you to stay with me on the night of the 15, but I live in a small apartment and have no accomodations [sic] for guests'. Letter Two: 10pp., small 4to.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R. H. Horne') from the poet Richard Hengist Horne asking the playwright James Robinson Planché to pass on his play 'Gregory VII' to Charles Kemble, and stating that he has sent another play to George Bartley.

Richard Hengist Horne [Richard Henry Horne] (1802-1884) [James Robinson Planché, (1796-1880), playwright and herald; Charles Kemble (1775-1854), actor; George Bartley (1782?-1858), comedian]
Publication details: 
36 New Broad Street; 3 May 1842.

3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of previous mounting to the reverse of the last leaf. Horne writes that he is enclosing a copy of his play 'Gregory VII' for 'Mr Chas Kemble'. 'I have not written his name in it, because as you were so kind as to interest yourself in the matter, I thought I would leave it in your hands so you may give it him; or say you asked me for a copy for the purpose, or say nothing - or anything. Isn't this a fine mode of expressing my confidence in your judgment?

Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml Roberts') from the philanthropist and abolitionist Samuel Roberts of Park Grange, Sheffield, to the poet James Montgomery.

Samuel Roberts (1763-1848) of Park Grange, Sheffield, silversmith, author and philanthropist, abolitionist and friend of William Wilberforce [James Montgomery (1771-1854), poet and hymn writer]
Publication details: 
Park Grange, Sheffield, Yorkshire; 20 April 1837.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, with broken seal in black wax, on verso of second leaf, to 'James Montgomery Esqr'. 80 lines of text. He has been twice that day to Montgomery's Sheffield mansion the Mount 'to enquire about you - the first time in vain, and the second nearly so. There they are much as heretofore - but Miss Sarah meaning to write sermons you may have it before this.' Roberts declares: 'I think the present great Lions of the town are myself and mad dogs - perhaps you may think that they might be included under one head - yes - if that head was yours!

Autograph Letter Signed from Whitelaw Reid, editor of the New York Tribune, to J. R. Howard of New York. With photographic reproduction of portrait.

Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912), editor of the New York Tribune, Republican Vice-Presidential nominee in 1892 (with President Benjamin Harrison), and author of 'Ohio in the War' (1867)
Publication details: 
Letter: New York; 12 November 1869. Photograph: circa 1905.

1p., 12mo. On letterhead of the New York Tribune. Very good. Addressed to 'J. R. Howard | No. 39 Park Row'. Reid writes that he 'came down' after 'our first side had been stereotyped', and so was 'unable to insert in the Financial column the items of news you were good enough to send'. He hopes 'it will not be too late to use them on Monday'. The photographic portrait of Reid ('Copyright, 1902, by Rockwood') is taken from a magazine, and is captioned 'Hon. Whitelaw Reid, next Ambassador to the Court of St. James'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Lord') from the theologian Eleazar Lord to the Rev. Dr James Richards of Newark, discussing the endowment of 'another Professorship' and other matters apparently relating to the New York Sunday School Union Society.

Eleazar Lord (1788-1871), DD, American financier, railway president, theologian and philanthropist [Rev. James Richards, DD, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Newark]
Publication details: 
[2 September 1823.]

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on the reverse of the second leaf to 'Revd Doct Richards | Newark'. Undated, but docketed by Richards 'E Lord DD | Sepr 2d | 1823 | author of the Biog. Dictionary'. Lord writes that he was glad to receive Richards' letter. 'I have as yet only the offer of a mann to be one of 4 to endow another Professorship. - He is however deliberating of a larger grant. The man on whom I hd placed some dependence, will I fear disappoint me.' He asks if 'any thing in this way' could be done on Richards' 'side of the river'.

Autograph Manuscript Signed, an untitled holograph poem by the Scottish writer and artist James Ballantine, beginning 'Confide ye aye in Providence, for Providence is Kind'.

James Ballantine (c.1807-1877), Scottish writer and artist in stained glass
Publication details: 
Edinburgh; 16 August 1856.

1p., landscape 8vo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Well presented, with the second blank leaf neatly inserted into a windowpane border. The poem is sixteen lines long, arranged in four stanzas, neatly written out on a piece of wove paper. The first stanza reads 'Confide ye aye in Providence, for Providence is Kind | And bear ye a' lifes changes, wi a calm an' tranquil mind | Though pressed an' hemmed on every side, hae faith, an' ye'll win through | For ilka blade o grass keeps its ain drap o dew'.

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