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[pamphlet, one of fifteen, with manuscript list of recipients] Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times. Being an Article offered to the St. Louis Republican for Thanksgiving Day, and printed now in a few copies for private communication.

James F. Mallinckrodt ['Unity'] [Ira David Sankey, Methodist evangelical gospel singer and composer; Dwight Lyman Moody]
Publication details: 
January 1, 1876. St Louis, Missouri: No. 2816 North 12th Street.
 Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times

12mo, iv + 8 pp. Stitched. In original blue printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor foxing. In original worn blue wraps, with closed tear to the spinal crease. Title leaf followed by printed limitation leaf: 'No. 4a | This Copy is Inscribed to Prof John Tyndall'. On the inside of the back wrap is a manuscript list headed 'Memo from Mailing account Book', numbered 1 ('Mr Carlyle') to 12 ('Rev H. W. Beecher'). Included are 'R W Emerson', 'H W Longfellow', and at 4, 'Prof Tyndall, Huxley, Proctor, & Mr Spencer' (the last three being 4b, 4c and 4d).

Printed facsimile of circular letter to clergymen from 'A J B Beresford-Hope', as Chairman of the Marriage Law Defence Union', writing in opposition to the Married Women's Property Rights Act of 1882.

Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope (1820-1887), conservative politician [the Marriage Law Defence Union; the Married Women’s Property Rights Act of 1882]
Publication details: 
18 September 1883. 20 Cockspur Street, London SW.
Beresford-Hope, facsimile letter,  Marriage Law Defence Union

12mo, 1 p. In good condition. Laid down on a page removed from an album. Addressed to 'Rev. and Dear Sir', and calling the recipient's attention to an 'enclosed appeal' (not present), and asking that he 'would kindly put it up in your Church'. 'It speaks for iself and I can only add that the efficiency of the opposition to the disastrous change of law must greatly depend on the means at the disposal of those who are contending for an old domestic purity.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('R: B:') from Bromley to the Duke of Hamilton, with enclosed Autograph Letter Signed to Bromley from Yates ('Ham<t?>: Yates'), on the subject of 'the minstrell Court' at Sandon.

'R. Bromley'; H. Yates [James (1658-1712), 4th Duke of Hamilton; Sandon Hall, Staffordshire; Minstrels' Gallery]
Publication details: 
Bromley's letter to Hamilton: London, 7 June 1712. Yates's letter to Bromley: 4 June 1712.
Autograph Letter Signed R. Bromley to the Duke of Hamilton [Minstrel's Gallery]

Both items good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with both texts clear and complete. The Minstrels' Gallery referred to in the letter was held in the vicinity of Hamilton's estate Sandon Hall, Staffordshire. Written a few months before Hamilton's death in the celebrated duel with Lord Mohun. Bromley to Hamilton: Autograph Letter Signed, 8vo, 1 p. 23 lines of text. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To his Grace Duke Hamilton in St. James's Square | London.', and docketed 'Mr: Bromley 7:th June 1712 about the Minstrill court & that Holden the Attorney had with drawen'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Cavan') to Bowerbank.

Frederick John William Lambart (1815-1887), 8th Earl of the County of Cavan [James Scott Bowerbank (1797-1877), geologist and zoologist]
Publication details: 
20 May 1850; Barford House, Bridgewater.
Frederick John William Lambart, Earl of the County of Cavan, Letter

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Thirteen lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged and stained paper. With envelope, addressed in autograph. Addressed to Bowerbank in his capacity as Honorary Secretary of the Palaeontographical Society, London. Enquiring as to the publication date of four of the Society's books, 'to those members who have paid the whole of their subscriptions'.

One Autograph Letter Signed ('D J Robertson') and one Typed Letter Signed ('Douglas Robertson') to Noon.

Douglas James Robertson (1919-2005), consultant general surgeon at the Royal Hospital, Sheffield [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
Typed Letter: 1 July 1952. Autograph Letter: 10 January 1954. Both on St Bartholomew's Hospital letterheads.

Typed Letter: 4to, 1 p. Good, on aged paper, with dog-eared and punch-holed top left-hand corner. He is pleased that 'Hill' got the post as Noon's house surgeon, and that they found 'another Barts. man for Mr. Britain, a student who I know very well, named Palmer'. Autograph Letter: 12mo, 2 pp. Good, on aged paper. Hoping that both Noon and his wife are in better health.

Five Autograph Letters Signed and four Typed Letters Signed (all 'J Paterson Ross') to Noon.

Sir James Paterson Ross (1895-1980), Professor of Surgery at St Bartholomew's Hospital London, and Surgeon to the Royal Household [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon, Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
Between 1951 and 1955; six on St Bartholomew's Hospital letterhead and three on that of Ross's Oakleigh Park address.

Five of the nine items in 4to, and the rest 12mo. All texts clear and complete. Collection in good condition on lightly-aged paper. Occasional minor traces of brown-paper mounts, and most items with punch-holes to top left-hand corners. A cordial correspondence between two colleagues. Several letters relate to Noon's soon Charles, training under Ross to be a surgeon. On 26 June 1952 (12mo, 3 pp) Ross writes discussing the son's failure in an examination..

Printed certificate ('Diploma'), completed in manuscript and signed by the Secretary James Tod, admitting William Murray of Henderland as a Member of the Society of Arts for Scotland.

[James Tod, Secretary, Society of Arts for Scotland; William Murray of Henderland; W. H. Lizars, engraver]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh; 22 January 1834.

Printed on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. Leaf dimensions 29 x 23.5 cm. Clear and complete. Grubby, and with closed tears to folds and slight damp staining. An attractive production. Ornate heading, with engraved portrait of Minerva in circular medallion (5.5 cm diameter) surrounded by laurel leaves, 'Drawn & Engd. by W. H. Lizars'. Text engraved in copperplate. Reads (with manuscript part in square brackets): 'Edinburgh [23d. January] 18[34,] | At a meeting of the Society held here on the [22d.

Printed notice of relocation, and advertisement for new publications.

James Blackwood & Co., London publishers and wholesale stationers
Publication details: 
[Circa 1910.] London: James Blackwood & Co., 12/14 Heneage Lane, Bevis Marks, E.C.

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Nicely printed with vignette of flowers and ribbons on first page. Fair, on aged paper. The firm, boasting establishment in 1849, is described on the first page as 'late of Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row, E.C.', where the announcement is made 'that they have Transferred their Business to the Above Address'. Six new editions of works are advertised on the following two pages, with details given of contents. The last page advertises 'Blackwood's Diaries for 1911' and 'Blackwood's New Series of Scribbling Diaries'.

Catalogue of Books published by James Blackwood & Co., Publishers & Wholesale Stationers.

James Blackwood & Co., Publishers and Wholesale Stationers [trade catalogues]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1910.] London: James Blackwood & Co., 8. Lowell's Court, Paternoster Row, E.C. [amended in manuscript to '12/14 Heneage Lane. E.C.']

12mo, 24 pp. Unbound. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusting to staples. Hundreds of titles, in such series as 'The Unique Library', 'Choice Readings. Books suitable for presents, etc.', 'Universal Library of Standard Authors', 'Blackwood's Edition of the Poets', 'Library of Thoughtful Books' and 'Choice Books for Young Persons'.

Abstract of Ferrier's Greek Philosophy [with notice of Ferrier's life].

B. R.' [Professor Benjamin H. Rand (1827-1883); James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864)]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but with ownership inscription dated 1881.

8vo, 20pp. Stitched. Disbound. In original grey printed wraps (with 'VOL. II.' deleted in blue pencil at foot of title). Fair, on aged paper, with wear and loss to grubby wraps. Ownership inscription on front wrap: 'Henry Norman, April 26. 1881. G.18.' Signed in type 'B. R.' at foot of last page. Providing a detailed synopsis of Ferrier's teachings, with a fifteen-line 'Introductory Notice' of his life. Scarce. No copy at the British Library or on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat at Harvard.

Autograph Letter Signed ('James Ramsden') to 'Mr Thompson'.

Sir James Ramsden (1822-1896), civil engineer and first mayor of Barrow in Furness
Publication details: 
6 August 1882; on letterhead of Furness Abbey, Lancashire.

12mo, 2 pp. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased. Discussing arrangements for a meeting with Thompson before 14 August, the date of the 'Furness general meeting', after which he is going on 'a months cruise'.

Autograph Letter Signed and franked (both 'Js Stuart Wortley') to the London booksellers Messrs Ridgeway.

James Stuart-Wortley [James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie] (1776-1845), 1st Baron Wharncliffe, Conservative politician [James Ridgeway, Piccadilly bookseller]
Publication details: 
5 September 1835; Wortley.

12mo, 1 p. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of minor traces of stub adhering to one edge. Franked, with remains of red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Messrs. Ridgeway | Piccadilly. | [signed] Js Stuart Wortley'. Giving instructions for the sending of newspapers to Wighill Park, Tadcaster, and to Wortley.

Legal agreement, in French, between Drummond and the Marquise de St. Aulaire, for the leasing by Drummond of the Chateau de Courbeton. Signed by both parties ('Mise De St. Aulaire' and 'Jas Drummond').

James Drummond (1767-1851), Viscount Strathallan; Marie Madelaine de St. Janvier, Marquise de Beaupoil de St. Aulaire [Chateau de Courbeton, Seine et Marne, France]
Publication details: 
28 November 1822; Paris.

8vo, 1 pp. A long document, closely written in a clerical hand. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with slight loss to one corner. Stamped for tax. Signed twice by both parties, and initialled by them on a couple of occasions. Following the defeat of Napoleon, the broken state of the French economy allowed many wealthy Britains to live there. Drummond is described as 'Mr. Jacques Drummond Ecossais Logé ce jour à Paris, Rue St. Honoré No., hôtel Meurice'.

Manuscript transcript of 'the entry of the Hunting Journal of 1816. [18]17', addressed to Triphook, giving costs for printing '20 Copies of Belvoir Hunt'.

[Robert Triphook, London bookseller (d.1868); Belvoir Hunt; hunting; printing]
Publication details: 
Undated [1818?].

Landscape 8vo, 1 p. On aged and discoloured paper, with four spike holes. Neatly written out, in a contemporary hand. Addressed on reverse to 'Mr. R. Triphook'. Pencil annotations on both sides. Headed 'The following is the entry of the Hunting Journal of 1816. 17 -'. First item (of six): 'Setting Press & Printing 20 Copies of Belvoir Hunt 1816.17 13 Sheets & 1/2 Demy, Pica & long Primmer with Tables fine ink. @ 83/. Pr Sheet } 56. 0. 6'. At foot of page: '1817-18 - furnished by R.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Dick Lauder') to William Mitchell of Parsons Green.

Sir Thomas Dick Lauder of Fountainhall (1784-1848), Deputy Lieutenant of Moray and Haddington, Scottish writer and academic
Publication details: 
7 January 1840; The Grange House.

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. 61 lines of text; clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Having recovered from 'the surprise which I received from the communication made to me today by our mutual friend Sir James Gibson Craig', his 'first idea was to go directly to Parsons Green to give full vent to my gratitude' for Mitchell's generosity. The rest of the letter gives fulsome expression Lauder's his feelings at 'the generous - the magnificent gifts' (unspecified) which Mitchell is 'dispensing - with so little parade'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. M. Bucknall') to MacLehose

W. M. Bucknall [William Miles Bucknall], Librarian to the Board of Trade [James MacLehose (1811-1885), Glasgow bookseller and publisher]
Publication details: 
10 January 1861; on Board of Trade letterhead.

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Discussing 'Mr Sterling's Pamphlet on Banks', which MacLehose has sent him ('a work so difficult to obtain elsewhere'). While not recognising 'the existence of any really national Banking System', he considers Sterling's 'remarks most judicious'. Mentions the Banking Act of 1844, before concluding with a reflection on credit. Bucknall published his 'Catalogue of the Library of the Board of Trade' in 1866.

Typed Letter Signed to "Sydney Gutman. The Bermondsey Book[shop]".

Frank Harris, author
Publication details: 
C/o The American Express Company, 2 rue du Congres, Nice. A.M. December 15, 1925.

One page, 4to, punchholes, edges discoloured, mainly good condition. Two small additons in his hand. He thanks Gutman for his cheque and order for "three sets of Oscar Wilde" of which he can immediately supply two, the other to come from storage. One copy sent is the "Brentano's edition of New York" and he wonders if Gutman would prefer "my German editon. He has written to "Heath" [bookseller, partner of Gutman's] about copies of James Thomson's poems on his hands.

Printed handbill, with illustration, headed 'Mississippi River Convention', advertising a meeting 'to consider the condition of this passage in the Mississippi.

James Handly, Secretary; Charles E. Cox; James M. Bishop; Thomas Austin; W. B. Bull; Chauncey H. Castle [Mississippi River Convention, 1887]
Publication details: 
[...] to be held in the Assembly Rooms of the Young Men's Business Association, in Quincy, on Thursday, October 13th, 1887'.

4to, 1 p. Twenty-six lines of text. Clear and complete. Very good, on aged paper. Minor traces of mount adhering to reverse. Vignette of riverboat beneath heading. Signed by Handly and five others, ending with 'Chauncey H. Castle, Of the Comstock-Castle Stove Co.' Begins 'The division of the Mississippi river between the mouths of the Des Moines and Illinois rivers having been in a notoriously unfavorable condition for the purpose of navigation for the past two years, it has been deemed advisable to call a River Convention'.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Ridgway.

Edward Law (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough [James Ridgway (1755-1838), London bookseller]
Publication details: 

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with remains of stub adhering to blank second leaf of bifolium. Ask for the Morning Post to be sent to Euston Square, and 'the Standard discontinued'. He will require the Morning Post the following day.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J A Stuart Wortley') to Ridgway, bookseller..

James Stuart-Wortley [James Archibald Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie] (1776-1845), 1st Baron Wharncliffe [James Ridgway (1755-1838), London bookseller]
Publication details: 
26 September 1812; Wortley Hall, Sheffield.

4to, 1 p. Fair, on aged paper, with the remains of a stub adhering to the blank reverse. Concerning the insertion of an advertisement in a number of newspapers.

Autograph Note in the third person, with signature ('Wrothsley') on frank.

Sir John Wrothsley [Wrottesley; James Ridgeway, bookseller, Piccadilly, London]
Publication details: 
9 September 1835 [Doncaster].

12mo, 1 p. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip of stub adhering to the reverse of the second leaf. Reads 'Sir John Wrothsley requests Mr. Ridgway will direct his Newspapers [corrected from 'Letters'] Post Office Scarborough. The frank reads 'Doncaster September ten 1835 | Mr. Ridgway | Piccadilly | London | [signed] Wrothsley'. Divided circular Doncaster postmark in black, and frank ('FREE | 11SEP11| 1835') in red.

Our Abominable Schools.

James Philpott (Trained Certificated Schoolmaster).' [Newcastle-on-Tyne; education]
Publication details: 
Newcastle-on-Tyne: Printed by R. Ward & Sons, 31 to 39, High Bridge. 1905.

8vo, ii + 29 pp. In original printed wraps. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-creased paper, with rusty staples, and wraps detached and repaired internally along spine. Wraps worn and discoloured. Ownership signature at head of front wrap.A little ink underlining, with occasional exclamation marks in margins and one 'Bah!' Motto reads 'The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses' seat.' First paragraph: '(The following is the latter part of a letter sent to the Education Committee for Newcastle-on-Tyne by James Philpott, a class teacher in the employ of that Committee.

Autograph Letter Signed ('James Donnet') to Mrs Hollingworth, discussing autograph collecting.

Sir James Donnet [Sir James John Louis Donnet] (1816-1905), inspector-general of hospitals and fleets [autograph collecting]
Publication details: 
24 March 1895; on letterhead of 5 Park Road, Bognor, Sussex.

12mo, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. Very good on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip from stub still adhering. Thanking her for 'sending me the acceptable autographs you have. Though seemingly scraps of paper they possess for the initiated a value, for I believe every individual to be possessed of a romance which opportunity and occasion bring to the fore and make of him a personage whose writing is worthy of preservation. The diamond in its mine is of no value, but when found, cut, and set in its golden framework, it is prized and esteemed'. Defends 'the collector' against criticism.

Twenty-two bookseller's catalogues

James Coleman, Genealogical & Topographical Bookseller, of High Holborn and Tottenham
Publication details: 
22, High Street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.: 1867, 1873 (2), 1874; 9, Tottenham Terrace, White Hart Lane, Tottenham, N.: 1881, 1882 (4), 1883 (4), 1884 (2), 1885 (2), 1886 (4), 1887. S. and J. Brawn, printers.

All items octavo, stitched and unbound. Page range between 16 and 32. Each catalogue carrying an illustration on the front cover. The condition of the collection is variable. All items on aged paper: some dogeared or with closed tears, and a handful with damp and other staining. Several catalogues annotated in a contemporary hand, and one with an entry cut out. Coleman's speciality was 'Heraldry, Genealogy, Topography', and the first three catalogues are headed 'Pedigrees!

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Mrs Wallack, on the occasion of the Wallacks' Paris performances.

John Y. Mason [John Young Mason] (1799-1859), U.S. Minister Plenipotentiary to France, 1853-1859 [James William Wallack (1764-1864), Anglo-American actor]
Publication details: 
15 June 1855; 13 Rye Beaujon (on letterhead of the Paris Legation of the United States).

4to, 1 p. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-creased paper. Responding to 'the kind note of his esteemed Country woman Mrs. Wallack'. He is 'gratified to learn, that Mr. Wallack will present to the Parisian public representations in the English language, of the best of our Tragedies & Comedies'. He wishes the Wallacks 'the most complete success, and will with pleasure attend the performances, when his health will permit him & his family to do so'. Two of Mason's family will take up Wallack's offer of tickets for the opening.

Autograph Letter Signed to R. Hollingworth of the Glen, Gurnard, Cowes.

Edward Boucher James (1819-1892), Vicar of Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, and local historian
Publication details: 
30 March 1892; The Vicarage, Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight.

12mo, 3 pp. 39 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with remains of stub from mounting adhering to one edge. Difficult hand. He thanks him for his reply to James's query 'in the local papers as to the family'. He is returning a book, apparently because the 'Authoress Mrs Traherne was also good enough to send me her book so that I am well supplied with copies of the volumes'. He finds that 'all the information from other sources [...] confirm [sic] the details of the history recorded in these Annals'.

A Broadside for February, 1914. [No. 9. Sixth Year] [Hyde's poem 'I shall not die for thee' and Guthrie's poem 'Paternoster Callaghan' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; James Guthrie; Douglas Hyde; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1914. By E.C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. Good, on aged paper with a light vertical fold. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7 x 10 cm) and second (8 x 7.5 cm) pages; black and white illustration ('Drowned Sailor', 12 x 10 cm) alone on third page. Final page blank. The first poem is not ascribed, but is known to be by Hyde.

Autograph draft of letter to the Editor of the Daily Chronicle, rebutting in strong terms the claim that Knowles was editor of the Contemporary Review.

Alexander Strahan [Alexander Stuart Strahan] (1833-1918), English publisher [Sir James Thomas Knowles (1831-1908); Alfred Tennyson]
Publication details: 
14 February 1908; on letterhead of Oakhurst, Ravenscourt Park, W.

12mo (17.5 x 11 cm): 5 pp. On two bifolium letterheads and half of a third. The text of each page is clear and complete on aged and lightly-spotted paper, but gaps between the various sections indicate that the draft is incomplete. Begins 'Sir | I see that in your obituary notice of Sir James Knowles inn today's paper you say that he was the Editor of the Contemporary Review from 1870 to 1877. | This is news to me. I was the Editor and proprietor of the Contemporary Review all these years, and I think I ought to know the facts of the matter.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Trotter') to Hay, with signed 'List of Payments made to Sir William Forbes of Hunter & Co. by the undermentioned partners of the East Lothian & Merse Whalefishing Company Since the 6th of March 1805'.

John Trotter [The East Lothian & Merse Whale Fishing Company; James Hay, Writer to the Signet, Edinburgh; Sir William Forbes (1739-1806) of Pitsligo]
Publication details: 
6 April 1805; Dunbar.

4to bifolium. Very good on aged paper. The letter covers the whole of the recto of the second leaf, the reverse of which carries the address and docketing: '6th. April 1805 | John Trotter - with List of payments to Sir Wm. Forbes & Co. on acct. of the whale fishing Cy.' Trotter quotes at length from a 'paragraph' in a letter he has received from William Forbes & Co, explaining why a credit 'does not appear in the annexed statement, as the receipt has not been delivered up to us'.

Branford's copy of Cargill Gilston Knott's 'Life and Scientific Work of Peter Guthrie Tait', heavily annotated by him, mostly with references to 'this genius' James Clerk Maxwell.

Benchara Branford [Benchara Bertrand Patrick Branford] (1867-1944), Scottish mathematician, Professor of Mathematics in the University of London [Peter Guthrie Tait; James Clerk Maxwell]
Publication details: 
Book published in 1911 (Cambridge: at the University Press). Annotations dated by Branford between 1934 and 1943.

4to: x + 379 pp. Frontispiece and plates. Tight copy on aged paper, in worn binding. Annotated throughout, with the endpapers and almost every page of the first 146 in particular crammed with notes by Branford in pencil and pen. On the front free endpaper Branford writes 'Finished (fairly thoroughly) on Feb. 26th 1934', and on the title-page, 'B. B. Sep. 3d. 1943'. On the same page he has added to the title 'and many notes (additional to those in text) on his intimate & great friend James Clerk Maxwell [...] the notes being taken from his Life by Campbell & Garnett'.

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