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[Sir James Graham, Home Secretary.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J R G Graham') to unnamed recipient, announcing his decision to remit the death sentence passed on Robert Sandys of Stockport, convicted of poisoning his children.

Sir James Graham [Sir James Robert George Graham] (1792-1861), 2nd Baronet, Tory Home Secretary, 1841-1846 [Robert Sandys of Stockport, poisoner]
Publication details: 
Whitehall. 24 April 1842.

The case was fully reported in The Times, with the issue for 14 April 1842 reporting the pronouncing of the sentence of death on 'Robert Sandys, a stout built Irishman, having a pale and haggard appearance, who was found guilty at the last assizes for this county [Chester] of the diabolical murder of his children by poison, in order to obtain a few pounds from a burial society of which he was a member'. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Headed 'Private' by Graham.

[Dr Robert Steavenson of Newcastle upon Tyne.] Manuscript copy of his bill to the trustees of Lieutenant James Boyd, itemising disbursements (mainly clothing). With signed note by David Williamson [later Lord Balgray] and signatures of two trustees.

Dr Robert Steavenson (1756-1828) of Newcastle upon Tyne [John Dundas, WS, and James Bruce, Trustees of Lieutenant James Boyd; Lieutenant General Robertson]
Publication details: 
Dated from Northumber[land] Street [Newcastle upon Tyne]. With short signed note by David Williamson [later Lord Balgray], dated Edinburgh [Scotland], 4 August 1813.

1p., foolscap 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Headed: 'Trustees of Lieut. J. Boyd or Executors of Lieut. Genl. Robertson on account of Mr. Boyd | To Dr Stevenson'. Docketted on reverse: 'Copy | Account | Due by the Trustee of Lieut: J. Boyd to Doctor Steavenson | 1813 | Compd. J.W.' and 'Genl. Robertsons Trustees Order | by you for Remitting

[The Court of the Lord Lyon.] Itemised manuscript 'Note of Fees of Armorial Bearings for Miss William Boyd Robertson of Lawers.' With manuscript receipt for payment of this bill, signed by James Horne, Lyon Clerk.

[James Horne, Lyon Clerk; Court of the Lord Lyon, King of Arms, Edinburgh, Scotland; Scottish College of Heralds]
Publication details: 
The 'Note of Fees' dated November 1814. Horne's receipt from Edinburgh, 18 November 1814.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The 'Note of Fees' is 1p., 4to, and comprises 11 charges totalling

[Sidney Webb.] Autograph Card Signed ('Sidney Webb') to Sidney A. Gimson of the Leicester Secular Society, declining to undertake a lecture.

Sidney Webb [Sidney James Webb, 1st Baron Passfield] (1859-1947), with his wife Beatrice Webb [Martha Beatrice Webb, Baroness Passfield] (1858-1943), Fabian socialist economist [Sydney Ansell Gimson]
Publication details: 
6 Blythewood Square, Glasgow. 9 September 1892.

Written in pencil on a neat small official 'POST CARD', printed with stamp and bearing a Glasgow postmark. In good condition, lightly aged. 'Dear Mr Gimson | I am sorry to say I have so much work that I do not like to undertake any lecture at Leicester this year. Please excuse me this time'. Gimson was president of the Leicester Secular Society and brother of Ernest Gimson (1864-1919), arts and crafts architect and furniture designer.

[Inventory of farming utensils.] Manuscript 'Inventory of Articles at Dollar Mains given up by James Scott after the death of Capt. J. Williamson'

Captain James Williamson (d.1796) of Dollar Mains, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, and the 25th Regiment of Foot [inventory of farming utensils]
Publication details: 
[Dollar Mains, Clackmannanshire, Scotland.] 9 December 1796.

1p., foolscap 8vo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Docketted with title and date on reverse. The list is headed: 'Decr. 9th 1796 Inventory of farming utensels [sic] at Dollar mains belonging to Mr Williamson'. Listing, in two columns, 46 items from '2 Carls | 1 Pair of Cart wheels' to 'about 1000 Stones of hay' and 'about 8 Balls of oats unthreshed'. At foot of page: 'NB A number of the above articles purchased since Capn.Williamson came to Dollar'.

[George Marshall Ward, artist and engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G R Ward') to H. Magford, offering to lend two works by his father James Ward to the Crystal Palace, and the exhibition of another one among Manchester 'merchant Princes'.

George Marshall Ward (1798-1879), artist and engraver, son of the artist James Ward (1769-1859) [The Crystal Palace; Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1857]
Publication details: 
31 Fitzroy Square W. [London] 27 April 1857.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In very good condition, neatly placed by the second leaf in a windowpane mount. He has 'received an intimation' that his picture is in Bond Street ('from whence I must fetch it'), and is writing to say that he has 'two Pictures by my Father (one very small but a beautiful little bit) the other the Peak in Derbyshire; a Landscape by Smith of Chichester & a copy of mine after Liverseege all of which I would lend to the Crystal Palace if you would like to have them'. He can deliver these to Bond St on collecting the other.

[James West and Nathaniel Hardinge, Joint Secretaries to the Treasury.] Eight itemised manuscript Treasury money orders, each signed by one of them and made out to Paymaster of Pensions Charles Compton.

Nicholas Hardinge (1699-1758) and James West (1703-1772), Joint Secretaries of the Treasury [Charles Compton (1698-1755), Paymaster of Pensions and Member of Parliament]
Publication details: 
The eight all from Treasury Chambers [Whitehall, London]. Dating from between June 1753 and April 1754.

The eight items show signs of damp damage, with flaking and some loss of text. Four of the eight are made out for specific individuals, and four for groups of persons, are each foolscap 8vo, with five of them 1p. long, and three of them 2pp. long. Each written on the first leaf of a bifolium, and each addressed on the reverse of the second leaf 'To the Honble: Charles Compton Esqr. Paymaster of His Majts: Pensions'. Seven of the receipts are signed (all from Treasury Chambers) by either 'J.

[James Williamson, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Glasgow.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jas. Williamson') to his brother Alexander Williamson, Laird of Balgray, discussing financial matters and his son George's choice of career.

James Williamson (d. 1795), Professor of Mathematics at the Universtiy of Glasgow, 1761-1795 [Alexander Williamson, Laird of Balgray (fl. 1802)]
Publication details: 
'College Glasgow'. 1 June 1792.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The breaking of the seal has resulted in slight loss at the foot of the gutter, affecting two words of text. Verso of second leaf addressed, with two postmarks and red wax seal, to 'Alexander Williamson Esqr | Alisons Square | Edinburgh'.

[John Corrie, dissenting minister of Woodville, Birmingham.] Manuscript 'Biographical Sketch of John Corrie Esq.' by his widow, in the autograph of their daughter S. E. Hill, and with an Autograph Letter Signed by her filled with further information.

John Corrie (1769-1839), dissenting minister of Woodville, Birmingham [his daughter S. E. Hill; Dr Samuel Parr; James Watt; Matthew Boulton; William Galton; Lunar Society]
Publication details: 
The account is dated to 1841. The letter is written from '<Stockley?> Rectory | Wedy. night'.

Corrie was the son of Rev. Josiah Corrie (1725-1800) of Kenilworth. He was educated at Daventry Academy and New College, Hackney. He was a schoolmaster and a Unitarian minister at the Old Meeting House (1817-19), and president of the Birmingham Philosophical Society, to which, in 1819, he introduced Maria Edgeworth, who notes in a letter her admiration for his 'very agreeable benevolent countenance, most agreeable voice'. In William Field's memoir of Dr Samuel Parr he is numbered among the 'clerical friends' in whose company Parr 'delighted'.

[John Raphael Smith, mezzotint engraver and publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. R. Smith') to the architectural writer James Elmes, informing him of the progress of a work and that he is sending two proof plates. Carrying 3 signed notes by Elmes

John Raphael Smith (bap. 1751, d. 1812), mezzotint engraver and print publisher [James Elmes (1782-1862), writer on architecture]
Publication details: 
'Newman Street. 33. [London]'. 17 June 1811.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'James Elmes Esqre.' At the head of the letter Elmes has written: 'From J. Raphael Smith the celebrated mezzotinto Engraver | J Elmes', and down the bottom right-hand corner: 'From J. Raphael Smith, Painter in Crayons & Mezzotinto Engraver to Mr Elmes, with 2 proof prints | J. E'. At the foot of the page Elmes has identified 'Mr. Tooke' in the letter as 'Horne Tooke J.E.' Smith writes: 'Sir | I have sent you an impression of Sr.

[James Williamson, Professor of Mathematics, Glasgow University.] Manuscript bond for £225 to 'William Ewart in Middlegill', signed by him and James Kirkpatrick, George Kirkpatrick and Alexander Williamson

James Williamson (d. 1795), Professor of Mathematics at the Universtiy of Glasgow, 1761-1795
Publication details: 
'At Closeburn Castle'. 18 September 1769.

1p., large quarto. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With two embossed stamps ('VI PENCE' and 'I SHILLING ADDITIONAL DUTY') and ink stamp ('Nine Pence Quire') on reverse. Folded into the customary packet and docketted: 'Bond £225 | Messrs. James & George Kirkpatricks, James and Alexr. Williamsons | To Mr. William Ewart | 1769'. The document begins: 'We Mr. James Kirkpatrick Advocate George Kirkpatrick one of hte deputy Clerks of Session, Doctor James Williamson Professor of Mathematicks in the University of Glasgow and Alexr. Williamson Secretary to the Rt. Honble.

[James Stewart, Cotton Producer and Commission Merchant, Rodney, Mississippi.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Manager, Bank of Scotland, Ediniburgh, describing his business and financial difficulties with cotton planters and the US government.

James Stewart, Cotton Producer and Commission Merchant, Rodney, Mississippi [The Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
On letterhead from the 'Office of James Stewart, Cotton Producer and Commission Merchant', Rodney, Mississippi. 5 March 1869.

2pp., 4to. On two leaves of aged paper, with loss to margins caused by the items being torn out of the volume in which they were bound. Docketted at head of first page: 'No D. D. in name of James Stewart Rodney Miss from 59 to 69. The letter begins: 'I have been a Customer of the Bank for a number of years. In 1864 I returned to Scotland but came back here in 1865 to try and save some of the large amounts due me by the Planters, and to see what I could do with Several Parcels of Cotton belonging to me, and seized by the U.S. Government.

[James Mitan, engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Mitan') to the print collector Robert Balmanno, arranging an exchange of prints by Abraham Raimbach between Balmanno and the engraver Charles Heath.

James Mitan (1776-1822), English engraver [Robert Balmanno (1780-1861), Scottish author and print collector; Charles Heath (1785-1848), engraver; Abraham Raimbach (1776-1843), engraver]
Publication details: 
63 Warren Street, Fitzroy Place. 2 December 1814.

2pp., 4to. 18 lines of text. In bifolium. Good, on aged and creased paper, with strip of page to which the letter was attached adhering. Addressed, with red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf, to 'R. Balmanno Esqre. | 3 Middle Temple Lane Temple'. He begins: 'Having some communication last week with Mr. Charles Heath in the course of conversation he was regretting that he could not procure any proofs of plates engaraved by Mr. Raimbach - now as your Kindness gained me what I wished of his performance with an obliging offer of something more it occurred to me to solicit fom Mr.

[George Robins, auctioneer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Robins') to the editor of the Morning Chronicle James Black, pushing for an article to be inserted in the paper, to tie in with his sale of the contents of Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill.

George Robins [George Henry Robins] (1777-1847), celebrated London auctioneer [James Black (1783-1855), editor of the Morning Chronicle [Horace Walpole; Strawberry Hill]
Publication details: 
'Covent Garden [London] | Friday [1842]'.

2pp., 12mo, bifolium. Very good, on lightly aged paper. The letter reads: 'Strawberry Hill is to the classic world much more important than the turmoil of everlasting Politics. It will be a little refreshing as a contrast to your readers to hear of Horace Walpole - the Inclosed is from Gallignani's Journal[.] in Paris they give a better attention to the Arts as well as the nuisance of everlasting Politics'. Postscript reads: 'Would you like to have a card to see'.

[James Ewing of Strathleven House, Dumbartonshire.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Ewing') to his sister Mrs Elizabeth Hyde of Bath, expressing relief on his removal from Parliament. On printed address 'To the Electors of Glasgow', after losing election

James Ewing (1784-1853) of Strathleven House, Dumbartonshire, Member of Parliament for Wareham, 1830-1831, and Glasgow, 1832-1835
Publication details: 
Letter dated 'Glasgow February 9, 1835'. Address by 'BELL AND BAIN, PRINTERS [Glasgow]', and dated 'QUEEN-STREET, January 15th, 1835.'

Letter and address are on a foolscap 8vo bifolium, with the address covering the first three pages, and the letter the reverse of the second leaf, which also carries the address ('Mrs Hyde | 31, Henrietta Street, | Bath', forwarded to Kew and then 10 New Street, Margate) with ten postmarks and a red wax seal. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with a few nicks and short closed tears along folds. LETTER: 1p., foolscap 8vo. Addressed to 'My dear Elizabeth'.

[William Cleland, lunatic, of Upper Canada.] Autograph Petition Signed to Lord John Russell, and Autograph Letter Signed to George Ross, regarding his claim to have been cheated by the Bank of Scotland. With forwarding letter to the bank.

William Cleland of Upper Canada [Bank of Scotland; Lord John Russell (1792-1878), Whig Prime Minister; Sir James Stephen (1789-1859), civil servant]
Publication details: 
Letter from Governor Road near St George, Dumfries, Upper Canada. 1 November 1839 [but with 3 June 1840 postmark]. Petition stamped received on 1 June 1849. Forwarding letter: Downing Street [London]. 9 June 1840.

ONE: Autograph Petiton Signed. 'Unto the Right Honble. Lord John Russell Secrety of State &c &c | The Petition of Samuel Cleland residing near St George Dumfries Upper Canada'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo. In poor condition, aged and worn at edges, with one corner apparently nibbled away by mice. At least some of the damage would appear to be contemporary with the document, as Cleland has written within the boundaries of the loss to the corner, and there is no loss to text. Docketed in red at head '1091 U. Canada' and stamped 'Received | C. D. | June 1 1840'.

[James Smith.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Ja Smith'), the first headed 'Note for Alexr. Blair Esqr. Treasurer of the Bank of Scotland', and docketted 'Report on City [of Edinburgh] Improvements'.

James Smith [Alexander Blair, Treasurer, Bank of Scotland; George Smith (1793-1877), architect to the Edinburgh Improvement Commissioners]
Publication details: 
First Letter: No place. 25 July 1837. Second Letter: Edinburgh. 31 July 1837.

Both 1p., foolscap 8vo, and disbound. Both in good condition, on aged paper, with loss at edge from disbinding, causing slight loss of text in second letter. Letter One: Docketed on reverse of second leaf 'James Smith | July 25 1837 | Report on City Improvements.' The document begins: 'Having carefully examined the state No. IV. made up by the Improvement Commissioners, and submitted to the Bank of Scotland &c, and also, inspected the works with Mr Geo. Smith Architect for the Commissioners, I take leave to submit the following observations thereon'.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland.] Manuscript Letter, signed by James Hope of Rickman & Hope, solicitors, to the Bank of Scotland, regarding 'dues collected for the passage of Vessels through the Caledonian Canal'. With detailed accounts of receipts.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland, designed by Thomas Telford and completed in 1822; James Hope of Rickman & Hope, Edinburgh; George Sanby of the Bank of Scotland]
Publication details: 
31 Moray Place, Edinburgh. 27 December 1825.

4pp., foolscap 8vo, on two bifoliums. On aged and worn paper, with slight bloom at head and a little loss to spine from disbinding.

[Philip Henry Stanhope, 4th Earl Stanhope, as Lord Mahon.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mahon') to 'Badcock' [William Stanhope Badcock], discussing the 'disasters' in Holland, his brother's military career, 'the late fraud', his 'African Sheep & Goat'.

Philip Henry Stanhope, 4th Earl Stanhope (1781-1855), English aristocrat (until 1816 Lord Mahon), nephew of William Pitt the younger [Vice Admiral William Stanhope Badcock [Lovell] (1788-1859)]
Publication details: 
'Loake's Hill [near High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire], April 2d. 1814.'

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. An excellent letter, filled with content. Mahon has received Badcock's letter and is 'glad to find that you have had the company of Lord & Lady Buckingham at Portsmouth'. Following 'the disasters that have taken place in Holland' (the Six Days' Campaign) he expected 'that the Militia Battalion would have been sent thither, & indeed there seems to have been some hesitation upon the subject of their destination, as their departure has been delayed long after they were embarked'.

[Prince Peter Kropotkin.] Proofs of an apparently unpublished article, intended for 'The Nineteenth Century and After', titled 'The White Terror in Russia', with many autograph corrections by him.

Peter Kropotkin [Prince Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin] (1842-1921), Russian polymath and anarchist [Sir James Knowles, editor, 'The Nineteenth Century and After'; Tsarist Russia; communism; anarchism]
Publication details: 
With label of 'The Nineteenth Century and After', London,.1906.

On ten 8vo leaves, and paginated 1-20. Worn and aged, with closed tear to the first leaf. Gathered with a brass stud. The recto of each leaf carries the printed date 1906, and each verso has as running title the name of the magazine. Pasted at the head of the first page is a green label reading: 'The Nineteenth Century and After. Please return this proof, when corrected, to Sir James Knowles, care of Messrs. Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd, New-street Square, London, E.C.' Beside this Kropotkin has written in pencil 'Send 4 revises'.

[Erasmus Wilson.] Autograph Note Signed to Mrs Buchanan, sending new year's greetings.

Erasmus Wilson [Sir William James Erasmus Wilson] (1809-1884), dermatologist and philanthropist
Publication details: 
17 Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square [London]. 2 January 1882.

1p., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'My Dear Mrs. Buchanan, | Many thanks for kindest New Year's greetings: - | A Happy New Year to you and yours | Faithfully yours | Erasmus Wilson'.

[James Stuart, Viscount Stuart of Findhorn, as Secretary of State for Scotland.] Typed Letter Signed ('James') to Sir Thomas Moore, MP for Ayr Burghs, thanking him for his help 'last night with the problem of the children's officer at Ayr'.

James Stuart (1897-1971), 1st Viscount Stuart of Findhorn, Secretary of State for Scotland, 1951-1957 [Sir Thomas Cecil Russell Moore (1886-1971), MP for Ayr Burghs]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Secretary of State for Scotland, Scottish Office, Fielden House, 10 Great College Street, London, SW1. 24 April 1952.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper. After thanking him for his assistant Stuart informs Moore that he is 'delaying a further approach to the Council until you tell me that the new Provost has been appointed and you have been able to make unofficial approaches to him about a Deputation meeting me in Edinburgh'. Annotated in pencil by Moore.

[Martha Sherman, wife of Rev. James Sherman.] Printed handbill notice of 'Hymns to be sung at The Funeral of Mrs. Sherman, at Abney Park Cemetery, On Thursday, May 25th, 1848.'

Martha [Patty] Sherman [née Tucker] (1806-1848), wife and helpmate of Rev. James Sherman (1796-1862), Congregationalist and abolitionist [Abney Park Cemetery, Stoke Newington]
Publication details: 
Name of printer not given. [Abney Park Cemetery, Stoke Newington, London. 25 May 1848.]

1p., 4to. Crisply printed with black border. In fair condition, on aged paper, with traces of glue from mount on reverse causing slight discoloration and ruckling. The three hymns are headed: 'After the reading of the Scriptures and Prayer.' (first line of hymn: 'WHY do we mourn departing friends'); 'At the Vault' (first line of hymn: 'UNVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb,'); 'Before the Benediction' (first line of hymn: 'Farewell, dear saint, a short adieu!' No copy located on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

Autograph signatures of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, Anne Cobden-Sanderson and Stella Cobden-Sanderson, with five others, on leaf from album.

Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson (1840-1922), English artist and bookbinder associated with the Arts and Crafts movement, his wife Anne (1853-1926) and daughter Stella (1886-1979) [Doves Press]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. T. J. Cobden-Sanderson's signature dated 27 November 1907, and another dated March 1908. The rest undated.

1p., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. At the head of the page is the elegant signature of 'T. J. Cobden-Sanderson | 27 November 1907', followed by 'Anne Cobden-Sanderson' and 'Stella Cobden-Sanderson'. The fourth signature, dated March 1908, is illegible. It is followed by 'J Paul Clairmont | Clarence A. Mc.Williams | Ralph Waldo Lobenstine'. Lobenstine (1874-1931) was a Yale-educated physician.

[King's College, Cambridge.] Three Autograph Letters Signed ('J. Fred. E. Faning') from James Frederick Edmund Faning, regarding the loan of a tapestry by Lawrence W. Hodson, with reference to the Dean M. R. James and a visit by Lord Kitchener.

James Frederick Edmund Faning (1849-1928) [Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934) of Compton Hall; Montagu Rhodes James [M. R. James] (1862-1936), Provost of Eton and of King's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
All three letters from 1 Addenbrooke Place, Cambridge. 1 August, 23 October and 27 November 1898.

The three items on 12mo bifoliums, and totalling 9pp., 12mo. All three in good condition, on lightly aged paper. The first and last letters in envelopes, with stamps and postmarks, addressed to Hodson at Compton Hall, with the third forwarded to North Wales. ONE (1 August 1898): 2 pp., 12mo. The college authorities have instructed Faning to thank Hodson for his 'kind offer to lend them the "Chapel piece" of your Tapestry and to say that they will be glad to avail themselves of it in October.

[James Stevens Cox, antiquary and bookseller.] Two of his pamphlets, published by his Toucan Press: 'The Richard Curle Collection of the Works of Cicely Veronica Wedgwood' and 'Surrealism and the Coiffure'. With Richard Curle's monograph on Cox..

[James Stevens Cox (1910-1997), antiquary, bookseller and proprietor of the Toucan Press; Richard Curle (1883-1968); surrealism; hairdressing]
Publication details: 
'The Richard Curle Collection': Published by J. Stevens Cox at the Toucan Press, Beaminster, Dorset, 1961. 'Surrealism and the Coiffure', 2nd edition, Toucan Press, Mount Durand, St Peter Port, Guernsey, C.I. 1977. Curle's monograph Stirling, 1962.

The three items in good condition, with minor aging and the last two items lightly-creased. ONE: 'The Richard Curle Collection of the Works of Cicely Veronica Westwood'. Published by J. Stevens Cox at the Toucan Press, Beaminster, Dorset, 1961. 19pp., 16mo. In green printed wraps. Stapled. '65 copies printed'. Four-page introduction, in which Cox writes: 'I wish to emphasise, however, that, despite the amplitude of the muster, this is not a Bibliography.

Autograph Note Signed and poem by the Congregational minister James Bennett of Rotherham, with manuscript poem ('Psalm 149.3, Let the Saints sing about upon their beds') by James Gray of Nailsworth, titled 'Elijah's Interview with God'

James Bennett (1774-1862) of Rotherham, Congregational minister; James Gray of Nailsworth
Publication details: 
Bennett's note dated from Rotherham, 26 November 1829. Gray's poem dated from Nailsworth. 19 January 1828.

On a 4to leaf removed from an album, with Bennett's piece on one side of the leaf, and Gray's on the other. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with a short closed tear to the fore-edge. Bennett's note reads: 'Dearest Brethren, ye know how that a good while ago, God made desire among us, that the Gentiles, from my mouth, should hear the word of the Gospel & believe. And God, who knoweth the hearts, bore them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us: put no difference between us & them, purifying their hearts, by faith'.

Mimeographed pamphlet with by the Artists' International, titled '18 cartoons | Why we are marching!', produced in support of the NUWM National Hunger March against the National Insurance Bill, 1934.

The Artists' International [The Artists' International Association (AIA); Edward Ardizzone; Pearl Binder; Misha Black; James Boswell; James Fitton; Duncan Grant; James Holland; Clifford Rowe]
Publication details: 
The Secretary [A. L. Meblin], The Artists' International, 65 Marchmont Street, WC1. [London, 1934.]

An important piece of British social history, this is an excessively scarce item, with no record whatsoever on Copac, WorldCat or the web. It derives from the papers of the anthropologist J. H. Driberg, whose wife Pearl Binder (later Lady Elwyn Jones) was a member of the Artists' International. It is a 4to pamphlet of 35 pp., of which 21pp. are in 4to, and 14pp. in smaller formats. Each page is mimeographed on one side of a leaf.

Long Autograph Letter Signed from Sylvain Van de Weyer, Belgian Minister to the Court of St James, to 'Mr. Martin' [Sir Theodore Martin], writing at length, including personal reminiscences, about his friend Baron Stockmar. With engraved portrait .

Sylvain Van de Weyer (1802-1874), Belgian Minister to the Court of St James [Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish lawyer and author; Christian Friedrich (1787-1863), Baron Stockmar]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of New Lodge, Windsor Forest. 18 September 1872.

10pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, and still attached to leaves removed from an album. He begins by informing Martin that he has perused his 'admirable article' about Stockmar with 'delight': 'I have read it three times most attentively, as you will see by some marginal marks. He praises the article's 'high moral and religious tone, so perfectly consonant with my old & revered friend's character'.

Six documents from the papers of John Carter, including material relating to Stanley Morison and the Beatrice Warde Memorial Fund, including letters from James Moran, Professor E. A. Lowe, Nicolas Barker and D. van Velden.

John Carter [John Waynflete Carter] (1905-1975); Professor E. A. Lowe; Nicolas Barker; James Moran; D. van Velden [Beatrice Warde (1900-1969); Herbert Morison; Monotype Corporation]
Publication details: 
From London; The Hague; Princeton, New Jersey. Written between 1966 and 1971.

The six items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Typed Letter Signed to Carter, in English, from Miss Dr. D. van Velden, curator. On letterhead of the Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum. 22 March 1966. 1p., 12mo. Giving details of the opening hours. TWO: Typed Letter Signed to Carter from E. A. Lowe. On letterhead of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. 25 January 1969. 'If there are any new developments re Stanley Morison, I hope you will keep me posted. Some one sent me Brooke Crutchley's Two Men. There was no card so I do not know to whom I am indebted.

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