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[10 printed items] Schedule of Contract for Carpenters' [Bricklayers'; Slaters'; Plasterers'; Plumbers'; Painters'; Glaziers'; Smiths'; Cast-iron and Metal] Work for the Service of the War Department, at [blank] in the South-west and Sussex District.

[Ten printed Schedules of Contract for work for the service of the War Department, in the South-West and Sussex District; W. H. Dudley; Robert Stratton; George Wheeler; Isle of Wight; Hurst Castle]
Publication details: 
All ten schedules: 'London: Printed by Harrison & Sons. 1858.'

The collection is of great interest, providing a mass of information regarding the Victorian building trade. The owner of the volume, W. H. Dudley, would appear to be a War Office official, and, as described at the end of this entry, it contains manuscript details of two contracts. The ten printed schedules - totalling [34 + 17 + 14 + 10 + 12 + 13 + 12 + 10 + 16 + 11 =] 149 pp., folio - are uniform in design and format, bound together in a contemporary half-binding, with brown leather spine and corners, and marbled boards. All ten are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding.

Printed 'Information & News Sheet published by British Prisoners of War Funds [...] No. 21 - Far East'.

[Miss Christine Knowles, Founder and Hon. Director, British Prisoners of War Books & Games Fund and Forge-Me-Not League]
Publication details: 
Carrington House, Hertford Street, London, W1. [1944.]

27pp., 12mo. Unbound. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Articles include: Parliamentary News (November 1944); Far East Conditions; Food and Medical Supplies; Minister of Cabinet Rank; Government Inter-Departmental Committee; Telegrams; Radio Message Scheme; Sunk Japanese Transports; List of Names of Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees; Inspection of Prisoners of War Camps; Pay; Leave; Mail.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Granville') from Liberal Foreign Secretary Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, to a 'Baron', stating his position on whether Louis Napoleon's 'mischievous motions' will bring about war in Europe.

Granville George Leveson-Gower (1815-1891), 2nd Earl Granville, Liberal Home Secretary, 1851-1852 [Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (1808-1873), Napoleon III, Emperor of the French; France]
Publication details: 
Bruton St [Mayfair, London]. 20 February 1852.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Of great interest, as giving the informal position of the British Home Secretary on what was at the time the most important problem facing him. Granville would only last as Foreign Secretary for a week after writing this letter, as Russell's Liberal Government would fall on 27 February. Ironically, his elevation to the post of Foreign Secretary the previous Boxing Day had been due to Russell forcing Palmerston's resignation over his unauthorized recognition of Louis Napoléon's coup d'état. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Baron'.

[Catalogue by the London bookseller Francis Edwards, titled] How England saved Europe. Catalogue of Books, Engravings and Autographs relating to Napoleon the First and the wars in which he was engaged, 1793-1815.

[Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French; Francis Edwards, London bookseller, printseller and dealer in autographs]
Publication details: 
'Offered for sale by Francis Edwards, Bookseller, Printseller and Dealer in Autographs, 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W.' March1917.

46pp., 12mo. In original printed wraps, with the last two pages of the catalogue on the back cover. 704 priced items, with descriptions. Reproduction of no. 612 (mezzotint of Napoleon by Charles Turner from J. J. Masquerier) on front cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn wraps, with occasional pencil markings in margins. An important catalogue, issued in part to make a point during the Great War.

Unpublished holograph poem (signed 'J. F. Hollings') by the Leicester poet and local historian James Francis Hollings, entitled 'Edgehill', regarding the English Civil War battle, 1642.

James Francis Hollings (1806-1862), poet and local historian, President of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society [Leicestershire; English Civil War; Battle of Edgehill, 1642;]
Publication details: 
Without place place or place, on paper with watermarked date 1831. [Leicester, 1830s?]

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On wove paper watermarked 'R TASSELL | 1831'. 56 lines, arranged in seven eight-line stanzas. Presentable, despite wear and age, closed tears along crease lines, and traces of yellow-paper mount on blank reverse of second leaf. There is no sign that this item was ever published, which is surprising, as it is a superior effort, written with some conviction, the subject being one on which Hollings was regarded as an authority.

[Archive] First World War Correspondence of Captain George Malleson Butt, Army Service Corps, Salonika Army and Black Sea Forces

Captain George Malleson Butt
Publication details: 

Approximately 250 letters written by Captain George Malleson Butt (1880-1936) of the Army Service Corps, written while on active service in the First World War, mainly with the Salonika Army and Black Sea Forces in the Balkans; the greater part addressed to his father George Weller Butt (d.1931) of Wilbury, Littlehampton, but with a number to his brother Charles Arthur Butt in Brighton. The earliest letters date from 1914, and the latest from 1919.The Butts were a prosperous family of Sussex timber merchants, trading in Littlehampton and Brighton under the name John Eede Butt & Sons.

Three Autograph Letter Signed (all 'Eric') from Sir Eric de la Rue, 3rd Baronet, one to his father and two to his sister Diana, written during the Second World War as a Captain in the Notts Yeomanry, Middle East Forces (Egypt and Benghazi).

Sir Eric de la Rue [Sir Eric Vincent de la Rue] (1906-1989), 3rd Baronet, son of Sir Evelyn Andros de la Rue (1879-1950) [Notts Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry; British Army, Middle East Forces]
Publication details: 
Letter to his father: 17 March [1944]; 'H.Q. 215 Town Mayor M.E.F.' Letters to his sister: 4 May [1944] and 4 October [1944]. Both addressed from the MEF.

All three are air mail letter cards. Each with 'Field Post Office' postmark and censor's stamp. The three in fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Letter One: To his father, 17 March [1944]. Addressed to 'My dear Father', with the envelope addressed to 'Sir E. de la Rue Bart. | The Sol | Cookham | Berkshire | England.' 1p, 4to, and 1p., 12mo. A light-hearted letter, in which he jokes about his father's inability to read the word 'Aviv' ('I suppose a series of "i"s and "v"s is rather difficult even if printed') and find the place on the map ('it is much larger than Bournemouth').

Mimeographed typescript, giving details of 'life as a Prisoner of War in Thailand [...] collected by Mrs. P. M. Robinson, wife of Major Robinson, 1/5th Sherwood Foresters, now in No. 4 Camp from two men recently returned from this Camp.'

Mrs Hope Robinson, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, wife of Major P. M. Robinson, 1/5th Sherwood Foresters [Number 4 Camp (Bam Pong), Thailand; Japan; Japanese Prisoner of War]
Publication details: 
Dated 29 November 1944.

3pp., folio, on three leaves stapled together. Fair, on aged paper. All in all a curiously positive account, with the possible explanation that Mrs Robinson's two informants chose to hide the worst from her. It is also pointed out at the foot of the first page that 'owing to the size of the Camp and the way it was divided up, it is not easy for the escaped men to give details of all the members of the Camp.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Training of the Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Spotter. By Major L. E. C. M. Perowne, R.E. (Revised Edition.)

Major L. E. C. M. Perowne, R.E. [Major-General Lancelot Edgar Connop Mervyn Perowne (1902-1982), Royal Engineers, Commander, 17th Gurkha Division]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated. [A revised reprint from The Royal Engineers Journal, September 1938.]

24pp., 8vo, with one extra plate on art paper, and five full pages of diagrams in text. Stapled, in blue printed wraps. With two ownership inscriptions on the wraps, both of Royal Artillery personnel: the first of S. M. Dawes, and the second of '483 S/L Batt RA', i.e. Jack Lynden Batt (b.1922), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery. This offprint is excessively scare, with no copies listed on COPAC or WorldCat.

Typed Letter Signed from the British politician Herbert Morrison to his Labour Party colleague Tom Driberg, regarding 'the difficulties Private Donaldson says he is experiencing about his discharge from the Army'. With TLS from Driberg to Donaldson.

Herbert Morrison [Herbert Stanley Morrison, Baron Morrison of Lambeth] (1888-1965), British Labour politician [Tom Driberg [Thomas Edward Neil Driberg] (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell; Gérard' Donaldson]
Publication details: 
Morrison's Letter to Driberg: On letterhead of the Home Secretary, Whitehall, London, SW1. 20 December 1944. Driberg's letter to Donaldson: On House of Commons letterhead. 22 December 1944.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight rust staining from paperclip. Typed Letter Signed ('Herbert Morrison') from Morrision to Driberg: 1p., 12mo. 17 lines of text. Concerning 'the difficulties which Private Donaldson says he is experiencing about his discharge from the Army because his certificate of naturalisation has gone astray', the Home Office 'asked the War Office to take every practicable step to recover the lost certificate', and they have written again to the War Office, 'to give them the information about the naturalisation of Private Donaldson'.

Eighteen items relating to British Salonica Army concert parties in the First World War, including three programmes, ten photographs and four ALsS from Captain G. M. Butt of the Army Service Corps to his father G. W. Butt of Littlehampton

Captain George Malleson Butt (1880-1936) of the Army Service Corps [his father George Weller Butt (d.1931) of Wilbury, Littlehampton, British Salonica Army; Balkans; Sir Reginald Kennedy-Cox]
Publication details: 
Salonica. 1917 and 1918.

This collection provides an evocative and unusual snapshot of First World War social history, comprising eighteen items relating to British Army concert party performances in Salonica towards the end of the First World War, including three scarce programmes (only one copy of Item 13 below on COPAC, and Items 1 and 14 unknown), ten photographs of members of the concert party in character (several in drag), and four letters from Captain Butt (Items 15 to 18), three of them containing well-written, appreciative and informative comments on productions.

[Archive] First World War Correspondence of Captain George Malleson Butt, Army Service Corps, Salonika Army and Black Sea Forces

Captain George Malleson Butt
Publication details: 

Approximately 250 letters written by Captain George Malleson Butt (1880-1936) of the Army Service Corps, written while on active service in the First World War, mainly with the Salonika Army and Black Sea Forces in the Balkans; the greater part addressed to his father George Weller Butt (d.1931) of Wilbury, Littlehampton, but with a number to his brother Charles Arthur Butt in Brighton. The earliest letters date from 1914, and the latest from 1919.The Butts were a prosperous family of Sussex timber merchants, trading in Littlehampton and Brighton under the name John Eede Butt & Sons.

Mimeographed typed British Salonica Army concert party programme: '738 M.T. Company A.S.C. Programme. Slip Your Clutch. A Revue In Three Acts by 2nd Lt. J. A. Lincoln Reed.'

2nd Lt J. A. Lincoln Reed [Captain George Malleson Butt (1880-1936) of the Army Service Corps; British Salonica Army; Balkans]
Publication details: 
[British Salonica Army; Balkans.] 1917.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Mimeographed typescript in purple ink. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Title page reads: '738 M. T. Company A. S. C. | 1917 | Programme. | Slip your Clutch. | A Revue | In Three Acts | by | 2nd Lt. J. A. Lincoln Reed.' The second page carries a 'Synopsis of Scenery': 'Act I A Village Green in Blightly | Act II Scene I - Mikra Bay | Scene II - Serres Road | Act III Interior of the Follies Bergeres Night Cafe Salonique (out of bounds)'. Also the announcement: 'The entire production by members of 738 MET.

[Small archive] First World War Relief from Mrs A. M. Driberg to Allied Prisoners of War: Food Parcels to PoW

[Amy Driberg, mother of Tom Driberg; Food Parcels]
Publication details: 

A collection including an autograph notebook, photographs, receipts, circulars, received by Mrs Amy Mary Irving Driberg (d.1939) [née Bell], of Uckfield Lodge, Crowborough, wife of J.J.S. Driberg, and mother of Labour politician Tom Driberg (Baron Bradwell) (1905-76), in connection with her efforts on behalf of allied prisoners of war. An interesting and informative collection, casting light on a generally-overlooked aspect of the Great War. In good overall condition, on lightly-aged paper.ONE. Notebook in the autograph of Mrs A. M.

Visiting Card Signed.

R.C. Sherriff, writer, best known for his play "Journey's End" [First World War]
Publication details: 
No date; Rosebriars, Esher.

Card, 7.5 x 3.5cm, good condition. Printed name and address ("R.C. Sherriff. | Rosebriars, Esher") with Signature on verso ("Yours sincerely | RCSherriff").


[Mimeographed pamphlet.] 500 Hours In The Blitz. [On reverse:] Wartime Doggerel for the Dog Tired.

George E. O. Knight (b.1885) [The Blitz, 1940-1941; London; Thomas Edward Neil Driberg] (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell, journalist and Labour MP]
Publication details: 
London: "Earways", Flat 782, 67/9, Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 1941.

12pp., 4to. On the rectos of 12 leaves, stitched with red thread into yellow wrappers with crude design of airplanes in action. From the papers of the Labour MP Tom Driberg, and with 'Mr Driberg' in pencil at head of front wrap. In a preface dated 21 August 1941 Knight refers to 'twelve fateful and ferocious months', and criticises 'a deplorable lack of vision and imagination everywhere.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Rose') from the English historian John Holland Rose, writing, while on active service in France with the British Expeditionary Force, to Alfred Tresidder Sheppard to commend his latest novel.

J. H. Rose [John Holland Rose] (1855-1942), English historian best-known for his biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, Reader in Modern History, Cambridge University [Alfred Tresidder Sheppard (1871-1947)]
Publication details: 
On Y.M.C.A. letterhead, 'On Active Service | With the British Expeditionary Force', 15 September 1917.

2pp., 4to. 53 lines. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of previous mounting at head, and a light and unobtrusive water stain. The letter is headed by Rose 'Y.M.C.A. B.A.P.O.2 B.E.F. France'. Regarding Sheppard's recently-published 'Quest of Ledgar Dunstan', Rose writes: 'You have a wonderfully keen mental eye which sees everything with extraordinary sharpness, & you have a literary hand which etches with just & delicate touch. The book is also one of singular intensity of feeling which carries the reader along fascinated & thrilled.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Christopher Sykes') from the author and aesthete Christopher Hugh Sykes to the social anthropologist J. H. Driberg, arranging a meeting in Cambridge.

Christopher Sykes [Christopher Hugh Sykes] (1907-86), English author, biographer of Evelyn Waugh, and traveller with Robert Byron across Central Asia [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), anthropologist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Badlingham Manor, Chippenham, Ely, Cambridgeshire. Undated [late 1930s].

2pp., 12mo. Very good on blue paper, with letterhead printed in red. He begins: 'I must write to tell you how very much indeed I enjoyed the course at Cambridge and particularly your lectures.

Typed Letter Signed and Memo from the Claims Section, British Embassy, Athens, regarding clothing and money allegedly lent to Major Patrick Leigh Fermor by Kyriakos Pattakos of Amariou.

[Sir Patrick Leigh Fermor [Paddy Leigh Fermor] (1915-2011), British scholar, travel writer and soldier who fought in Crete in the Second World War] [Kyriakos Pattakos of Amariou]
Publication details: 
Letter addressed to Leigh Fermor from Claims Section, British Embassy, Athens. 22 October 1946. Memo without date or place.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The two are attached with a rusty pin, and there is a tiny hole at the head of the memo, affecting the word 'Kyriakos'. LETTER: 1p., 4to. Signature illegible. Addressed 'To: Mr. P. Leigh Fermor | British Council | ATHENS | From: Claims Section | British Embassy | ATHENS'. With 'Ref: 133/2803/109' and headed 'Subject: Force 133 Claim - Kyriakos PATTAKOS (2803)'. Requesting Leigh Fermor's 'general observations' on the enclosed memo regarding Pattakos's 'petition to H.M. Ambassador requesting payment of compensation amounting to £150/200.

Four albums of typed memoranda, reports, and newspaper cuttings, relating to the stock market and economic situation, assembled by a firm of Anglo-German City of London stockbrokers, with memoranda of 'Things to be Kept in Mind' and other matter.

[Reports and printed material relating to the stock market, assembled by an Anglo-German firm of City of London stockbrokers between 1918 and 1934]
Publication details: 
The material in the albums dates from and relates to the periods 1918-1919, 1929, 1931 and 1933-1934. Two of the albums are supplied by London stationers.

The collection of seven items is in fair condition, lightly-aged and with slight rust staining to a few pages. The material is from the archives of an Anglo-German firm of City of London stockbrokers (see the list of clients in Item One below, all with German names), and is valuable for the material it contains revealing the impact of the First World War on the firm's own business (see Item Two below, regarding the 'Enemy [i.e.

Three albums filled with English and German manuscript memoranda, newspaper cuttings and mimeographed reports, relating to the Great War and 1898-1909 periods, assembled by an Anglo-German stockbroker in the City of London.

[an Anglo-German stockbroker in the City of London during the Great War and 1898-1909 periods]
Publication details: 
Manuscript album, in German, 1898 to 1909, with label of a Hamburg stationer. Two other albums from 1917, with labels of London stationers.

The three items come from the papers of an Anglo-German City of London stockbroker, with Item One, below, indicating that he was based in Germany between 1898 and 1909, and that he had moved to England by 1917. A major point of interest is the fact that the material has been assembled by an educated, intelligent and well-informed individual with good knowledge of both German and English economic realities, at a time of high conflict between the two nations. ONE: 94pp., folio. In black cloth quarter-binding with brown marbled boards, and label of W. Harneit, Hamburg. Consisting of 88pp.

[Pamphlet} The Basques and the Communists

Publication details: 
Euzko Deya (England) Ltd, 1939.

Printed wraps, [16]pp., 12mo, wraps grubby and chipped in on corner, contents also grubby in parts and detached from rusted (staining) staples (no longer present), closed tear on one page, pinholes (slightly larger), through several pages, poor[ish] condition but complete. COPAC and WorldCat list only two copies each. Scarce.

Typed Note Signed and Typed Letter Signed from the American journalist Robert Warshow to the English parliamentarian Lord Chorley, the letter apologising for the rudeness of the note and discussing General Clark's Operation Moolah in the Korean War.

Robert Warshow (1917-1955), pioneering American commentator on popular culture, in articles in Commentary magazine and the Partisan Review [Robert, Lord Chorley (1895-1978); General Mark Wayne Clarke]
Publication details: 
Both items on letterhead of Commentary magazine, New York. 1 May and 4 June 1953.

In a House of Lords debate on 28 April 1953 Chorley described as 'dastardly' the recent 'Operation Moolah', conceived by the American General Mark W. Clarke, in which more than a million leaflets were dropped on North Korea, offering $100,000 to the first pilot to defect with a MiG-15 fighter plane. The note is 1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'Hon. Lord Chorley | House of Lords | London', it simply reads: 'Dear Sir: | Have you ever heard of Benedict Arnold? | Respectfully, | [signed] Robert Warshow'. The letter is 1p., 4to.

Printed programme of a performance by the First World War British Army 33rd Division Concert Party 'The Shrapnels', titled 'The First attempt at Pantomime in France | To avoid confusion we name it | The Babes in the W (censored)'.

'Corporal James Flint, Glasgow Highlanders' ['The Shrapnels' Concert Party of the 33rd Division of the British Army in the First World War]
Publication details: 
Slug: 'Béthune. - Imprimerie H. DAVID.' 'Initial Performance Wednesday 22nd Dec. 1915 and every evening until further notice'.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper. An excessively scarce piece of First World War ephemera, with the only copy traced at the Imperial War Museum.

Autograph Letter Signed, in English, from a French interpreter ('M. Daller'?), informing Brig.-General Herbert Cecil Potter of the King's Regiment (Liverpool) that he has been ordered to join 'the Yankee Army'. With two initialled notes by Potter.

[Brigadier-General Herbert Cecil Potter (1875-1964), CB, CMG, DSO, of the King's Regiment (Liverpool)]
Publication details: 
No place. 25 September 1917.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is written in pencil, and begins: 'Sir, | I am awfully sorry to say that I have just been ordered to report tomorrow to G. H. Q. where I shall very probably receive the order to go to the Yankee Army. | I am really very sorry to leave you without having even been able to present to you my respects and my thanks for the kindness you have always shown to me during the time I have been attached to this brigade which is now exactly a year ago.

Folder, titled 'List Of 213 Celebrities', containing material including a list of names and addresses of supporters of C.A.S.T., the Campaign of Actors for Sunday Theatres, drafts of typed addresses 'by' Noel Coward, original designs for slogans.

[Noel Coward; Alec Clunes, Honorary Treasurer, Campaign of Actors for Sunday Theatres (C.A.S.T.); Vivien Leigh]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London. Circa 1942-1943.]

The Campaign of Actors for Sunday Theatres appears to have been active from January 1943 until at least 1944, with the actor Alec Clunes as Honorary Treasurer. The fourteen items in this collection are in good condition, on aged paper, in a beige card folder carrying the title 'LIST OF 213 CELEBRITIES'. [NB. While the first item described below is likely to be, as its title states, the work of Noel Coward, one other item at least in this collection (present in two versions as nos.

Autograph draft of a circular letter by the comedian Tommy Trinder urging Equity members to vote in favour of Sunday opening in a wartime ballot on that question. With a typescript of the circular, and a printed facsimile of Trinder's signature.

Tommy Trinder [Thomas Edward Trinder] (1909-1989), English stage, screen and radio comedian with the catchphrase 'You lucky people!' [C.A.S.T., Campaign of Actors for Sunday Theatres, 1943]
Publication details: 
Undated [1943].

The three items are stapled to one another, in good condition on lightly-aged paper. The first item is the typescript, which is 1p., 4to. It is addressed to 'Dear Brother Artist,' and begins: 'You will possibly be rather surprised to receive a letter from me, but after having spent most of my life in the Provinces, I now find myself landed in London. I am surprised at the amount of discussion and activity that takes place here regarding the "politics" of the theatre - and realise how you in the Provinces are apt to get left out.

Printed First World War circular from the 'British Repatriation Committee Lucerne, Organisation for the Assistance and Return of British Subjects', with form filled in by 'Mr & Mrs R. Haward Ives', giving 'reasons for urgency'.

British Repatriation Committee Lucerne, Organisation for the Assistance and Return of British Subjects [Richard Haward Ives, Assistant Secretary, Essex and Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society]
Publication details: 
Circular dated 'Schweizerhof Hotel, Lucerne, 13th August 1914.'

1p., 4to., with vertical perforation dividing the circular (upper part) from the form (lower part). Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. The fourteen-line circular begins: 'It is appreciated that every British Subject wishes to return at once, but all will not be able to get in the first train. | The British Committee will have to select the order of going by the various degrees of urgency. [...] Persons in Government service, men going to mobilisation, and persons in distress, have special claims to priority.' The form, completed in pencil by 'Mr & Mrs R.

Material mainly relating to the Second World War and the Battle of Britain, from the papers of Flying Office Robert French Helm, Royal Air Force, including autograph material, photographs, tables.

Flying Officer Robert French Helm (1913-1995), Royal Air Force [The Battle of Britain]
Publication details: 
The photographs date from the 1940s; the rest of the material circa 1960.

Helm's promotion on 3 September 1940 to the rank of Flying Officer (41020) is recorded in the London Gazette, 15 October 1940. After the war he joined the International Civil Aviation Authority, working in Iran and Zambia, and was elected to the Membership of the Institute of Navigation, Royal Geological Society, in 1971. A total of 59pp., 8vo, of pencil notes and tables by Helm, relating to the RAF in the Second World War, with 6 original photographs.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Russell') from the war reporter on The Times William Howard Russell to Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, praising him fulsomely on the creation of his baronetcy.

William Howard Russell (1820-1907), Irish reporter with The Times, one of the first modern war correspondents [Sir Roderick Impey Murchison (1792-1871), Scottish geologist]
Publication details: 
18 Sumner Place, SW, London, on letterhead of the Garrick Club. 9 July 1866.

3pp., 12mo. Gilt-edged bifolium. Fair, on aged paper, with the reverse of the second leaf backed with part of the leaf on which the letter was previously laid down.

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