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Autograph Letter Signed ('MM.') from Maton Marble, editor of New York World, to 'My dear Jack', also 'J R H'. With newspaper cutting comparing Marble's handwriting with that of a cipher dispatch by 'Moses', in article on vote-rigging and forgery.

Manton Marble (1834-1917), American journalist, editor of the New York World
Publication details: 
Letter: on letterhead of 'The World' Office, 35 Park Row, New York. 'Saturday AM' [no date]. Newspaper cutting, without date or place.

Both items good, on aged paper. Letter: 1p., 12mo. He has 'spoken to three or four of the members' on his behalf, 'most gladly - and have written to Secretary MacDonough to vouch himself & present my voucher to the Com. on Admissions.' Newspaper cutting: Titled 'The Effort to buy a vote in Florida. | Tell-tale fac-similes of dispatches, cipher and plain. | A comparison between a significant telegram of Moses and one signed by Moses Manton.' Giving facsimiles of the two documents, with explanation: 'We present herewith a facsimile of the cipher dispatch in which Moses informs Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New York journalist Manton Marble to Samuel Dana Horton, hoping for the pleasure of a 'Monetary Confference'.

Manton Marble (1834-1917), American journalist, editor of the New York World [Samuel Dana Horton (1844-1895), writer on bimetallism]
Publication details: 
'<Warmley's?> - Wash[ingto]n'. 29 November 1885.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He has found Horton's 'card, & address' on returning from dinner, and is sorry to miss the chance of seeing him, 'but I return to New York in the limited train in the morning.' He hopes Horton will be in New York before he returns to Ohio, 'and that you will give me the pleasure of a "Monetary Conference". Marble shared Horton's interests, also in 1885 he went to Europe as a delegate to the Bi-Metallic Congress.

Holograph Latin poem by the Rev. John Keate, Master of Eton College, written while a student at King's College, Cambridge.

Rev. John Keate (1773-1852), DD, Headmaster of Eton College [King's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Without date or place [Cambridge. Written between 1791 and 1797.]

2pp., 12mo. On a leaf of wove paper with Britannia watermark. In fair condition, on aged paper with slight wear to extremities. In pencil at head 'Rev. J. Keate | Head Master of Eton'. Tipped in at the head is a slip of paper with an entry from a Victorian manuscripts catalogue describing the item, reading: 'KEATE (The Rev. John, D.D.). Head Master of Eton.

Autograph Letter Signed from the wood-engraver Robert Gibbings to Mrs de Navarro in Canada, discussing his future plans.

Robert Gibbings (1889-1958), Anglo-Irish wood-engraver and author
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 91 Warwick Road, London, SW5. 1 January 1953.

1p., 4to. Eight lines. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight discoloration to the blank reverse, caused by tape repair to a short closed tear. In envelope addressed by Gibbings to 'Mrs. de Navarro | P.O. Box 88 | Mont-Rolland | P.Q. | Canada'. He thanks her for her 'nice letter'. He is 'now hard at work on the engravings for my new book "Coming Down The Seine" to be published in the autumn; then I may be going back to Ireland again.' He ends in sending 'every good wish for 1953'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. B. Tinker'), Typed Letter Signed ('C. B. T.') and Autograph Note Signed ('Tinker') from the Boswell scholar Professor Chauncey Brewster Tinker of Yale University to the Johnson scholar Charles McCamic.

Chauncey Brewster Tinker (1876-1963), Professor of English Literature at Yale University, and authority on James Boswell
Publication details: 
All three on letterheads of 847 Memorial Quadrangle, New Haven. Autograph Letter. 22 October 1924. Typed Letter: 30 May 1928. Autograph Note: 7 June 1928.

Autograph Letter: 1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope addressed by Tinker to McCamic at Wheeling, West Virginia. He thanks him for sending 'the book on Barber'. 'It enriches my working library, and I shall be frequently reminded of what I owe to your kindness and interest.' Typed Letter: 1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with light rust stain from staple at head. McCamic's 'file of the British Magazine' is 'rare, if not unknown'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New Hampshire almanac maker Dudley Leavitt ('Old Master Leavitt') to the bookseller Charles Norris of Exeter, New Hampshire, publisher of his 'Scholar's Review', discussing it and giving the text of an advertisement.

Dudley Leavitt (1772-1851), New Hampshire almanac maker for over half a century, known locally as 'Old Master Leavitt' [Charles Norris (1782?-1847), bookseller and publisher, Exeter, New Hampshire]
Publication details: 
Meredith [New Hampshire]. 3 September 1811.

2pp., folio. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Signed twice. In the body of the letter, consisting of twenty-two lines, Leavitt writes that he is forwarding to Norris 'the Register with such additions and corrections as appeared necessary'. He will insert any further information in a few weeks. Regarding 'the sitting of the Courts' he states: 'If the Legislature of this State altered none of the sitting last June, they are correct in your Register for 1811. I think there is no alteration.' As his 'local situation is such' that he cannot soon ascertain particulars, he suggests George Sullivan.

Autograph Note Signed ('E. Leslie -') by the American author of popular cookbooks and works of etiquette Eliza Leslie [Miss Leslie].

Eliza Leslie [Miss Leslie] (1787-1858), American author of popular cookbooks, and of works on etiquette
Publication details: 
No place. 14 October 183<4?>.

1p., 4to. On aged paper, in two pieces, lightly-attached to a piece of backing paper. The text of the note and the signature are intact on the upper part of the letter, but the name of the recipient is lacking. The note reads '- May I ask you to advance me fifty dollars on account of the souvenir - Being disappointed in receiving some money that I expected from Boston, I am just now quite at a loss. | Yours | [signed] E. Leslie -'. Leslie's story 'The Souvenir' was first published in 1830 in 'The Pearl', and republished in 1832 in 'Affection's Gift'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Frederick A. Pottle') from Frederick Albert Pottle, editor and biographer of James Boswell, to the Johnsonian Charles McCamic, with a long discussion of the publishing history and current prices of three works.

Frederick A. Pottle [Frederick Albert Pottle] (1897-1987), biographer of James Boswell, and editor of his journals [Charles McCamic, Johnsonian; Chauncey Brewster Tinker; Robert Borthwick Adam]
Publication details: 
Both from 367 Elm Street, New Haven, Connecticut (one on a letterhead). 12 May and 11 June 1928.

Both letters fair, on aged paper. Letter One: 12mo, 4 pp. Discussing the possibility that McCamic might be able to 'stop-over in New Haven' on his journey to Smith. 'You might be interested to see the proofs of the Bibliography'. 'This has been a hard letter to write, and doesn't sound as cordial as I should wish, [...] I wish I could invite you to stay with me on the night of the 15, but I live in a small apartment and have no accomodations [sic] for guests'. Letter Two: 10pp., small 4to.

Contemporary manuscript volume containing documents concerning the legal action brought in the Court of Chancery by Rev. John Cowper and others against Rev. Evan Price, Headmaster, the Free Grammar School of King Edward VI, Berkhamsted, and others.

[The Free Grammar School of King Edward VI in Berkhamsted; Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke (1690-1764), Lord Chancellor; Rev. John Cowper (1694-1756); Rev. Evan Price]
Publication details: 
Circa 1755.

123pp., folio. Paginated. In contemporary brown tooled calf, with two metal clasps, and a metal ring at foot of rear board. Internally good and tight, on aged paper, in worn binding. A fair copy, neatly written out in a mid-eighteenth-century chancery hand, with the body of text on each page bordered by two vertical red lines. The Free Grammar School of King Edward VI in Berkhamsted was founded by John Incent, Dean of St Paul's, in 1541.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'Chas. Hamilton', informing Henry Dundas that 'Doctor Morris of Parliament Street' has cured three men 'labouring under the same disorder which now afflicts our gracious Sovereign [King George III].

Charles Hamilton (1753-1828), 8th Earl of Haddington [Michael Morris (d.1791) MD; Henry Dundas (1742-1811), 1st Viscount Melville; the madness of King George III; John Sheldon (1752-1808), anatomist]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but written during the King's first attack, 1788-1789.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Text complete, on aged paper with a number of closed tears repaired with archival tape. The second leaf of the bifolium, lacking a strip at the top, is docketed 'Dr. Morris of Parliament Street's Success in curing Persons afflicted with Complaints similar to that which His Majesty labours under'. Considering the political content at the end of the letter, the author is probably Charles Hamilton, at the time of writing known by his courtesy title of Lord Binning.

Autograph Letter Signed ('N: Wm. Wraxall:') from the diarist and politician Sir Nathaniel William Wraxall congratulating Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville 'on the Event of the late Business [i.e. impeachment] in Westminster Hall'.

Sir Nathaniel William Wraxall (1751-1831), diarist, politician and traveller [Henry Dundas (1742-1811), 1st Viscount Melville; Sir John Macpherson (c.1745-1821), Governor-General of Bengal]
Publication details: 
'Brompton. (Sir John Macpherson's) | Monday. 30th. June, 1806.'

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with one minor damp stain. Dundas was the last ever British minister to be impeached. He was acquitted of corruption charges on 12 June 1806.

Autograph Letter in the third person from the biblical scholar Rev. Dr Thomas Hartwell Horne, declining an invitation to a conversazione of the Rt Hon. Lord Londesborough because of the state of his health.

Rev. Dr Thomas Hartwell Horne (1780-1862), biblical scholar and bibliographer [Albert Denison [formerly Conyngham], first Baron Londesborough (1805-1860), connoisseur]
Publication details: 
Rectory House, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street; 10 May 1851.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. 'Revd. Thos. Hartwell Horne presents his respectful Comps. to the Rt. Hon. Lord Londesborough; and regrets that the state of his health will not allow him the pleasure of being present at his Lordship's Conversazione, on the 21st. inst.'

Autograph Letter Signed from the radical Thomas Cooper to fellow-Chartist William Lovett, announcing a course of lectures and criticising the Irish Chartist Feargus O'Connor. With printed handbill advertising a course of Cooper's lectures in Holborn.

Thomas Cooper (1805-1892), Chartist and religious lecturer [William Lovett (1800-1877), radical, Secretary of the London Working Men's Association and the first Chartist Convention; Feargus O'Connor]
Publication details: 
Letter: 134 Blackfriars Road, London; 12 February 1846. Handbill: Ostell, Printer, Hart Street, Bloomsbury. 1847.

Letter: 1p., 4to. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damage to second leaf, the reverse of which is addressed to 'Mr. Wm. Lovett | National Hall | 242, Holborn', with postmarks in black and red ink. Cooper begins: 'Dear Lovett | Please announce, in your bill that | "Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed from Jeremy Bentham's amanuensis Richard Doane to the French revolutionary Marc-Antoine Jullien at Paris, conveying information about Bentham, the Earl of Shelburne and E. Dumont; with list of works sent to Jullien by Bentham.

Richard Doane (1805-1848), barrister and amanuensis and editor of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832); Marc-Antoine Jullien (1775-1848), protégé of Robespierre; Pierre Étienne Louis Dumont (1759-1829)]
Publication details: 
Queen's Square Place, Westminster; 14 November 1825.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip from mount adhering to margin of verso of second leaf, which is addressed to 'Mr. M. A. Jullien de Paris.' Printed slip from nineteenth-centrury catalogue describing the item laid down on first leaf. Doane begins 'My dear Sir, | Through the medium of M. George (whom I have had the pleasure of seeing since I wrote you last) I send de la part de M. Bentham the following works'. A list of thirteen items follows, from 'Christomathia 2 vols' to 'European Magazine for April 1823'. 'Those which are marked thus * Mr. B. wd.

Manuscript itemised bill for books from 'Mr. John Nourse to Thomas Longman', with signed receipt by Longman at foot.

Thomas Longman (1730–1797), London bookseller and publisher, nephew of the founder of the business Thomas Longman (1699-1755); John Nourse (1705-1780) bookseller at 138 Strand, London
Publication details: 
Nourse's bill is dated from London, for items purchased between 13 February and 5 October 1770. Longman's receipt is dated 4 April 1771.

1p., landscape 8vo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with small spike-hole (not affecting text), and minor traces of previous mount on reverse, which is docketed 'J. Nourse to T. Longman, 1770.' The bill lists five items, from 'Johnsons Dicty 2 V. folio' to 'Sherwin's Tables', with the date of purchase and price, coming to a total of £14 8s 4d. The receipt at the foot of the page reads 'April 4. 1771 Received the Contents - | [signed] Thos Longman'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Garnett') from Richard Garnett, Keeper of Printed Books in the British Museum, to 'Mr. Colles', regarding a 'disagreeable' letter from the Italian librarian Guido Biagi concerning the writer Helen Zimmern.

Richard Garnett (1835-1906), Keeper of Printed Books in the British Museum [Helen Zimmern (1846-1934), Anglo-German translator and author; Guido Biagi (1855-1925), Italian librarian]
Publication details: 
27 Tanza Road, Hampstead; 30 October 1900.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, stamped as received 31 October 1900, with a '6' in blue pencil. Garnett considers 'Signor Biagi's letter [...] indeed most disagreeable', but cannot see how it can be 'kept from Miss Zimmern's knowledge', as 'she has a right to know what he says of her'. 'Fortunately, however, I have by the same post a letter from her saying that she is coming to London to deliver lectures, and will [be] at 45 Porchester Terrace on Nov. 10'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Wilde') from the Solicitor General Sir Thomas Wilde to an unnamed individual, on 'The Lithgon Case'.

Thomas Wilde, first Baron Truro (1782-1855), Lord Chancellor
Publication details: 
Dover Street; 9 January [1841].

3pp., 12mo. Fair, on aged and worn paper. Wilde explains that he had previously written regarding the case, but 'by some accident the Letter has been mislaid (I believe) among my mass of papers, and I therefore fear it may not have reached you as I cannot learn who among the Servants dispatched it'.

Signed Autograph Memorandum ('Ro Greenhow') from the historian Robert Greenhow, produced as part of his duties as librarian at the Department of State in Washington, concerning a correspondence between Madison and Monroe on 'natural improvements'.

Robert Greenhow (1800-1854), translator and librarian at the Department of State in Washington, and author of works including 'The History of Oregon and California' (1844)
Publication details: 
24 June [no year].

1p., 4to. Ten lines. Fair, on aged paper, with one unobtrusive closed tear. Greenhow describes the surviving correspondence concerning 'natural improvements' between Madison and Monroe, and speculates regarding a discrepancy.

Autograph Letter Signed from the dramatist and editor of 'Punch' Tom Taylor to J. Watkins [the photographer John Watkins?], regarding the construction of a case for a portrait of him.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and comic writer, author of 'The Ticket of Leave Man' (1863) and editor of 'Punch' [John & Charles Watkins, London photographers]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Local Government Act Office, 8 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall; 30 January [1864?].

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with remains of stub along one edge. Second leaf inserted into a paper windowpane mount. Written in a hurried and difficult hand. Taylor writes that he wishes to have a portrait put into a case 'by the workman you employ for such work'. He gives instructions, concluding 'The portrait I think the most satisfactory that has yet been taken of me.' The National Portrait Gallery possesses an albumen carte-de-visite of Taylor ('1864 or before') by John & Charles Watkins.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R G Hazard') from the American industrialist and abolitionist Rowland Gibson Hazard to Messrs Livingstone & Co, regarding bonds and other interests. With a signed printed receipt from the Fireman's Mutual Insurance Company.

Rowland Gibson Hazard (1801-1845) , American industrialist, founder of the Peace Dale Manufacturing Company, Rhode Island, politician, and abolitionist [Fireman's Mutual Insurance Company]
Publication details: 
Letter: Peace Dale, Rhode Island; 16 December 1838. Receipt: Providence; 7 August 1862.

Letter: 1p., 12mo. Fair, on lighty-aged paper. Hazard does not 'hold the bonds you allude to', but still has some other interests in relation to a named party. He will be in New York 'ere long'. Docketed on the reverse: 'Does not hold La C Bond | Wil be in N Y before long'. The receipt is attractively printed on one side of a piece of 16 x 6.5 cm paper. In good condition. Hazard acknowledges receipt from the company of $56.87, the dividend on inusrance policy 1931. Signed by him 'Peace Dale Mg Co | [signed] R G Hazard Jnor'. The two items appear unconnected.

Autograph Letter Signed from Whitelaw Reid, editor of the New York Tribune, to J. R. Howard of New York. With photographic reproduction of portrait.

Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912), editor of the New York Tribune, Republican Vice-Presidential nominee in 1892 (with President Benjamin Harrison), and author of 'Ohio in the War' (1867)
Publication details: 
Letter: New York; 12 November 1869. Photograph: circa 1905.

1p., 12mo. On letterhead of the New York Tribune. Very good. Addressed to 'J. R. Howard | No. 39 Park Row'. Reid writes that he 'came down' after 'our first side had been stereotyped', and so was 'unable to insert in the Financial column the items of news you were good enough to send'. He hopes 'it will not be too late to use them on Monday'. The photographic portrait of Reid ('Copyright, 1902, by Rockwood') is taken from a magazine, and is captioned 'Hon. Whitelaw Reid, next Ambassador to the Court of St. James'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml Roberts') from the philanthropist and abolitionist Samuel Roberts of Park Grange, Sheffield, to the poet James Montgomery.

Samuel Roberts (1763-1848) of Park Grange, Sheffield, silversmith, author and philanthropist, abolitionist and friend of William Wilberforce [James Montgomery (1771-1854), poet and hymn writer]
Publication details: 
Park Grange, Sheffield, Yorkshire; 20 April 1837.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, with broken seal in black wax, on verso of second leaf, to 'James Montgomery Esqr'. 80 lines of text. He has been twice that day to Montgomery's Sheffield mansion the Mount 'to enquire about you - the first time in vain, and the second nearly so. There they are much as heretofore - but Miss Sarah meaning to write sermons you may have it before this.' Roberts declares: 'I think the present great Lions of the town are myself and mad dogs - perhaps you may think that they might be included under one head - yes - if that head was yours!

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Hamilton Gibson') from the American illustrator and naturalist William Hamilton Gibson to 'Mr Bramief', complaining about the printing of a letter.

William Hamilton Gibson (1850-1896), American illustrator, author and naturalist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Authors Club, 19 West 24th Street, New York; 27 January 1887.

2pp., 8vo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with two unobtrusive pinholes to second leaf (not affecting text). He is sending the 'matter' to Bramief 'as an earnest of my good nature, for I think I am somewhat justified under the circumstances in the impression that you have been a trifle <?> and exacting.' He still considers the form of is second letter 'was all that you could reasonably have asked for and that the request for so called "copy" was especially needless in the facce of the fact that it was in any event to be trusted turned, cut and otherwise subdued to suit your requirements'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Aubrey Smith') from Hollywood actor and England cricket captain Sir Charles Aubrey Smith to 'Mr. Melrose' [literary agent?], discussing the offer to him of two plays by Miss Smith Dampier.

Sir Charles Aubrey Smith (1863-1948), Hollywood actor and captain of the England cricket team [Eleanor Mary Smith Dampier]
Publication details: 
Haymarket Theatre, London; 22 March 1923.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He writes that he has brought Miss Smith Dampier's play 'A Great Gentleman' up to London with him, and that it will be at Melrose's office in the afternoon. 'I have read it - but I do not like it as well as The Queen's Minister, from my own point of view, I mean. | The writing, of course, is what one would expect after reading Miss Smith Dampier's former play - but I had got a long way into the story before it gripped me'. He names the only two scenes which he sees 'vividly'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Mavor') from the Scottish author and educationist William Fordyce Mavor to the London booksellers Messrs Lackington, Allen & Co., Finsbury Square, concerning their publication of his 'Eton Latin Grammar'.

William Mavor [William Fordyce Mavor, pseudonyms W. F. Martyn, Numa] (1758-1837), Scottish author and educationist [Lackington, Allen & Co., London booksellers; Eton Latin Grammar]
Publication details: 
Woodstock; 24 September 1805.

1p., 4to. On recto of first leaf of bifolium, with verso of second carrying the address and two postmarks. Good, on lightly-aged paper. 'At last I have the pleasure', Mavor begins, 'to find that the Eton grammar with Notes is published, and I flatter myself you will have a rapid Sale, as its superior advantages over other Editions of the same work will certainly entitle it to a preference, when ever it is known.' His friend 'Mr. Phillips' has forwarded an order for '25 Copies in part of the stipulated number I was to receive'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('William Huggins') from the astronomer Sir William Huggins, President of the Royal Society, to 'Mr. Viney' [of printers Hazell, Watson & Viney?], regarding the printing [of Huggins' 'Atlas of representative Stella Spectra'].

Sir William Huggins (1824=1910), astronomer, President, Royal Astronomical Society (1876-1878), British Association for the Advancement of Science (1891), and Royal Society (1900-1905) [J. E. Viney?]
Publication details: 
Upper Tulse Hill, S.W. [London]; [circa 1899?].

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The paper appears to have an 1890s watermark, and the correspondence may relate to the publication of Huggins's 'Atlas of representative Stellar Spectra', printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney for William Wesley & Son in 1899. Apparently impressed by the speed of Viney's response to his last letter, Huggins begins 'Your lightning is treble-greased.' He is returning the corrected proof, and sent 'a new copy with your name written on, by this morning's post as yr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. Salt') from the antiquary and book collector William Salt to the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine John Bowyer Nichols, making editorial comments and enclosing a list of 'Buckler's Engravings'.

William Salt (1808-1863), antiquary whose book collection is now the William Salt Library in Stafford [John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), printer and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine]
Publication details: 
Sandgate, Kent; 11 August 1843.

Letter: 2pp., 4to. 28 lines of text. List: 1p., on a 12mo strip. Both letter and list in very good condition, neatly placed in windowpane mounts on the two leaves of a bifolium. Salt is 'just finishing the List of Manuscript Erdeswick's' and will bring it to Nichols when he returns to London. He wonders whether Nichols has 'nearly come to the end of the Book in your reprint? I do not think you will make your first sheet answer satisfactorily - without printing the whole or part of it over again - but of course you will be the best judge of that'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S Southwick') from the printer and editor of the 'Albany Register' Solomon Southwick the younger to Erastus Corning, describing recent unsuccessful ventures, and planned educational publications.

Solomon Southwick (1773-1839), printer and editor of the 'Albany Register' [Erastus Corning (1794-1872), Mayor of Albany, New York, and railway pioneer]
Publication details: 
Albany [New York]; 16 February 1838.

3pp., folio. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper with slight wear to edges.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W W Mather') from the geologist William Williams Mather to Luther Tucker, defending the Western Agriculturalist, which he edits, and attacking the editor of the rival Ohio Cultivator, Michael B. Bateham.

William Williams Mather (1804-1859), geologist, Vice-President and Professor of Natural Science in Ohio University [Luther Tucker (1802-1873), editor, Genesee Farmer; Michael B. Bateham (1813-1880)]
Publication details: 
Columbus, Ohio; 28 January 1851.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He writes that he has 'received the package containing the Cultivator up to the end of 1850', and that he will pay him after the Ohio State Board of Agriculture meeting on 13 February. He suggests exchanging 'he Western Agriculturalist with the Cultivator that year. 'It has, I presume, been sent to you by the publisher. The first number is not a fair specimen of what the work is intended to be, either in variety of matter, or in the style of mechanical execution; but hope the work will improve on acquaintance'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the author and wit Sydney Smith to Colonel Bagot.

Sydney Smith (1771-1845), author and wit
Publication details: 
[London]; 12 May 1842.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse, which carries traces of the wafer, to 'Colonel Bagot | Davies Street | Berkley [sic] Square | 34'. A short letter with a good, emphatic signature: 'My dear Sr. | I am very sorry you have so good a plea for absence - only remember on some future occasion that I shall not ask your Company as a favor but insist upon it as a right | ever yours | [signed] Sydney Smith | May. 12. 1842'. Perhaps concerning the same breakfast on 14 May 1842 to which Smith invited Georgiana Harcourt on 10 May 1842 (Letters, ed. N. C. Smith, vol.2, p.756).

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