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Typed Letter Signed from Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas, on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Colonies Joseph Chamberlain, to W. P. Meldrum 'on the subject of the appointment of District Surgeon in the Federated Malay States'.

Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas (1853-1931), KCB, KCMG, Welsh civil servant, head of the Dominion Department, and Principal of the Working Men's College [Joseph Chamberlain; Federated Malay States]
Publication details: 
15 October 1901; from Downing Street, on letterhead of the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, London.
Typed Letter Signed from Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas

Folio, 2 pp. Thirty-three lines in eight numbered paragraphs. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and worn paper, with pinholes at head of both leaves. The first page with mourning border for Queen Victoria. Responding to a letter to Chamberlain written four days previously, and giving details of the appointment (pension, furniture, horse allowance).

{Printed Programme] China in a New Era: Continuity and Change [The Third International Congress of Professors World Peace Academy

[Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA); China]
Publication details: 
[The Westin Philippine Plaza Hotel, Manila, The Philippines, August 24-29, 1987.
China in a New Era: Continuity and Change

68pp., printed wraps, comb binding. The programme for the Congress, with photographs of speakers, and synopses of their subjects, and other introductory matter. The discussions (or some of them?) were apparently later published but COPAC records only two publications. This item is not listed on COPAC, but WorldCat lists a copy at Harvard. Perhaps a pivotal discussion of the emerging China.

Two Letters Secretarial Signed "John Gore", admiral, C-in-C, East Indies and China Station, more like Reports, on the geo-political, military, naval, situation in the region.

Admiral John Gore, Commander-in-Chief, East Indies and China Station [India; Ceylon]
Publication details: 
[HMS] Melville, Madras Roads, 4 March 1833, and Melville at Sea, 7 March 1838
Admiral John Gore, Commander-in-Chief, East Indies and China Station

Both marked 'Duplicate'. 1. [British Navy, East Indies and China Station, 1833] Vice Admiral Sir John Gore, extensive official Report signed, "John Gore, Vice Adm. & Com. In Chief", East Indies and China Station to Sir James Graham, First Lord of the Admiralty, dated Melville, March 4th 1833, Madras Roads, marked 'Duplicate', 6pp., folio, sewn. A detailed assessment of the situation in the region (Indian Ocean) and particularly in Ceylon : Arrival in the Madras Roads. He assures Graham of full cooperation "regarding the Mauritius".

[Printed trade card for Folkard & Son (G. E. Mann), Jewellers, 355 Oxford Street, London, illustrated with 'The Connoisseur Chart of China Marks' and featuring a poem on 'Birth Stones'.]

Folkard & Son (G. E. Mann), jewellers, Oxford Street, London [trade cards]
Publication details: 
Undated [early twentieth century]. Folkard & Son, London.
Printed trade card for Folkard & Son

12mo, 2 pp. Printed on thin card. Fair: aged and worn. The front of the card gives contact details, including phone number, for the firm, which is stated to have been 'Est[ablishe]d. in the Reign of King George III, 1814'. Its goods are listed as 'Jewellery, Gold and Silver Boxes, Diamonds, Pearls, Emeralds, etc.

[Printed.] Wholesale Price List (5th Edition.) [...] Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers, Reproducers of Old English Staffordshire China. [Containing 'about 200 illustrations' of 'English and Oriental China' figurines.] [With letter.]

Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers, Reproducers of Old English Staffordshire China [trade catalogues; porcelain figurines]
Publication details: 
Undated [early twentieth century]. Joseph Lyons & Co., Weavers Hall, 22 Basinghall Street, London, E.C.
Joseph Lyons & Co., Japanese and Chinese Importers

Catalogue: 8vo, 32 pp. Stapled. In remains of original plain red wraps. All illustrations clear and complete. In poor condition: on aged, worn paper, with several leaves and the wraps as separate leaves. Slight loss at head of first leaf. The covering letter (4to, 1 p, undated, on worn and aged paper) is a printed advertisement, on the firm's letterhead ('Established 1877'), with ten small illustrations of figurines in the margins. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[three pamphlets by the Chinese People's Committee for World Peace] Stop U.S. Germ Warfare! Part II. [III., IV.] Chronological Account of the Germ Warfare and Editorials from the People's Daily, Peking, and Commentaries Issued by Hsinhua News Agency.

The Chinese People's Committee for World Peace [Germ Warface; biological weapons; arms race]
Publication details: 
Peking: 1952. The Chinese People's Committee for World Peace.
Stop U.S. Germ Warfare!

The three items uniform 12mo: Part II: 33 pp; Part III: 33 pp; Part IV: 41 pp, with twelve more pages carrying twenty-eight photographs. All three items in original red and black printed wraps. Texts and images of all three items clear and complete. On worn and browned brittle high-acidity paper, with slight loss to some corners of Part IV. Parts III and IV with a little ink annotation in margins. Five parts were published. Scarce: Apart from full sets at the British Library and LSE, COPAC only lists parts 2, 4 and 5 at Glasgow.

Pro-Japanese manuscript on the Manchurian Crisis, entitled 'John Chinaman & <?> Jap at Grips. How the Trouble Arose. Brigandage versus Enterprise'.

Captain Alfred Edmonds, special correspondent in the Far East to the Pall Mall Gazette [China; Japan; Manchuria]
Publication details: 

12mo, 11 pp. Text clear and legible. On one side each of eleven leaves of lightly-aged paper, with slight creasing at foot of some leaves. The pages are numbered, and the article is incomplete, cutting off halfway through a sentence on p.11. An interesting and well-informed analysis, from an unashamedly pro-Japanese viewpoint.

Sur une Collection d'Amulettes Chinoises. Dessins de Mlle Gilberte Zaborowska.

Raphaël Blanchard and Bui Van Quy, authors; Gilberte Zaborowska, illustrator [Chinese metallic medical amulets]
Publication details: 
Extrait de la 'Revue Anthropologique'. Paris: Librarie Félix Alcan. Juillet-Août 1918.

8vo: 42 pp (paginated 131 to 172). Stitched pamphlet. In original printed wraps, with title and illustration. Two photographic illustrations in text and forty-eight numbered illustrations by Zaborowska. Good, on aged paper, with light notes in blue pencil on pp. 144 and 145. Blanchard explains that Quy, a doctor from Hanoi, came to Paris to further his medical studies. He had a position under Blanchard 'au Laboratoire de Parasitologie'.

Printed (British government?) report entitled 'A Plan for China.'

British Government Plan for China, 1925 [League of Nations; Great Britain; Foreign Office]
Publication details: 
Dated 'April, 1925.' [Foreign Office, London?]

A curious document which, whether it emanates from the British Foreign Office or not, provides valuable insight into informed British opinion on China in the period following the First World War. Printed on fourteen 34 x 21.5 cm leaves, paginated 1-13 with title on fourteenth leaf. On paper with the Britannia watermark of Waterlow and Sons Limited, London. Stapled. Text clear and complete on aged and foxed paper.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Henry Knollys') to 'Staff Surgeon Walter Haydon, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Conquest'.

Colonel Sir Henry Knollys (1840-1930), wrote on life in Japan and China; commanded the Royal Artillery in South Africa, 1889-1891; later Private Secretary to Queen Maud of Norway [Walter Haydon]
Publication details: 
24 and 27 August 1916; both on letterhead of 2 Morpeth Mansions, Victoria, London.

Both letters lightly creased and spotted, but good overall. Letter One (8vo, 8 pp): In stamped, addressed envelope. Begins by asking whether Haydon would consider acting as co-executor to his estate with his wife Flora. Outlines his financial situation and discusses the executor's duties. Turns to 'the naval situation', Haydon's letter on the subject being 'so guarded that it might be nailed up in Trafalgar Square without helping the enemy'.

Fourteen signed deeds relating to the Bank of China's London office ['Locally Employed Staff Provident Fund', 'Regular Chinese Staff Provident Fund', 'Pinfang Hsia Esq. and others']. Together with three other signed documents and two chequebooks.

Pinfang Hsia (c.1902-1970), Trustee of the Bank of China, London office [Regular Chinese Staff Provident Fund; Local Employees Provident Fund]
Publication details: 
The deeds date from London, between 1949 and 1953. The three other documents from London, 1951. The stubs in the two chequebooks are also dated 1951.

From the papers of Pinfang Hsia, whose death ('Bank of China aide') was recorded in the New York Times of 23 December 1970.In the 1961 'Diplomat's Annual' the Bank of China's head office was said to be in Peking, China, with the London office at 147 Leadenhall Street. The collection is in good overall condition, with all texts clear and complete on lightly-aged paper. The fourteen deeds are customary English legal documents of the period, all typewritten and filled in in manuscript, with the dimensions of each around 37 x 24 cm. Some are attached with green ribbon.

[Chinese Miners] Testimonial, in English, in the form of a printed poster, presented to Robinson on the occasion of his retirement as Senior Inspector of Mines, F.M.S., with list of names.

The Chinese Miners of the F.M.S. [Federated Malay States]' [Charles Ingle Robinson, Senior Inspector of Mines, F.M.S.; Malaysia; Malaya]
Publication details: 
IPOH 11th MAY, 1933.' ['Printed at the Kuang Ming Press, Ipoh. [Malaya]']

Printed in blue on one side of a piece of white paper roughly 60 x 40 cm. Good: lightly-aged and creased. The text is enclosed within an ornate decorative border, and is headed 'Charles Ingle Robinson Esqr., | B. Sc. (Lond.), Associate R. S. M., | M. I. C. E., M. I. M. M., | Senior Inspector of Mines, F. M. S.' This is followed by nineteen lines, expressing 'deep regret and genuine sorrow' at his 'departure for Europe on retirement'.

Printed handbill, headed 'Welcome Address presented to His Excellency Sardar K. M. Panikkar, Indian Ambassador to China on his first Official Visit to Shanghai by the Indian Merchants' Association - Shanghai'.

H. G. Ahmad, Acting President, The Indian Merchants' Association - Shanghai [Sardar K. M. Panikkar, Indian Ambassador to China]
Publication details: 
[Shanghai:] 'On 19th June 1948.'

Printed on one side of a piece of cream paper, roughly 33 x 20.5 cm. Good, on lightly aged paper. The address is contained within a decorative border, 27.5 x 16.5 cm, and consists of forty lines of text arranged in seven paragraphs. Ahmad touches on the importance of the 'Mercantile Community', on relations between China and India, and on the 'various causes which have considerably reduced the Import and Export trade in general' ('It is quite apparent that the local economic conditions have deteriorated to an alarming extent, [...]'). He thanks 'our consul general Mr.

Printed handbill, with corrected proof and partial typescript, of 'Welcome Address presented to His Excellency Sardar K. M. Panikkar, Indian Ambassador to China on his first Official Visit to Shanghai by the Indian Merchants' Association - Shanghai'.

H. G. Ahmad, Acting President, The Indian Merchants' Association - Shanghai [Sardar K. M. Panikkar, Indian Ambassador to China]
Publication details: 
[Shanghai:] 'On 19th June 1948.'

The handbill is printed on one side of a piece of cream paper, roughly 33 x 20.5 cm. Good: lightly aged and creased. The address is contained within a decorative border, 27.5 x 16.5 cm, and consists of forty lines of text arranged in seven paragraphs. Ahmad touches on the importance of the 'Mercantile Community', on relations between China and India, and on the 'various causes which have considerably reduced the Import and Export trade in general' ('It is quite apparent that the local economic conditions have deteriorated to an alarming extent, [...]'). He thanks 'our consul general Mr.

Printed address, in poster form, by the Presidents of the China Moslem Literary Society of Shanghai, and the Moslem Board of Education of Shanghai, 'To his Most Gracious Majesty King Farouk I of Egypt'.

Haji Helal-ud-Din, President, The China Moslem Literary Society of Shanghai; Abdul-ur-Rahman Ma Tsin Ching, President, The Moslem Board of Education of Shanghai [King Farouk I of Egypt; India; China]
Publication details: 
Shanghai, 28th December 1937.'

On one side of a piece of shiny art paper, 39 x 43 cm. The printed part is clear and entire, on creased and aged paper with chipping to extremities. The typography is a curious mixture, with the heading in gothic, and the fourteen-line address and the rest of the text in sansserif. A decorative picture-frame border extends around the sides and foot. Ornate initial and vertical decorative band to left-hand margin of text. To the right of the names of the two signatories are Chinese characters.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Cha de Paravey') to the Abbé Guerin, 'chez l'abbé Tesson, aux Millions Etrangeres, Paris'.

Charles de Paravey [Charles-Hippolyte de Paravey] (1787-1871), French orientalist, palaeographer and engineer
Publication details: 
12 September 1848; Paris.

16mo (13.5 x 10 cm): 2 pp. A bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf. The first leaf has been slightly trimmed at the bottom, resulting in some loss to the bottom line of the recto. A formal letter in the third person, written in a close, difficult hand. Carefully detailing the missing sections in his copy of the 'Dictionnaire Anamitique-Latin'.

Typed pages from her 'Chinese Prose Literature of the T'ang Period' (London: Probsthain, 1938), together with a proof slip from the printers.

Evangeline Dora Edwards (1888-1957) [Stephen Austin & Sons, Ltd., Hertford, Herts, publishers]
Publication details: 

Good, on lightly aged paper. Rust stains from paperclips on one leaf. Five pages of typescripts on five quarto leaves. The first page gives the contents, and the rest are covering pages with a few words of instructions (e.g. 'PREFACE | (To be prepared after revising first proofs)' and 'APPENDIX --- Authenticity........ | To follow with Bibliography and Indexes.' The proof slip, printed and with pencil insertions, is one page, on a leaf roughly eight inches by four and a half.

Autograph Letter Signed to Alexander McBean.

General Sir John Bloomfield Gough
Publication details: 
26 October 1877; on letterhead 'Knockeevan, Clonmel.'

Soldier (born 1804) who served in the China War, the Gwalior campaign, and in India, retiring in 1877. Reads 'Agreeable to your request I have the pleasure to enclose a photograph of myself [not present] also my Autograph - | I remember your Father in the Reg[imen]t and the sad accident in the Magazine which caused his death'. Signed 'B Gough | General | Colonel Scots Greys'.

Offprint from the 'Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute' entitled The critical position of British trade with oriental countries.

T. H. Whitehead (member of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong)
Publication details: 
London: Spottiswoode and Co.; no date, but 'READ BEFORE THE ROYAL COLONIAL INSTITUTE FEB. 12, 1895'.

8vo. 42 pages, in original grey printed wraps. Grubby, and with staining to front wrap and first leaf. On verso of front wrap: '(With the Author's Compliments).

Societe Asiatique. Seance Generale Annuelle Du 28 Avril 1825.

Societe Asiatique.
Publication details: 
Paris, 1825.

[75]pp., inc. Table, 8vo, original green printed wraps, back cover soiled, stitches loose, and other minor defects.

Societe Asiatique. Seance Generale Annuelle Du 28 Avril 1826.

Societe Asiatique.
Publication details: 
Paris, 1826.

[75]pp., inc. Table, 8vo, original green printed wraps, covers soiled and dulled, stitches loose, and other minor defects.

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