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Two Typed Letters Signed ('H. Gordon Griffin' and 'H. G. Griffin') to 'The Secretary' and K. W. Luckhurst, Royal Society of Arts; with carbon of Luckhurst's reply; and draft of 'C.P.R.E. Publication on the Design and Layout of Small Houses.'

Sir Herbert Gordon Griffin (died 1969), General Secretary, The Council for the Preservation of Rural England [Royal Society of Arts, London]
Publication details: 
Letters of 12 January 1927 and 10 December 1956, both on Council letterhead; carbon reply, 11 December 1956; draft, November 1956.

All items very good. A couple with slight staining at head from paperclip. Letter One (to 'The Secretary', 4to, 1 p, 5 lines): Apologising for delay in acknowledging the 'letter and enclosures of 31st ultimo': 'my office was only opened on Wednesday last and I have had much correspondence with which to deal'. Letter Two (to Luckhurst, 4to, 1 p, 18 lines): Concerning 'a booklet on the layout and design of small houses' which the C.P.R.E. 'is hoping to publish this spring'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Frank Cundall (1858-1937), English author, Secretary and Librarian to the Institute of Jamaica
Publication details: 
20 Feb 1916; on letterhead of the Institute of Jamaica.

4to: 2 pp. Sixteen lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. Thanking Wood for his 'kindly notice of "Historic Jamaica"'. He hopes 'the good people of Jamaica will appreciate the book in time - I spoilt my 1914 holiday to produce it'. Wishes Wood could 'come out to Jamaica in these days of motor cars'. Cars 'make seeing the country very easy - the only drawback is that one goes too fast for seeing the country well'. The 'Examiner for the <?> Board' ('this year it is to be Dr Lloyd') is coming to the island the following month. 'I usually go with the Examiner, to keep him happy!

One Autograph Letter Signed, one Typed Letter Signed, one Autograph Note Signed and one Typed Note Signed (all 'E. N. da C. Andrade'), to G. K. Menzies (3) and K. W. Luckhurst (1), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts, with carbon of one reply.

Professor Edward Neville da Costa Andrade (1887-1971), English physicist, poet and historian of science
Publication details: 
1931, 1932, 1933 and 1948; the autograph letter on letterhead of 69 Exeter Road, London N.W.2, and the other three items on University College, University of London letterheads.

All items good. Two bearing the Society's stamp. Item One (typed note, 15 October 1931, 4to, 1 p): He is sending 'short summaries of the two lectures, in a form which I prefer to mere headings'. Item Two (autograph letter, 17 January 1932, 8vo, 1 p): He is sending 'summaries of the two lectures'. 'As you seemed in a hurry I have not waited to have them typed. I think that they are legible, but I will look at a proof if you like.' He has left it to Menzies 'to add any preliminaries or conclusions that may be necessary'.

Typed Letter Signed ('E. Ashworth Underwood') to 'The Editor, Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2.'

Edgar Ashworth Underwood (1899-1980), Director, The Wellcome Historical Medical Museum
Publication details: 
8 June 1949; on letterhead of The Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 28, Portman Square, London, W.1.

4to: 1 p. Very good. 18 lines. Concerns a 'lecture by Dr. D. A. Allan' (Douglas Alexander Allan, writer of several works on museums and exhibitions). 'It is very regrettable that Dr. Allan made the statements which he did without confirmation. They were completely erroneous and on the day following he called here and expressed his regrets at the incident. He has now full particulars in skeleton form regarding the activities of this Museum'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('George R Rushton'), to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

George Robert Rushton (1868-1948), English artist and Principal of the School of Arts & Crafts, Ipswich
Publication details: 
7 April 1925; on letterhead of the School of Arts & Crafts, Ipswich

4to: 1 p. 21 lines. Very good, with a little wear to extremities. Headed 'Re Competition of Industrial Design'. The School have been 'working to' the 'Copy' they were sent 'giving full details of the Book Production competition' and dated 1924. 'Yesterday I discovered that the details, as regards sizes did not correspond to the first circular I received previously, announcing the Competitions, and dated 1925. [...] We have worked to Demy octavo as it was in the Copy. Our printing classes have now finished for the season, therefore no alteration can be made with their designs.

Autograph Signature ('Thos Webster') on fragment of letter 'To the President & Council of the Royal Academy'.

Thomas Webster (1800-1886), English artist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Paper dimensions 5 x 11 cm. Good. The foot of the last page of a letter with a mourning border. Reads '<...> consideration. | I am, Gentn. | Your obedt. St. | [signed] Thos Webster | To the President | & Council of the Royal Academy'.

Autograph Letter Signed [to Walter Besant?].

William Michael Rossetti
Publication details: 
Docketed 'June 1872'.

English writer and critic (1829-1919), brother of the painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the poet Christina Rossetti. The letter is docketed as to '(Besant)', presumably the writer Walter Besant (1836-1901). Four pages, 12mo. On a piece of grubby, discoloured paper, torn in half and neatly repaired with archival tape. Traces of glue from previous mounting on verso of second leaf of bifoliate. Docketed as 'About Keepsake MS'. He returns the book with thanks.

Thirteen Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with one Autograph Note Signed to Menzies, and a printed prospectus for Adams-Acton's 'Domestic Architecture and Old Furniture'.

Murray Adams-Acton (1886-1971), English historian of art and architecture
Publication details: 
5 October 1927 to 14 August 1933; most on letterhead of Acton Surgey Ltd., 'London, Paris & Crews Hill'.

Sizes range from quarto (nine items) to 12mo (two items). Very good. Subjects include a request for 'a photograph of the winning design for the petrol filling station', the award of a Hyde Travelling Scholarship ('Mr. Mitchell appears to have so greatly distinguished himself'), 'Mr. Bossom's suggestions for the wording and particulars for the Proscenium opening for Cinema', the drafting of a reply to Morley Horder's comments ('he errs when he declares the screen is not of the period as I think only a small section of it was added by Mr.

Collection of around twenty-seven Typed Letters Signed and seventeen Autograph Letters Signed, to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, and other officers of the Royal Society of Arts, together with some drafts and copies of responses.

Oswald Partridge Milne (1881-1968), English architect [The Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1936-65; Wigmore Street and Hampstead, London.

The collection is in good condition, with very occasional minor creasing, staining and loss. Majority of items quarto. Milne was a leading Fellow of the Society, a Chairman of Council in 1959-61 and Vice-President. The collection provides a valuable insight into the day-to-day workings of the Society, from the first letter discussing the R.I.B.A., and whether the Society might set up 'a somewhat similar organisation with similar prestige could be built up for industrial artists', to the last letter commending G. C. H.

Seven Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed (all eight items signed 'John M. Bacon') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

John Mackenzie Bacon (1846-1904), British lecturer, scientist, aeronaut [BALLOONING; VICTORIAN AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY]
Publication details: 
16 September to 22 November 1901; on 'Coldash, Newbury' letterheads.

Autograph items (all 12mo) very good; TLS (letter 7, quarto) aged and worn at extremities. All items bearing the Society's stamp, and most docketed as answered. Letter 1 (16 September 1901, three pages). Asks if Wood will 'act as Judge' at a 'Photographic Exhibition' held at 'a local Institution'. Letter 2 (23 September 1901, four pages). On behalf of Committee thanks Wood for agreeing. 'The Exhibition beings to take definite shape'. Suggests that 'one other Colleague to assist' may be needed, and suggests individuals. Letter 3 (27 September 1901, four pages).

Typed Letter Signed ('H A McClure Smith') to T. H. Rowney of Messrs George Rowney & Co., Ltd., London.

Hugh Alexander McClure Smith (1902-1961), Australian diplomat, journalist and editor of The Sydney Morning Herald
Publication details: 
4 April 1950; on engraved letterhead of The Sydney Morning Herald.

One page, quarto. On aged and creased paper. Letterhead illustrated with engraving of the paper's headquarters. Thanks him for the copy of Rowney's 'Artists' Almanac'. 'Like yourselves, we are an old family firm and as such have always taken a live interest in the Arts.' Endorses the Empire Art Council, feeling that '[t]here is a great deal that can be done in the exchange of art exhibitions, etc., between the various parts of the Empire'. Docketed with London address on reverse.

Twelve Typed Letters and one Autograph Letter relating to the printing of the 'Society of Arts Journal', addressed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood and George Kenneth Menzies, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts, together with one printed circular.

[PRINTING: FIRST WORLD WAR]William Archibald Clowes (1866-1937), Chairman, William Clowes & Sons Ltd, English printers
Publication details: 
10 August 1915 to 23 November 1917.

Clowes is an eminent firm of English printers, founded in London in 1803, and still thriving in Suffolk. The twelve typed letters are each one page, quarto, on the firm's Duke Street letterhead. The autograph letter is one page, 12mo, with mourning border. The collection in good condition overall, with a few items aged and lightly creased. Most items docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. All items except the circular signed by 'W A Clowes', who (he informs Wood in his first letter) has taken over from his cousin, Captain W. C.

Five Typed Notes Signed (all 'Fabian G Trollope') to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Fabian George Trollope (1872-1960) of Trollope & Sons, 'Artists in Decoration since A.D. 1778. Branch of Trollope & Colls Ltd.' [London Architecture]
Publication details: 
20 March 1923, 4 November and 14 December 1927, and two of 18 June 1931; letter 1 on letterhead of Trollope & Colls, Ltd., letters 2 to 5 on letterhead of Trollope & Sons'.

All items one page, quarto, and all very good. Two docketed and one bearing the Society's stamp. Letter 1: He will be pleased to attend a committee meeting. Letter 2: He has 'a long-standing engagement' and will be unable to attend 'the Architectural Decoration Committee'. Along with Godfrey Giles he has 'had a long discussion' with Mr. Grigsby 'with reference to the conditions of the Lewis Berger Scholarship'. Letter 3: He knows 'Professor Richardson very well, and this is just the information which I am requiring. I will send my man on to see the secretary as you suggest'.

Twenty-eight Typed Letters Signed, seventeen Autograph Letters Signed, etc, to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, and others.

John Alexander Milne [Henry Stone & Son; the Medici Society; Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1938-43; various letterheads, including 11, Old Cavendish St, W.1.; Greengates, Sunningdale, Berks; and 35 Grosvenor Square, W.1.

British businessman (1872-1955), chairman of the Medici Society Ltd, chairman and managing director of Henry Stone & Son Ltd, printers. Very good. Mostly octavo, with a few quarto and 12mo. Some bearing the Society's stamp and others docketed. Occasional rust marks from paperclips. Mainly concerned with the day-to-day activities of the Royal Society of Arts, of which Milne was a prominent member, around the time of the Second World War. On 7 September 1939: 'I hardly anticipate that you are likely to have trouble in regard to occupation of the premises.

Letters to Eminent Hands; to wit Andrew Lang, Bret Hart, Edna Lyall, F. Anstey, George Moore, Grant Allen, Phil Robinson, Rhoda Broughton, Robt. Louis Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Hardy, W. S. Gilbert.

i' [iota] (Joseph William Gleeson White, 1851-1898), English writer on art and founder of the 'Studio' magazine [Art Workers Guild; Arts and Crafts Movement]
Publication details: 
Derby, Leicester, and Nottingham: Frank Murray, 1892.

Small 8vo. Pages: x + 74. In original cream printed wraps. One of two hundred copies of the 'Small Paper edition'. In the 'Moray Library'. Internally sound and clean. Light spotting and wear to wraps. Minor foxing to endpapers. Trenchant observations on an interesting selection of late-Victorian authors.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mark Batten') to J. Samson, Registrar, Royal Society of Arts.

Mark Wilfrid Batten (1905-1993), English sculptor and stone carver
Publication details: 

One page, quarto. Very good, with staple holes in one corner. He thanks Samson for his letter 'about the enquiry from the Esso Petroleum Company concerning a sculptured commemorative tablet. I should be pleased to take part in any limited competition for this project and could carry out the work this year if I were commissioned to do so within the scheme of my existing commitments.' The context is explained by an accompanying photocopy of a carbon of a typed letter (one page, quarto) of 5 May 1960 from Samson to the sculptor Professor R. Y.

Archive of correspondence with the Royal Society of Arts, consisting of twenty-one letters from Gray, one copy, and carbons of fifteen replies.

Milner Connorton Gray, industrial artist and graphic designer (1899-1997) [The Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1947-1962; London.

The collection is in very good condition, with a few staple and pin holes. Gray's letters are signed 'Milner Gray' and occasionally 'Milner'. All but the first two, which are on Society of Industrial Artists letterheads, are on Design Research Unit letterheads. An early letter (5 April 1949), to Kenneth Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, apologises for and explains a 'difficulty' which has arisen 'over the fees we estimated for completing the necessary working drawings and supervising construction of the permanent display screens for the Society's headquarters'.

Eight Typed Letters Signed, two Autograph Letters Signed, two Typed Notes Signed and one Autograph Note Signed variously to Sir Henry Trueman Wood and George Kenneth Menzies, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Lawrence Weaver
Publication details: 
1916-18, with one item (to Menzies) from 1925; all but one on letterheads of 'Country Life', the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, or 38, Hamilton Terrace, N.W.8.

Architectural historian and one of the editors of 'Country Life' (1876-1930). The thirteen items are in good condition, although grubby and with occasional creasing. Two items have minor rust staining from paperclips to corners. All but one item one page, quarto. Often docketed or bearing the R.S.A. stamp. Primarily concerned with lectures at the R.S.A. by Weaver, and their proofs in the Society's journal.

Twenty-one Typed Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Captain John Laurence Pritchard [The Royal Aeronautical Society]
Publication details: 
Between 1931 and 1934; all on letterhead of the Royal Aeronautical Society, of which Pritchard was secretary.

Novelist and writer on aeronautics (1885-1968). All items one page, quarto. As a whole good, though grubby, but some items with pin holes, closed tears, etc. Most bearing the R.S.A. stamp and some docketed. Three items with enclosures. The items are dry communications relating to the arranging of R.A.S. lectures at the R.S.A.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Harry Lindsay, Chairman of the Council of thte Royal Society of Arts, together with unsigned carbon copy of letter to which it is replying.

Sir David Taylor Monteath [INDIA OFFICE]
Publication details: 
Letter: 11 March 1948, on letterhead of the 'Commonwealth Relations Office, | King Charles Street, | Whitehall, S.W.1.'; carbon copy: 9 March 1948, no place.

Monteath (1887-1961) was Under-Secretary of State for India and for Burma, 1941-7. Both items are lightly creased and dusty, but in good condition. CARBON COPY (one page, quarto): Lindsay writes that at the previous day's meeting of the R.S.A.

Five Autograph Letters Signed to [G. K. Menzies,] the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Maurice Drake
Publication details: 
2 October 1922; 21 November 1922; 1 December 1922; 26 February 1923; 22 March 1923; the first four on letterhead 'The Three Gables, | Cathedral Close, | Exeter', the fifth on embossed letterhead 'COLWELL COTTAGE, | EXETER.'

English glass painter and novelist (1875-1923). All five items in very good condition, and all but the third and fifth stamped and docketed. ITEM ONE: two pages, 4to. He will be 'delighed and honoured by reading a paper before the R.S.A.' Gives a choice of dates and states 'I shall want a lantern.' He wants 'to draw the Society's attention to the fact that the various processes in making a modern window follow the developments of stained glass from the 11th (or perhaps the 9th) century to the beginning of the 15th.' Explains his thesis in some detail, and discusses possible titles.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to Monsieur Bailly President of the Institut.

Emile Bastien-Lepage
Publication details: 
7 April 1887; 6 Rue de Phalsbourg, Paris.

French architect (1845-1938), brother of the painter Jules Bastien-Lepage. One page, 12mo. Very good, on discoloured paper. Rodin (the sculptor) has informed him that the sketch requested by the committee will be ready the next Saturday. Points out that it will be difficult to convene a meeting during the Easter holidays. Signed 'Emile Bastien-Lepage'.

Signed bookplate (one of edition of fifty), 'EX LIBRIS | Attilae Secundi'.

George Algernon Fothergill [BOOKPLATES]
Publication details: 

Paper dimensions roughly five inches by seven. Dimensions of illustration four and a half inches by five. Very good. Dated '1914' within body of illustration above the word 'Frightfulness' in gothic. With 'GAF' beneath body of illustration, above 'EX LIBRIS | Attilae Secundi | The Nook | St Helena'. Signed in pencil, next to 'GAF', '(one of fifty) G A Fothergill'. The "Second Attila" is obvioulsly Wilhelm II.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Truman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

George Titus Barham
Publication details: 
20 December 1916; on letterhead of the Express Dairy Co. Limited.

Founder of Express Dairies (1860-1937), and antiquarian with a private museum in Sudbury. One page, quarto. Very good on slightly discoloured paper. He thanks him for sending Professor Petrie's letter. 'It is a subject which we have had before us for some time past, and are still keeping well in view as we are specially anxious to do something more on the lines the Professor pints [sic - and how appropriate!] out.' He has dropped Petrie a line. Signed 'G. Titus Barham'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Frederick Ponsonby.

Sir Aston Webb
Publication details: 
17 April 1919 ('3 o'clock P.M'); on letterhead of the Royal Academy of Arts.

English architect (1849-1930), designer of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Admiralty Arch and the new front of Buckingham Palace; President of the Royal Academy, 1919-24. The recipient (1867-1935) was a courtier, Private Secretary to Queen Victoria. One page, quarto. Good, though grubby and creased, and with one small grease stain in bottom right-hand corner (not affecting text). 'The arrangement of the Summer Exhibition of the Royal Academy will be completed and the Galleries ready for the Royal Private View on Thursday the 1st.

Autograph Letter Signed to Alfred Edward Chalon.

Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey
Publication details: 
Belgrave place | Thursday Ev[eni]ng.' [no year].

English painter and sculptor (1781-1841). The recipient (1780-1860) was an English artist of Swiss descent. One page, quarto. Good, but with traces of previous brown-paper mount adhering to rear and minor damage to several corners. Reads 'My Dear Sir | When I asked you for an impression I had not seen the composition & had no idea that I was asking so much - believe me I feel very grateful for your kindness in putting me in possession of so very interesting a work - I do not mean to be understood as speaking of Lithography only.

Autograph Letter Signed to Alfred Edward Chalon.

Sir Martin Archer Shee
Publication details: 
Cavendish Sq. Thursday July 12.' [no year, but post 1830]

Irish portrait painter (1769-1850), President of the Royal Academy, 1830-50. The recipient (1780-1860) was another portraitist. Two pages, 12mo. Very good. A grovelling apology. 'Judge of my remorse, and the extent of my self-reproach, when, though an Irishman, I have not the face even to attempt an apology!

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Philip Magnus [of the Royal Society of Arts], Tangley Hill, Chilworth, Surrey.

Sir Arthur Isaac Durrant [Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
27 September 1918; on letterhead of the War Cabinet Committee on Accommodation.

English civil servant (1864-1939). The recipient was an educationalist and authority on Edmund Burke. One page, quarto. Very good on slightly discoloured paper. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. 'On behalf of Sir Alfred Mond [Committee Chairman], I hasten to assure you and the Committee at the Royal Society of Arts that there is at present no intention on the part of H.M.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Samuel Sugden
Publication details: 
7 July 1947; on letterhead 34 West Hill Avenue, Epsom, Surrey.

English chemist (1892-1950), Professor of Physical Chemistry, Birkbeck College, London, 1932–1937, and Professor of Chemistry, University College London, 1937–1950. One page, 12mo. Good, but with pin holes to top left-hand corner. Stamped as answered 8 July. He accepts the invitation to become a Fellow of the Society and encloses a cheque and application form (neither present). Signed 'S. Sugden'. Together with a carbon of the Secretary's invitation, dated 8 July 1947.

Two Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Ambrose Heal [Heal's Department Store]
Publication details: 
7 October 1918 and 15 May 1919; both on letterhead of Heal & Son Ltd. 195 to 198 Tottenham Court Road, London.

Art historian, designer and founder of department store (1872-1959). Both items very good though somewhat dusty. One docketed and both bearing the Society's stamp. ITEM ONE (one page, quarto, 7 October 1918). He encloses (not present) a letter he has received from a woman named Evelyn James. 'I do not know what facilities you have for getting publicity but Miss James has done a good deal of this kind of thing and done it very well. She is a thoroughly capable young woman.' Her help may be sought regarding the meeting on 28 October.

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