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[T. Mack Smith, British military internee in Vichy France.] Autograph Letter Signed ('South') to 'Monty', describing his escape, 'in real cinema fashion', from 'the Gerries', on the eve of the Battle of Dunkirk.

Thomas South Mack, Royal Army Service Corps [The Battle of Dunkirk, 1940; Vichy France]
Publication details: 
'From Mr MACK. T.S. | NO t/146103. | Internee [sic] anglais, | Camp Militaire, | AGDE, HERAULT, France. | 20.IX.1940 [i.e. 20 September 1940]'.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He begins by thanking him for his letter 'from Cambridge Hospital' and sympathising with his illness. 'I hoped to be able to come & see you before this but I am afraid now I am here for the duration. This is a pleasant spot, 1/2 a KM from a town of 5,000 inhabitants & 4 KM from the Mediterranean. I have my bike, & am fed & clothed & am allowed anywhere in the district of Agde at any hour.

[Thomas Edmund Harvey, Quaker politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Edmund Harvey') to a former colleague at the British Museum ('Mr. <Aldrick?>'), reminiscing on his 'five happy years' there.

Thomas Edmund Harvey (1875-1955), Member of Parliament from a Leeds Quaker family [John Alexander Herbert (1862-1948) and Alfred William Pollard (1859-1944), British Museum curators]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Rydal House, Grosvenor Road, Leeds. 12 January 1928.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He thanks him for his letter, and is pleased to be remembered. 'I have the pleasantest recollections of your kindness and courtesy to an obscure junior, and I look back with very pleasant feelings too to the five happy years I spent as a member of the British Museum staff.' He is sorry at the thought of the 'many honored figures' who are no longer there, but hopes 'still to find one or two who remember me'.

[Austin Clarke, author.] Typed Letter Signed to fellow Irish poet Sylvia Lynd, complaining of 'people' in the 'literary world' of 'no literary abiltiy or genuine interest', and the rejection of his poem by a 'youngster' in 'the Eliot interest'.

Austin Clarke (1896-1974), Irish poet [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of the essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949); T. S. Eliot]
Publication details: 
Esperanza, Lye Lane, Near St Albans. 'Sunday' [no date].

2pp., 8vo. In fair conditon, on lightly aged paper. 'For some reason or other which I cannot understand a number of people have got into the literary world who have no literary ability or genuine interest in writing [...] Recently I gave a poem to a very young literary editor as a result of requests from him extending over a year. The poem had taken me months of hard work and I sent it with some hesitation as the youngster works in the Eliot interest. I got it back with a very smart and very rude note.

[George Cruikshank.] Set of four aquatint hand-coloured engravings on a single sheet, comprising the four parts of 'The Dancing Lesson' ('The 1st. Position', 'The Minuet', 'L'ete' and 'The Sailors Hornpipe').

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English engraver
Publication details: 
Published by Thomas McLean, 26 Haymarket [London]. 1 August 1835.

The four engravings are arranged in two rows (the first two parts on the top row and the last two parts on the bottom row) on a sheet of 27 x 38 cm wove paper. Each engraving is 12 x 16 cm, within a light-blue frame, with the 'The Dancing Lesson - Pt. 1 [4]' beneath the image, and the subtitle above. Publisher's details in bottom right-hand corner, and Cruikshank's details at bottom left. (The first part has Cruikshank's monogram and 'Etchd by G Cruikk.', and the other three parts have 'G Cruikshank fect'.

[Mason Pottery [later Mason, Cash & Co. Ltd], Church Gresley, Derbyshire.] Informations and Complaints of Joseph Walker Bourne, proprietor of the pottery, against an apprentice and a 'handler', signed by Sir Oswald Mosley, his son, Bourne and others.

Joseph Walker Bourne (1800-1840), potter, proprietor of the Mason Pottery [Mason, Cash & Co.], Church Gresley, Derbyshire; Sir Oswald Mosley (1785-1871), 2nd Baronet [Thomas Mellor; John Sherratt]
Publication details: 
County of Derby [Derbyshire]. 27 October and 1 November 1830.

2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with slight damage to one corner. At the head of the first page is a printed form (manuscript additions in square brackets): 'County of [Derby.] The Information and Complaint of [Joseph Walker Bourne] of [Church Gresley] in the said County [Potter] taken upon Oath before [me one] of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, the [27th] day of [October] 18[30]'. Written out by the magistrate Sir Oswald Mosley, 2nd Baronet (1785-1871), and signed by him ('Oswald Mosley'), his son 'Oswd Mosley Junr' (1804-1856), 'Joseph.

[Printed keepsake.] Poem by Austin Dobson, titled 'Henry Fielding. Unveiling by the United States Minister, the Hon. J. Russell Lowell, of the Bust in the Shire Hall, Taunton. Sculptor, Miss Margaret Thomas.'

Austin Dobson [Henry Austin Dobson] (1840-1921), English poet and essayist [Henry Fielding, novelist; James Russell Lowell (1819-1891), essayist and American ambassador in London; Margaret Thomas]
Publication details: 
Place not stated [London?]. September 1883.

4pp., 12mo. Paginated to 4. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. On laid paper watermarked 'A PIRIE & SONS | 1883'. Tastefully printed.

[Indenture on vellum, signed and sealed.] Settlement on the Marriage of Sir William Blizard with Miss Blizard'.

Sir William Blizard (1743-1835), English surgeon, twice President of the Royal College of Surgeons [William Blizard Harkness (1799-1827), Assistant Surgeon at the London Hospital]
Publication details: 
Dated 8 August 1823.

On three skins, with the customary tax stamps and ribbon. In fair condition, with some wear along fold lines of the first skin.

[Facsimiles of the first two Royal Academy catalogues, 'Reprinted at the expense of Sir Thomas Lawrence', circa 1825.] 'The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, MDCCLXIX. The first.' and 'The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, MDCCLXX. The second.'

The Royal Academy, London [Ralph Nicholson Wornum (1812-1877), Keeper and Secretary of the National Gallery of London; Sir Thomas Lawrence]
Publication details: 
[Both items circa 1825?] First (1769) catalogue: 'Printed by William Bunce, Printer to the Royal Academy.' Second (1770) catalogue: 'Printed by W. Griffin, Printer to the Royal Academy.'

Both catalogues disbound from a volume of pamphlets, and bound together with library stitching. Aged and worn, with wear and chipping to extremities. The first (1769) catalogue with library shelfmark in manuscript on reverse of title-leaf. Flyleaf with ownership inscription of 'R. N. Wornum | 1855' and note 'Reprinted at the expense of Sir Thomas Lawrence'. First (1769) catalogue: 15pp., 4to. On laid paper with crown and monogram 'G R' watermark. Second (1770) catalogue: 22pp., 4to. On wove paper with '1825' watermark.

[Thomas Case, President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed recipient, an 'official announcement' that he has been 'elected a Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, after an examination in Natural Science'.

Thomas Case (1844-1925), President of Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford; Waynflete Professor of Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy; Fellow of Magdalen College
Publication details: 
'Address during July c/o Mr Trim | 9 Royal Terrace | Weymouth', on cancelled letterhead of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 25 June 1919.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Largely concerned with examinations from which the candidate appears to consider himself exempt, but which are in fact obligatory. With reference to 'Mr A. E. Jolliffe'.

[Thomas Townend & Co., Hatters to the Royal Family.] Edwardian trade catalogue, tastefully produced and filled with illustrations of a wide variety of hats and caps.

Thomas Townend & Co, Hatters to the Royal Family, 16 and 18 Lime St., London, E.C., established 1778.
Publication details: 
Thomas Townend & Co, 16 and 18 Lime St., London, E.C. Undated [Printers: Howard & Jones. Litho. London. Entered at Stationers Hall.] [Edwardian].

12pp., small 4to., on twelve leaves of thick art paper bound with pink ribbon, in blue and brown illustrated chromo-litho covers with flap carrying the royal crest. Internally good, in worn covers repaired with tape. The covers are designed in the distinctive style of the periodThe first eight pages each carry an arrangement of as many as a dozen black and white photographic illustrations of the firm's stock, within a coloured decorative borders (varying from page to page). The last four pages are entirely printed in black. The only text consists of captions to the illustrations.

[Printed pamphlet inscribed by the author.] An Address delivered at the Music Hall, Boston, in aid of the Fund for Ball's Equestrian Statue of Washington, on the evening of 13 May, 1859, by Robert C. Winthrop.

Robert C. Winthrop [Henry Tennyson Folkard (1850-1916), Librarian, the Free Public Library, Wigan; Thomas Ball (1819-1911), American sculptor; George Washington Monument, Boston, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1859.

60 + 1pp., 8vo. The last page carries an 'Appendix'. In brown printed wraps, with cover headed 'Luxury and the Fine Arts, - In some of their Moral and Historical Relations.' Inscribed at head of cover to 'B. Moran Esqe | with the Author's kind regards'. In fair condition, with signs of age and wear. Disbound, and with library stitching at spine. Front cover with stamp of the Free Public Library, Wigan, and shelfmarks. Note by the librarian Henry Tennyson Folkard on inside front cover: 'Cat. Bought May 1916. | H. T.

[Pamphlet by Richard Cobden-Sanderson, inscribed by the author.] Poems by Jessie Grosvenor.

Jessie Grosvenor [Richard Cobden-Sanderson (1884-1964), printer and publisher]
Publication details: 
Richard Cobden Sanderson, 17 Thavies Inn [London]. 1921. [Woods & Sons, Ltd., Printers, Upper St., London, N.1.

23 + [1]pp., 12mo. Stitched, in blue printed wraps. Aged and worn, with creasing to wraps and fly-leaf, which is inscribed 'Ivor James | from | J. A. Grosvenor | May 20. 1921.' Excessively scarce: the only copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat at the British Library.

[Christie, Manson & Woods auction catalogue.] Catalogue of the Highly Important Collection of Modern Pictures, from the Aston Rowant Gallery, Nearly all of which were obtained direct from the Painters'.

[The Aston Rowant Gallery, Oxfordshire; Thomas Taylor (1808-1892), cotton manufacturer and Mayor of Wigan; Christie, Manson & Woods, London auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, at their Great Rooms, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, On Saturday, April 28, 1883. [London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.]

20pp., 8vo. In lilac wraps, printed in black. Disbound from a collection of pamphlets, and with library stitching on spine. Aged and worn, with stamp of the Free Public Library, Wigan, to damaged front cover. (The collection had been amassed by the cotton manufacturer Thomas Taylor, Mayor of Wigan, 1854-55, and was housed in his country house at Aston Rowant.) Around half the 94 lots priced in guineas and pounds in red ink. Includes work by John Linnell, J. W. Waterhouse, Luke Fildes, Marcus Stone, W. P. Frith and G. F. Watts.

[Sir Thomas Dakin and Thomas Quested Finnis, both Lord Mayors of London.] Signatures of 'Thomas Dakins' ('Lord Mayor') and 'Thomas Q Finnis ('Alderman and Chairman of the Committee of Governors') on manuscript circular concerning 'Emanuel Hospital'.

Sir Thomas Dakin (1808-1889), tea merchant and Lord Mayor of London, 1870; Thomas Quested Finnis (1801-1883), Lord Mayor of London, 1856 [Emanuel Hospital, Westminster. now Emanuel School, Battersea]
Publication details: 
Mansion House, London. 12 April 1871.

1p., folio. In fair condition, aged and worn, with two punch holes at head. The letter begins by drawing the recipient's attention to an 'enclosed statement relating to Emanuel Hospital. | The principals involved are of great public interest and apply to every educational endowment throughout the kingdom | They involve: - | The confiscation of property | The arbitrary removal of Governors against whom no complaint is alleged. | Entire disregard of the charter of foundation | The absolute prohibition of the gratuitous education of the poor except as the result of competitive examination'.

[John Nicholson, 'The Airedale Poet'.] Original unpublished holograph poem, signed 'John Nicholson', and titled 'An acrostic Written for Mr Lupton Esqre'. With engraved portrait by John Rhodes from John Lucas.

John Nicholson (1790-1843), known as 'The Airedale Poet' and 'The Yorkshire Poet' [Thomas Goff Lupton (1791-1873), engraver?] [John Rhodes, engraver; John Lucas, artist]
Publication details: 
Letter: No place. Dated 20 September 1828. Engraving: Without place or date.

For more on Nicholson, see his entry by James Ogden in the Oxford DNB. LETTER: 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. At foot of page: 'An acrostic Written for Mr Lupton Esqre | Septr 20th 1828 | John Nicholson'. The poem, the first letter of whose lines spell out 'LUPTON' (the engraver Thomas Goff Lupton?), reads: 'Love thy father Love thy God | unto him Give honor who the seas has trod | Pray to him upon thy Knees | To him who form'd the world the seas | Order'd Creation made Eternity | Nature is but a shade compard to Thee'. PORTRAIT: Lithographic engraving.

[Thomas Roseby, Australian Congregational minister.] Signed portrait photograph on post card by the Crown Studios, Sydney.

Thomas Roseby (1844-1918), Australian Congregational minister [Mary Proctor (1862-1957), Anglo-American astronomer]
Publication details: 
The Crown Studios, Sydney. The message dated August 1914.

13 x 8 cm, in black and white. Signed at foot 'Thomas Roseby'. In good condition, lightly aged. Photograph of a bearded and bespectacled Roseby taken from a broken plate. From the papers of the Anglo-American astronomer Mary Proctor, with presentation inscription to her on the reverse. Roseby's entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography notes his 'active interest' in astronomy: 'With his observatory at Marrickville and later at Mosman he often gave educational evenings to church groups and students.

[Thomas Haynes Bayly, English poet.] Holograph Poem (signed 'Thomas Haynes Bayly') titled 'A ditty!', with note explaining that it has been 'written in the shortest minute of the longest day'.

Thomas Haynes Bayly (1797-1839), English poet and dramatist [Isaac Watts]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 22 June 1835.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper. An unpublished jeux d'esprit on the well-known poem by Isaac Watts (also parodied by Lewis Carroll), the poem consists of twenty-four lines arranged in six four-line stanzas, followed by: 'written in the shortest minute of the longest day by | Thomas Haynes Bayly | June 22nd. 1835.' The first two stanzas read: 'As "doth the little busy Bee | "Improve each shining hour, | "And gather honey all the day | "From every opening flower." | So doth the busy T. H. B.

[Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford; Thomas Mansel, Baron Mansel; Henry Paget, Earl of Uxbridge.] Autograph Signatures, as Lords of the Treasury, on part of warrant, with that of James Moody, Deputy Auditor.

Robert Harley, 1st Earl of Oxford and Mortimer (1661-1724); Thomas Mansel [Mansell], 1st Baron Mansel (1667-1723); Henry Paget [Pagett],1st Earl of Uxbridge (c.1663-1743) [Lords of the Treasury]
Publication details: 
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, 24 November 1710.

On one side of a leaf of foolscap paper. Aged and worn, with closed tears. Reads: 'Let the aforegoing Warrant be Executed. Whitehall | Treasury Chambers the 24th . day of November 1710. | Ro: Harley | Pagett | T: Mansel | Intrat in Offic Edvardi Harley Arm | Auditoris xxixno. Die Junii 1711. | Jas Moody Dep Audt.' Irrelevantly (and tantalisingly) docketed on the reverse: 'An Acc[oun]t. of the Tithes, and other Parish dutys formerly paid by ye Housekeep[e]rs of Kensington for the 2 Grounds lately made into a Wilderness & ye kitchen Garden / to the Parish of Paddington & Kensington'.

[Eliza Straubenzee, formerly wife of the London banker John Hankey.] Autograph Letter Signed to her 'dear Children', addressed to her son John Peter Hankey, written from India following her 'interesting and remarkable trial' for adultery.

Eliza [Lydia] Straubenzee [née Thomson; previously Hankey] (c.1757-1825), wife of Lt Col. [Marwood] Turner Van Straubenzee (c.1748-1823), following her divorce from London merchant banker John Hankey
Publication details: 
Poonamalee [Poonamallee, India]. 29 January 1784.

The present item presents a double significance as a result of the circumstances in which it was composed. The author writes in a tone of forced levity to her two sons John Peter Hankey (1770-1807) and Thomson Hankey (1773-1855), grandsons of the banker Sir Thomas Hankey (1704-1770), from whom she is separated as a result of her divorce from their father, following a sensational adultery case, her marriage to Hankey having been dissolved by an act of parliament in the previous year, her hairdresser and maid having deposed that she was living in a state of intimacy with Lt-Col.

Cheque drawn on Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers, signed by Thomas Hankey junior, on account of the executors of his brother-in-law Sir William Alexander, for 'Funeral Expenses', with itemised Autograph Note Signed by Hankey on reverse.

Thomas Hankey junior (1805-1893), London banker [his brother-in-law Sir William Alexander (1755-1842), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer]
Publication details: 
Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., 7 Mincing Lane, London. 20 July 1842.

Printed Hankey & Co. cheque for £156 17s 10d., on account of the 'Exors Sir Wm. Alexander', signed by 'Thomas Hankey Jnr. | Exor'. In fair condition, on aged paper. On the reverse: 'Travelling Expenses of | Mr. J. A Hankey | Coll. Hankey | J Hankey J. | R. Alexander | A. Js. Alexander | } and 3 Servants | from London to Edinburgh & back to attend the funeral Expenses of Sir W. Alexander. | £156. 17. 10. | J H Jnr'.

[Sir Thomas Dalrymple Hesketh.] Signed Autograph Address ('Thos. D. Hesketh' )'To the Gentlemen, Clergy and Freeholders of the County Palatine of Lancaster'. With two engravings by W. Le Petit of the Old Hall, Rufford, from drawings by G. Pickering.

Sir Thomas Dalrymple Hesketh, 3rd Baronet (1777-1842) of Rufford, Lancashire [Rufford Old Hall; William Alexander Le Petit, engraver; George Pickering, artist]
Publication details: 
Letter from Rufford Hall [Lancashire]. 17 November 1829.

The three items are attached to leaves removed from an album. All three are in good condition, on lightly aged paper. The address is 2pp., 4to. 30 lines of text. It begins: 'Gentlemen, | I should be wanting in every proper feeling of duty and respect to you and to the County of Lancaster at large, after what passed at the last General Election I were not to avail myself of the opportunity afforded me by Mr. Blackburne's address, of relieving the County from all suspence as to the part I amy be expected to take, whenever He (Mr.

[Printed exhibition catalogue.] William Butler Yeats 1865-1939 | Catalogue of an Exhibition 13th-22nd May 1965 | Opened by T. R. Henn, C.B.E., D.Litt. Fellow of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge.

[W. B. Yeats [William Butler Yeats]; T. R. Henn [Thomas Rice Henn]; the Library, University of Newcastle upon Tyne; St Catharine's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Library. [1965.]

[18]pp., 4to. Duplicated typed pamphlet, printed on the rectos of eighteen leaves, stapled into green card covers. Full-page introduction followed by catalogue with 59 entries, with commentary. Scarce: no copy traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Thomas Francis Kennedy, Scottish Whig politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. F Kennedy'), as Chief Commissioner of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests, to Mayow W. Adams, JP, regarding a 'warrant' for the killing of a 'Buck from The New Forest'.

Thomas Francis Kennedy (1788-1879), Scottish Whig politician [Mayow W. Adams, JP, of the Old House, Sydenham, Kent]
Publication details: 
Dalquharran Castle, Nr. Maybole [Ayrshire], Scotland. 25 August 1851.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He requests him to have 'a warrant issued, in my favour, for a Buck from The New Forest, as soon after this letter reaches you, as may be convenient - and that you will give the instructions for its disposal'. He gives three numbered instructions regarding the warrant's packing and dispatch, adding 'going by the Luggage train is essential, in order that the expence may not be excessive'. In a postscript he asks that the buck be 'killed & dispatched ' when the weather is 'suitable'.

[Edward Strutt, Lord Belper.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Belper'), in response to a request from the Rev. Henry Thomas Scott 'for a subscription to the restoration of your church'.

Edward Strutt (1801-1880), 1st Baron Belper [Lord Belper], Liberal politician [Rev. Henry Thomas Scott, Curate of Stapleford, Nottinghamshire]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Kingston, Derby. 11 January 1877.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. In response to Scott's application, he explains that, 'being much connected with two Counties (Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire), I am anxious to give my assistance to the leading charities & other public objects in both, & also to contribute to local objects in places with which I am specially connected by residence, property, or otherwise'. Unfortunately he finds it impossible 'to comply with the numerous applications which I receive for contributions to Churches, Schools, &c., in places with which I have no such connection'.

[Printed Popish Plot pamphlet.] The Papists bloody Oath of Secrecy, and Letany of Intercession for the carrying on of this present Plot. With the Manner of taking the Oath, upon their entring into any Grand Conspiracy against the Protestants. [...]

Robert Bolron [Sir Thomas Gascoigne of Barmbow-Hall; William Rushton; the murder of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey [Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey], 1678; the Popish Plot, 1678-1681]
Publication details: 
LONDON, Printed for Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1680.

ESTC R19392. Wing B3502. 23pp., 2o. Disbound. Paginated: [1-2] 3-12 9-12 17-19 [20] 21-23. The title-page, printed in red and black, reads: 'THE | PAPISTS | Bloody OATH of Secrecy, | AND | Letany OF Intercession | For the Carrying on of | This Present Plot. | WITH THE | Manner of Taking the Oath, upon their Entring | into any Grand Conspiracy against the Protestants. | As it was Taken in the Chappel belonging to Barm- | bow-Hall, the Residence of Sir Thomas Gascoigne, from William | Rushton, a Popish Priest, by Me Robert Bolron.

[Printed Popish Plot pamphlet.] Mr. Tho. Dangerfeilds particular Narrative, of the late Popish Design to charge those of the Presbyterian Party with a pretended Conspiracy against His Majesties Person, and Government. Written by himself.

[Thomas Dangerfeild [Thomas Dangerfield]; the Popish Plot, 1678-1681]
Publication details: 
LONDON, Printed for Henry Hills, John Starkey, Thomas Basset, John Wright, Richard Chiswell, and Samuel Heyrick, 1679.

ESTC R13969. Wing D192. 80pp., 2o. Paginated: [6] 1-75. Disbound. The title-page reads: 'Mr. Tho. Dangerfeilds | PARTICULAR | NARRATIVE, | OF THE LATE | Popish DESIGN | To Charge those of the | Presbyterian Party | WITH A PRETENDED | CONSPIRACY | AGAINST | His MAJESTIES PERSON, | AND | GOVERNMENT. | [rule] | Written by Himself. | [rule] | LONDON, | Printed for Henry Hills, John Starkey, Thomas Basset, John | Wright, Richard Chiswell, and Samuel Heyrick, 1679.' In good condition, on aged paper, with a few light notes and underlinings in pencil.

[Printed Popish Plot pamphlet.] The Resolutions of the House of Commons, for the Impeachment of Sir William Scroggs Knt. Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench; [...]

[Sir William Scroggs, Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench; Sir Thomas Jones; Sir Richard Weston, Baron of the Court of Exchequer; the Popish Plot, 1678-1681; the House of Commons]
Publication details: 
LONDON, Printed for John Wright, at the Crown on Ludgate-Hill, and Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1680.

ESTC 228205. Nelson and Seccombe, 647.50B. 17pp., 2o. Disbound. Paginated: [4] 145-148 139-142 153-159 [1]. The title-page reads: 'THE | RESOLUTIONS | OF THE | HOUSE of COMMONS, | FOR THE | IMPEACHMENT | OF | Sir WILLIAM SCROGGS Knt. | Chief Justice of the COURT of | King's Bench; | [this and following three lines bracketed on the left] Sir THOMAS JONES Knight, one of the | Justices of the same Court. | Sir RICHARD WESTON Knight, one of | the Barons of the Court of EXCHEQUER.

[Printed pamphlet by the London booksellers Bernard Quartich.] Thomas Love Peacock on the Portraits of Shelley. [Including a 'facsimile by a zinco-line process of the engraving by Lasinio of Leisman's portrait'.]

[Henry Wallis; Thomas Love Peacock; Percy Bysshe Shelley; Carlo Lasinio; Giovanni Antonio Leisman; Bernard Quartich, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
Bernard Quartich, 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Street, London. Printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, London, 1911.

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium. On aged card, with wear to extremities. The text, attributed to Wallis by the British Library catalogue, is on the verso of the first leaf; and facing this, behind a tissue guard, is the print. Wallis discusses the 'feeble' nature of the 'various engaged portraits of Shelley', and explains Peacock's reservations in endorsing Lasinio's engraving of Leisman's painting. Uncommon: five copies on COPAC, the British Library entry attributing the publication to Henry Wallis.

[Walter Delafield Arnold ('Punjabee'), army officer and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W D Arnold.') to an unnamed male recipient, apologising for his non-appearance at a dinner ('I got as far as Charing Cross') and inviting him to one.

William Delafield Arnold (1828-1859), British army officer and novelist, best known for his novel 'Oakfield', published under the name 'Punjabee', fourth son of Thomas Arnold (1795-1842) of Rugby
Publication details: 
17 Queen's Terrace, Bayswater. 24 May 1854.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with remains of stub adhering to margin on reverse of leaf. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | I got as far as Charing Cross last night on my way to you - when horrified by the lateness of the Hour, I did not venture to put in an Appearance & turned Homeward. -' He concludes by inviting him to a dinner at the East India Club, 14 St James's Square.

[The Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh.] Printed receipt, signed by the treasurer Thomas Kinnear and made out in autograph to 'The Count De Flahault'.

Thomas Kinnear, Treasurer of the Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh [Auguste Charles Joseph, Count de Flahault de la Billardrie (1785–1870), aide-de-camp to Napoleon Bonaparte]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh. 26 January 1827.

On one side of an 8 x 21 cm slip of laid paper. Embossed with 3d tax receipt. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Nicely printed in gothic type. Reads, with the manuscript portion in square brackets: 'Received from [The Count de Flahault] the Sum of Five Guineas, being his Subscription to the Bannatyne Club for the Current Year, 1827. | [Thos. Kinnear.] Treasurer. | Edinburgh, 26th January, MDCCCXXVII.' Docketed on reverse: 'Count Flahault | 22 Septr. 1829. | Rec. Subscription | Bannatyne Club | For 1829. [sic] | £5. 5'.

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