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Scrapbook of the lawyer Sir William Charles Croker ('the Sherlock Holmes of the insurance world'), containing caricatures and memoranda by him, photographs, newspaper and magazine cuttings, seating plans, invitations and other ephemera.

Sir William Charles Crocker (1886-1973), 'the Sherlock Holmes of the insurance world', President of the Law Society, Deputy Director of MI5, investigator of insurance fraud, Mosleyite Nazi sympathiser
Publication details: 
Beginning with newspaper cuttings anouncing Crocker's knighthood in 1955, and ending in 1956. A few items from 1955 to 1964 loosely inserted.

Crocker made his name in the 1930s investigating and prosecuting insurance fraud (and in particular the activities of the Leopold Harris arson gang, convicted mainly through his efforts in 1933). In 2000 it emerged that at the outbreak of the Second World War he served as Deputy Director of MI5, despite being a 'Nazi sympathiser opposed to war with Hitler [...] active in Truth, a journal openly supportive of Sir Oswald Mosley' (Independent, 30 July 2000). The folio scrapbook and its contents are lightly aged and in good condition.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Manchester') from George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle, to [Rev. Alexander] Dallas, regarding a projected visit to Galway, Ireland.

George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle
Publication details: 
9 September 1852; Kimbolton.
George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle

12mo, 3 pp. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Not knowing whether Dallas is returned, he draws 'a bow at a venture', hoping that his 'arrows are not "bitter words"'. He intends to visit Galway, and asks Dallas to 'write me a line to mark out the desirable points to visit & a few hints as to where to stop'. He will be staying with William Cooper of Markree Castle, County Sligo. In 1842 Dallas established the Irish Church Missions, 'Soupers' which were particularly active in Galway during the Potato Famine.

Victorian parish financial accounts relating to Wingham Highways District, Kent, comprising ten General Annual Statements [1863, 1865 to 1873], a Statement of Receipts and Expenditure [1864], and a Financial Statement, 1879.

Wingham Highways District, Kent
Publication details: 
1863 to 1879; Wingham, Kent.
Victorian parish financial accounts relating to Wingham

The twelve items are in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, folded into packets, with all texts clear and complete. The first of the General Annual Statements, that for '1863 & 64', is representative. Its two pages are on one side each of two landscape sheets of grey paper, both 67 x 42 cm. Both are printed forms, with columns in red, headed '25th & 26th of Victoria, Cap. 61 GENERAL STATEMENTS of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE on Account of the HIGHWAYS of each Parish, Township &c.

4 Autograph Letters Signed from John Stuart Bligh, 6th Earl of Darnley, and 8 Autograph Letters Signed, Autograph Card Signed, and 5 invitations from his wife Harriet Mary, Countess of Darnley, all to Rev. Charles William Shepherd of Trotterscliffe.

John Stuart Bligh (1827-1896), 6th Earl of Darnley, of Cobham Hall, Kent, and his wife Harriet Mary (1829-1905) [née Pelham], Lady Darnley [Rev. Charles William Shepherd (1838-1920) of Trotterscliffe]
Publication details: 
1853, 1855, 1889; from various addresses including the House of Lords and Cobham Hall, Gravesend, Kent.
6th Earl of Darnley

The Earl of Darnley's four letters (all signed 'Darnley') total 27 pp in 12mo; Lady Darnley's eight letters (all signed 'H. Darnley') total 26 pp in 12mo. All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Darnley's first letter, 16 September 1853 (12mo, 12 pp), is unusually blunt for the period, and revealing on the etiquette of the period. It begins: 'I trust that the change in your mode of addressing me was accidental, and I have therefore not imitated it, and have used one word which you omitted [presumably 'Dear'].

Corrected galley proof of nonsense poem by 'M. S.' [the Faber & Faber production manager Montague Shaw?] entitled 'Cowkeeper's Tune'.

[Montague Shaw, production manager, Faber & Faber Ltd]
Publication details: 
[Undated. London: Faber & Faber, 1950s?]
Montague Shaw, production manager, Faber & Faber Ltd

The text area is about 13.5 x 30 cm, on the top half of a slip of paper around twice as long. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The lower half of the slip is blank apart from the pagination 196. Headed 'EPILOGUE | COWKEEPER'S TUNE', and beginning 'Unless your window is fitted with very strong iron bars and, just to make sure, your window locks, | Do not attempt to keep a Dexter cow in your window box.' Signed in type at end 'M.

Corrected typescript of Scottish science-fiction writer John Keir Cross's unpublished BBC radio verse play 'The Balloon', with five Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed from Cross to the Faber production manager Montague Shaw.

John Keir Cross (1911-1967), Scottish writer of science fiction and fantasy [BBC radio; Cedric Thorpe Davie (1913-1983), composer]
Publication details: 
Script of 'The Balloon', c. 1946. Letters dating from between 1948 and 1966; the first three from Muswell Hill, London; the last three from South Brent, Devon.
John Keir Cross (1911-1967), Scottish writer of science fiction

Typescript of 'The Balloon': landscape 8vo, 24 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged paper. With pencil emendations (including the deletion of a number of passages) on practically every page. Described by Cross as a 'radio composition' and a 'fantasy for broadcasting', 'The Balloon' presents an absurd take on T. S. Eliot's verse plays. It was transmitted on the Scottish Home Service of the BBC in 1946, with music by Cedric Thorpe Davie (1913-1983). There is no record of it having been published. The five typed letters total seven 4to pages. The autograph letter is landscape 12mo, 1 p.

Autograph Letter Signed from Raleigh Trevelyan ('R. Trevelyan') to Robert Thorp of Alnwick, agent to the Duke of Northumberland, with signed autograph draft of letter by Thorp, and manuscript copies of four Trevelyan letters, and of a cheque.

Raleigh Trevelyan (1781-1865) of Netherwitton Hall [Robert Thorp of Alnwick; the Duke of Northumberland; John Abernethy; Sir John Richardson]
Publication details: 
October and November 1832.

Seven items, all in very good condition on lightly-aged paper. Trevelyan's idiosyncratic and hypochondriacal character comes through strongly in this correspondence, ostensibly concerned with his application to become a magistrate, but largely devoted to the state of his health. ONE and TWO. Manuscript copies of short letters from Trevelyan to Thorp and the Duke of Northumberland. Both dated 22 October 1832, and both 4to, 1 p. Requesting 'a Dedimus, as a commencing Magistrate'. THREE. Manuscript copy of letter from Trevelyan to Thorp. 23 October 1832; Netherwitton, Morpeth. 4to, 1 p.

Collection of material relating to Captain Rex Davis's Conservative candidacy for the 'National Government' coalition in the Wednesbury By-Election, 1932. Including manuscript and typescript letters, telegrams, fliers, report and photographs.

[Captain Rex Graham Davis (d.1953), MC, Conservative candidate for the 'National Government' coalition in the Wednesbury By-Election, 1932]
Publication details: 
1932. [Wednesbury and London.]
Collection of material relating to Captain Rex Davis's Conservative candidacy

108 items, in a variety of formats, and including 17 Autograph Letters Signed; 14 Typed Letters Signed; 47 telegrams (on 51 leaves), a 'Statement of Election Expenses', a mimeographed 'Agent's Report. Year 1932' (4to, first 3 pp only); 3 election fliers; an 'Admission Ticket' to Davis's 'Adoption Meeting'; a printed notice by Davis 'To All Primrose Leaguers'; and seventeen black and white photographs. All but a few items laid down in a folio cloth scrapbook by W. Straker Ltd, London. All texts clear and complete, with the collection in fair condition on aged paper.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Notes Signed (all 'Martin Conway') from Sir Martin Conway [later 1st Baron Conway of Allington] to E. W. Hallifax, mainly concerning Switzerland and the Alps.

Sir Martin Conway [William Martin Conway, 1st Baron Conway of Allington] (1856-1937), politician, writer and mountaineer, President of the Alpine Club, 1902-1904 [E. W. Hallifax of Mill Hill School]
Publication details: 
Two items undated, the other two 4 January 1909 and 20 October 1910; three from Allington Castle, Maidstone (two of them on its letterhead) and one on letterhead of the Red House, Hornton Street, London.
Autograph Notes and Letters Signed ( 'Martin Conway') from Sir Martin Conway

The 1909 letter a little foxed but fair overall, the other items all good on aged paper. ONE: Letter, 4 January 1909; Allington. 12mo, 2 pp. He is enclosing a document (not present) which will show 'that the Bishop will replace me. It only remains for me to place my resignation in your hands for communication to the Com[mitt]ee., with an expression of my thanks to them for their cordial support & of good wishes for the continued prosperity of the League'. He is 'off to Switzerland this afternoon'. TWO: Note, 20 October 1910; on Allington letterhead. 4to, 1 p.

Autograph Letter Signed from Frederic William Madden ('F. W. Madden') to W. D. Jones

Frederic William Madden (1839-1904), F.R.S., Chief Librarian, Brighton Public Library, numismatist and antiquary [son of Sir Frederic Madden (1801-1873), Keeper of Manuscripts at the British Museum]
Publication details: 
29 February 1880; on letterhead of The College, Brighton.
Autograph Letter Signed from Frederic William Madden

12mo, 2 pp. Ten lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Jones's letter has been forwarded to him, but he cannot give him 'the information you are seeking', so he has sent to letter on to 'Mr. of the British Museum, asking him to reply to it'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('James Bryce') from James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce, former President of the Alpine Club, to E. W. Hallifax, endorsing 'a protest [...] raised against the ruin wrought in Switzerland by the construction of tourist railways'.

James Bryce (1838-1922), 1st Viscount Bryce, British Liberal politician and author, President of the Alpine Club, London, 1899-1901 [E. W. Hallifax, master, Mill Hill School]
Publication details: 
20 November 1905; on letterhead of Hindleap, Forest Row, Sussex.
Autograph Letter Signed ('James Bryce') from James Bryce

12mo, 4 pp. 41 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with slight discoloration to edges. 'It was high time that in England, whence so many mountain climbers and tourists go to the Alps, a protest should be raised against the ruin wrought in Switzerland by the construction of tourist railways up the slopes of the mountains'. Deplores the 'irretrievable harm' already done to 'some of the noblest landscapes in the world, [...] easily accessible from the populous cities of Central and Western Europe, such as those on the shores of the Lake of Lucerne'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Melville') from Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville to Lady Popham, widow of Admiral Sir Home Riggs Popham, described by her as a 'cold hearted answer'.

Robert Dundas (1771-1851), 2nd Viscount Melville, First Lord of the Admiralty, 1812-1827 [Admiral Sir Home Riggs Popham (1762-1820)]
Publication details: 
Melville Castle; 23 September 1820.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Melville') from Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville

4to, 2 pp. On bifolium. Twenty-two lines. Text clear and complete. In good condition, on aged paper. Lady Popham has written her opinion of the letter on the reverse of second leaf: 'Lord Melvilles cold hearted answer -'. To modern eyes the letter would appear to be a model of tact. Melville begins by expressing 'deep regret' at 'the late most afflicting addition to the loss you had already sustained' (the Admiral had died three weeks before).

Printed Victorian handbill for 'Walford's Royal Military & Naval Warograph and Vocophone Company', including 'Walford's animated pictures by means of the most perfect Cinematograph', with Autograph Letter Signed from E. W. Walford to Wivenhoe School.

[E. W. Walford, 'originator of the Walford Family's Entertainments'; Walford's Royal Military & Naval Warograph and Vocophone Company; Walford's Animated Pictures; Victorian cinema; Thomas Edison]
Publication details: 
Handbill advertising show on 10 February [1902]. Letter dated 10 April [no year]; on Walford's letterhead, The Bungalow, Bletchingley, Surrey.
E. W. Walford, 'originator of the Walford Family's Entertainments'

Surprisingly little is known about this British cinematographic pioneer, and these items are rare survivals, there being no reference to Walford on COPAC. Handbill: 8vo (27 x 21 cm). Printed on both sides. Clear and complete. Aged and creased, with damage at edges. In portrait 8vo on one side, with picture of British Army lancer and border of Union Flags. Headed 'Great Additions with Augmented Change of Artistes since last visit. | The Schoolroom, Watton. | Monday, February 10th.' 'Walford's Royal Military and Naval Warograph & Vocophone Co.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Cockburn') from the Scottish judge and author Henry Cockburn, Lord Cockburn, to Benjamin Bell, Advocate, 20 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh.

Henry Thomas Cockburn (1779-1854), Lord Cockburn, Scottish lawyer, judge and author, Solicitor General for Scotland, 1830-1834 [Edinburgh Review]
Publication details: 
14 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh; 8 November 1833.
Scottish judge and author Henry Cockburn

12mo, 1 p. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. Addressed, with broken red wax seal, on verso of second leaf. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Knowing of Bell's 'attachment to the Civil Law', he invites him to a breakfast, where he will 'meet with Justinian, & a few select jurists'.

Autograph Signature ('W E Gladstone') of the Liberal prime minister William Ewart Gladstone, as frank on front of envelope addressed by him to the Rt Hon J. Moncrieff, M.P.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal prime minister
Publication details: 
Docketed by Moncrieff 'Gladstone May 16th [no year]'.

Complete envelope, 12.5 x 8 cm. With mourning border. Addressed on front: 'Immediate | Rt Hon. J. Moncrieff | MP - | [signed in bottom left-hand corner] W E Gladstone'. Docketed in close hand, lengthwise and downwards from top right-hand corner. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Collection of nineteen manuscript and printed documents, including accounts, relating to the Liverpool Apothecaries Company, and to the resignation of John Abraham, head of its Dispensing Department from 1838 to 1843.

John Abraham (1813-1881), head of the Dispensing Department of the Liverpool Apothecaries Company, 1838-1845, and latterly of Clay & Abraham, pharmaceutical chemists
Publication details: 
Liverpool and London, between 1838 and 1843.
Liverpool Apothecaries Company

The Liverpool Apothecaries Company was founded in 1836 with a capital of £100,000, its premises comprising a warehouse, chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories, and a retail shop in Seel Street. John Abraham ran the dispensing department from 1838 until his resignation in 1843, going on in 1845 to found, as junior partner, the pharmaceutical chemists Clay & Abraham.

Three proof wood-engravings of the 'birthplace of Quakerism' Swarthmoor Hall by Edmund Evans, two from drawings by Birket Foster, with an Autograph Letter Signed by Foster, and a copy of a letter by Evans, to John Abraham and his wife Maria.

Myles Birket Foster (1825-1899), painter and illustrator; Edmund Evans (1826-1905), wood-engraver and printer [Swarthmoor Hall, Ulverston, Cumbria, 'birth' place of Quakerism]
Publication details: 
Foster's letter: 7 December 1864; on letterhead of The Hill, Witley, Surrey. Copy of Evans's letter: 20 December 1864; Raguet Court, Fleet Street, London. Engravings undated [1865].
Myles Birket Foster (1825-1899), painter and illustrator;

ONE. Birket Foster's letter to John Abraham: 12mo, 2 pp. 26 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with one dog-eared corner. Docketed 'Birket Foster re Sketches'. A letter of Abraham's has been forwarded to him 'relating to the illustrations which I did for the late Wm. Benson (to illustrate the Memoirs of the Fell family I believe)'. He suggests that they be put into Evans's hands to engrave: 'he is a thoroughly conscientious man, and will do the best he can for the price you like to name'.

An Unmatched Private Historical Collection of Sixty Original Drawings and [1300] Autograph Letters and Manuscripts. English. Foreign. Arranged alphabetically and illustrated with [1500] Portraits [of John A. Sainsbury, primarily Napoleonic] &c &c.

[John A. Sainsbury, collector; Napoleon Bonaparte; the French Revolution; J. Duplessis Berteaux;]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [London, circa 1840.]
[John A. Sainsbury, collector

12mo, 40 pp. In original brown wraps, printed in green ink on the front with the British royal crest, and on the back with that of Napoleon. Yellow endpapers. Text clear and complete. A fair, tight copy, on aged paper, in worn wraps. Illustrated title-page in red and black. In manuscript on reverse Sainsbury has written: 'J. S. | 13 Upper Ranelagh St | Eaton Square | This Collection is offered at One Half it's Cos - | Viz 1200 Guins.' The text begins with a two-page description of 'Drawings and Proof Engravings. Important scenes in the French Revolution' by J.

Manuscript Minute Book of the Oxford Ornithological Society, with signatures, covering the period between 1943 and 1948, and with a number of attractive handbills and other items of ephemera (printed at the Oxford University Press) tipped in.

[Oxford Ornithological Society; Fraser Darling; Ludwig Koch; Eric Ennion; Seton Gordon; Tinbergen; Landsborough Thomson]
Publication details: 
[Oxford.] Michaelmas Term, 1943 - Michaelmas Term 1948.

4to, 180 pp. In original 'Emberlin & Son' ledger, with red leather half-binding, black cloth, marbled endpapers. Text clear and complete. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn binding. Minutes signed by G. H. Spray, B. W. Tucker, W. B. Alexander, J. B. E. Say, William G. Dyson, Alan Newton. Numerous programmes (with lists of officers) tipped-in, along with one set of rules and a poster with large engraving of bird (a smaller version of which features on the programmes), printed by the Holywell Press.

Manuscript document in French, a copy, ('Collationné Certiffié [sic] sincère et véritable') from the Duc de Luxembourg for the Grand Orient de France, to 'tous Les Maçons reguliers', certified by the 'Secretaire de la loge des vrais amis' (Daumas?).

[Le Grand Orient de France, French Masonic organization, founded in 1733; la Loge des Vrais Amis; Anne de Montmorency-Luxembourg, Duc de Luxembourg (1737-1803); Freemasons; Freemasonry]
Publication details: 
Année de la Vraie Lumière 5781 [i.e. 1781]
Le Grand Orient de France, French Masonic organization

Folio, 3 pp. Bifolium. On watermarked laid paper. Headed 'A La Gloire du Grand architecte de L'univers sous Les auspices et au Nom du Serenissime G M | Le Grand orient de france a tous les Maçons reguliers, | union force salut'. Apparently regarding relations 'Entre Nous & Les directoires

Manuscript Letter (signed '<PEB?'>) from the London publishers Bell & Daldy to 'Tytheridge Esq', concerning a proposed 'completely revised edition of the Bibliographers Manual' of Lowndes.

Bell & Daldy, London publishers [George Bell (1814-1890) and F. R. Daldy] [William Thomas Lowndes (c.1793-1843), author of 'The Bibliographer's Manual']
Publication details: 
30 November 188<?>; on letterhead of York Street, Covent Garden, London.
Bell & Daldy, London publishers

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Aged, and with fraying to extremities, causing minor loss to one word of text, and date of letter. Returning 'the volumes of Lowndes' Manual'. The firm has 'not yet been able to make use of your notes, as we received the volume too late for the new edition, which is moreover little more than a reprint of Mr. Bohn's with a few corrections'. They have, however, 'copied the notes, which will be useful when we bring out as we hope to do, a completely revised edition'. Apprarently signed, on behalf of the firm, with the initials 'PEB'.

An original blotting-paper impression ('Edward R' in mirror image) of the signature of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Edward VII (1841-1910), King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Emperor of India
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Edward VII (1841-1910)

On piece of blotting-paper, 14 x 13 cm; folded horizontally to make two rectangular leaves, each 7 x 13 cm, with the signature presented in the centre of the first leaf, and with the back leaf laid down neatly on a piece of cream card, 14.5 x 17 cm, with caption at foot of card: 'ORIGINAL BLOTTING-PAPER IMPRESSION OF SIGNATURE OF EDWARD VII.' Being the result of blotting, the impression is a mirror image of the original, with the firm signature 6 cm long, with a 7.5 cm underlining.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Fred Norgate') from the London publisher Frederick Norgate (of the firm Williams & Norgate) to [John] Lawler, concerning the printer William Caxton and bookseller Bernard Quaritch.

Frederick Norgate (1817-1908), British publisher, of the firm Williams & Norgate [Bernard Quaritrch; William Caxton; John Lawler]
Publication details: 
29 July 1902; 7 Edith Road, London.
Frederick Norgate (1817-1908), British publisher,

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. 47 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged paper, wear and fraying to extremities. The cutting which Lawler leant him 'has helped me to trace one stage further in the wanderings of more than one vagabond Caxton'. Refers to John Winter Jones's discovery of a copy in the British Museum of the 'Quatre Derrenieres Choses', 'now more than 50 years ago [...] it has remained absolutely unique until our old friend at 15 Piccadilly [Bernard Quaritch] came upon a 2nd copy'.

An original blotting-paper impression ('George R I' in mirror image) of the signature of King George V of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

George V (1865-1936), King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Emperor of India
Publication details: 
Caption gives date as 14 December 1910.
'George R I' in mirror image

On piece of blotting-paper, 13.5 cm square; folded horizontally to make a two rectangles, with the signature centred on the front leaf, and with the back leaf laid down neatly on a piece of cream card, 15 x 18 cm, with caption in ink at foot: 'ORIGINAL BLOTTING-PAPER IMPRESSION OF SIGNATURE OF GEORGE V DATED 14 . 12. 1910.' Being the result of blotting, the impression is a mirror image of the original, with the firm signature 4.5 cm long, with 6.5 cm underlining. On aged paper, with neat vertical fold line in centre, crossing the underlining half a centimetre from the right.

Extensive manuscript catalogue of 'Leicestershire Biography & Bibliography', compiled in 1935 by R. B. Halliday of Great Glen [i.e. the Leicester bookseller Bernard Halliday].

R. B. Halliday [the Leicester bookseller Bernard Halliday] of Great Glen, Leicestershire [William Barton (c.1598-1678), Vicar of St Martins; Leicestershire stationers and printers]
Publication details: 
Dated 'R B Halliday | Great Glenn [i.e. Great Glen, Leicestershire] | 1935'.

4to, [ii] + 71 pp, with numerous leaves of additional manuscript and typescript material loosely inserted, as well as laid down. A few cuttings and extracts from printed works, as well as a Typed Letter Signed (17 March 1937) to Halliday from Ralph M. Williams of Yale, describing himself as 'interested in securing books, manuscripts, or other documents by or about the eighteenth century poet John Dyer'. Neatly written out in pencil and pen, on watermarked wove paper, in sturdy buckram binding. Internally in excellent condition, tight and clean, in worn binding with staining to front board.

Autograph Letter Signed ('George Henry Glasse') from the classical scholar Rev. George Henry Glasse [to the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine John Nichols], offering his services 'as corrector of your press for any quantity of Greek'.

Rev. George Henry Glasse (1761-1809), classical scholar, son of Dr Samuel Glasse (1734-1812) [John Nichols (1745-1826), editor of the Gentleman's Magazine; John Milton; James More]
Publication details: 
7 June 1791; Hanwell Rectory, Middlesex.
Autograph Letter Signed ('George Henry Glasse')

4to, 1 p. 18 lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-stained paper. Neatly laid down on a leaf removed from an album. Lightly marked-up in red pencil by the recipient. After professing respect for Nichols's 'literary character' and his 'valuable miscellany', Glasse offers his services 'as corrector of your press for any quantity of Greek you may incidentally have occasion to publish'.

Autograph Note Signed ('GS.') by the artist Sir George Scharf, Director of the National Portrait Gallery, concerning the 'last time I saw Lord Stanhope'.

Sir George Scharf (1820-1895), artist and Director of the National Portrait Gallery, London [Philip Henry Stanhope (1805-1875), 5th Earl Stanhope]
Publication details: 
Without date (circa 1875?) or place.
Autograph Note Signed ('GS.') by the artist Sir George Scharf,

12mo, 1 p. On mourning paper. Ten lines of text, followed by initialed signature 'GS.' Clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Scharf states that his last meeting with Stanhope was at Chevening on 20 November 1875, and that he had 'almost up to the last moment been reading to him "Advice to Julia" by Henry Lutterell illigitimate [sic] son of Lord Carhampton, publd by Murray. 1820'. Stanhope, he concludes, 'enjoyed it very much'.

A large quantity of material, mainly letters, from the personal papers of Lionel Norbury and Family

[Lionel Norbury (1882-1967), OBE, FRCS, consulting surgeon, holder of the Hunterian Professorship in 1941, and Vice-President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England]
Publication details: 

A large quantity of material, mainly letters, from the personal papers of Lionel Norbury and Family, including a substantial correspondence between Norbury and his wife, Grace (nee Rogerson), who worked as a Nurse, their correspondence throwing light on medical activity during the First World War and later.

Autograph Signature of the English actress Anna Neagle.

Dame Anna Neagle (1904-1986), English singer and stage and screen actress
Publication details: 

On rectangle of paper, laid down on leaf removed from autograph album. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Good wishes | Anna Neagle.' With two newspaper cuttings carrying photographic portraits, one loose and one laid down to the left of the signature.

Diaries of Lieutenant Albert Smith, RN, 1867-1897 and 1914 to 1919, describing tours of East Africa and the Mediterranean, and giving a first-hand account of the sinking of HMS Victoria following its collision with HMS Camperdown, 1893.

Lieutenant Albert Smith (1844-1928), RN [Royal Navy; Naval and Maritime; Collision of HMS Victoria with HMS Camperdown, 1893]
Publication details: 
1867-1919. From various locations in England, Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Ten notebooks, nine of them 4to and the other folio, totalling in excess of a thousand pages. Not uniform. In original worn bindings, five with marbled boards and the others in full cloth. Internally all ten volumes are sound, with their texts neatly-written, clear and complete. Numbered 2 to 18 (lacking 1, 7, and 12 to 17). The dating of the diaries is as follows. ONE ('2'): 15 May 1867 to 1 September 1868. TWO ('3'): 4 September 1868 to 19 September 1870. THREE ('4'): 20 September 1870 to 7 September 1872. 'A diary written by "Albert Smith" G.M. & G.S.

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