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[ Charles Abbot, Speaker of the House of Commons. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas Abbot') to Home Secretary Viscount Sidmouth, on 'Lord Harris's proposal'; John Hatsell, Clerk of the House of Commons; opening of Parliament; Richmond Park.

Charles Abbot (1757-1829), 1st Baron Colchester, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1802-1817 [ Henry Addington (1757-1844), 1st Viscount Sidmouth, British Prime Minister; John Hatsell (1733-1820) ]
Publication details: 
Kidbrooke. 19 November 1816.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition. Casting interesting light on the workings of the British parliament in the Regency period. Headed by Abbot 'Private'. Docketed on reverse of second leaf, presumably by Sidmouth: 'The Speaker, | Novr. ye. 19th: 1806. | Lord Harris's Proposal | Meeting of Parliament | &c -'. He has received Sidmouth's note, and reports that 'Lord Harrowby wrote me a full account of your Meetings on Lord Harris's proposals'.

[ The Club Cricket Conference, London, printed annual. ] Cricket Clubs' Annual, 1934 and English Secretarial Directory. The Official Annual Handbook of The Club Cricket Conference.

E. A. C. Thomson, editor [ The Club Cricket Conference, London ]
Publication details: 
Eighteenth Edition. 1934. Published by The Club Cricket Conference, At 12 Devas Road, London, S.W.20.

[ii] + 333 pp., 12mo. In yellow card covers, printed in green and red. A note on p.58 explains that the volume contains 'a large number of Advertisements of leading Houses, who cater for all kinds of Sport.

[ General Sir Robert Gardiner, Equerry to Prince Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to John Preston Neale, regarding his wife Princess Charlotte's subscription to Neale's 'Views'.

General Sir Robert Gardiner (1781-1864), Equerry to Prince Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld [ later King of the Belgiums ] [ John Preston Neale (1780-1847), architectural draughtsman ]
Publication details: 
Claremont. 30 June 1818.

2pp., 4to. On leaf with mourning border. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of paper stub adhering to one edge. Regarding Neale's 'Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland', which was published in parts, with a total of 732 plates) in two series totalling 11 vols between 1819 and 1829. Gardiner writes that he has been 'commanded by The Prince Leopold to ascertain the number of volumes in which it is proposed to compleat Mr.

[ Book Trade Labels. ] Collection of 152 items, almost all British and mainly early nineteenth-century, comprising binders' tickets, and stationers' and booksellers' labels.

[ Book Trade Labels: mainly nineteenth-century labels of British bookbinders, printers, booksellers and stationers in London and the provinces ]
Publication details: 
Mainly British and nineteenth-century. A few twentieth-century items, and a handful of foreign labels (Cairo, Calgary, New Orleans, Sydney, and other places).

Ranging in size from a 7 x 11mm yellow hexagon to a 2.5 x 5 cm blue oval. Printed in a range of colours and cut in a variety of shapes. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with 98 of 152 items laid down on a piece of card. The dating in the following description is from the British Book Trade Index (BBTI). An interesting collection of labels, mostly nineteenth-century and mainly relating to the British booktrade, ranging from 'BRO: R. SPENCER, | MASONIC BOOKSELLER' of 314 High Holborn (Robert Spencer, 1831-1846), to 'J. B. BROWN. | Bookbinder to | HIS MAJESTY.

[] 'A Catalogue of valuable Ancient and Modern Books, comprising Specimens of Early Typography, Manuscripts on Vellum, with Miniatures, Early Printed Books with woodcuts [...]'.

Antoine Bachelin-Deflorenne, bookseller of Paris and London
Publication details: 
Bachelin-Deflorenne, Bookseller, 25, Garrick Street, (Covent Garden), London. Catalogue No. 4. September 1869.

66 + 2pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. With printed front cover. In poor condition, aged and worn, with damage to top-edge. 774 lots with prices. Notes in English and French. Among the more expensive items is 228, a collection of material relating to the Chevalier d'Eon, for £12. In poor condition, but a scarce item.

[ British Army field exercises of First World War German invasion. ] 'Field Message Book' of Captain E. A. Grubbe, used in training reservists at Newhaven Fort, with maps. With ALS from Grubbe to his brother, telling of captured 'Prussian guards'.

Edmund Alexander Grubbe (b.1857), Captain in the 88th Connaught Rangers [ 8th (Reserve) Battalion, City of London Rifles; Post Office Rifles ]
Publication details: 
FIELD MESSAGE BOOK: 'Army Book 153', Waterlow & Sons Ltd, London. With stamp of '8th. (Reserve) Batt., City of London Rifles'. Newhaven Fort, East Sussex: December 1914 to June 1915. LETTER: from London and Paris Hotel, Newhaven; 2 December 1914.

FIELD MESSAGE BOOK: Landscape 8vo notebook with 43pp of manuscript, in a number of different hands (one of them apparently Grubbe's), including seven full-page maps, with two further pages of carbon copies, preceded by 3pp. of printed text titled 'Field Message Book / (For the use of Dismounted Regimental Officers and Non-commissioned Officers of Cavalry and Mounted Infantry.)' In pencil and ink on graph paper pages. In detachable brown cloth cover, with explanatory label ('Cover for Army Book 153').

[ Sir Joseph Jekyll, English judge. ] Autograph Signature ('J Jekyll') from frank.

Sir Joseph Jekyll (1663-1738), English judge and Master of the Rolls
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On irregular piece of paper (4.5 cm wide, and up to 2.5 cm high). In good condition, lightly aged. Good firm hand. Reads 'Free | J Jekyll'.

[ Jacob Bosanquet, Chairman of the East India Company? ] Corrected Draft of anonymous unpublished manuscript regarding 'the present condition of our E. Indian Possessions', and justifying the actions of the British. .

Jacob Bosanquet (1755-1828), Chairman of the East India Company,1798, 1803 and 1811, and for 46 years a Director
Publication details: 
Without place or date. On laid paper with watermark 'W M | 1816'.

6pp., folio. On two bifoliums. In good condition, on aged paper. All four leaves with a central vertical fold as guide for each page to be laid out in two columns, with the body of the text in one column and emendations in the neighbouring one. The document begins: 'My Dear Sir, | I had yesterday a conversation with Mr. - respecting the present condition of our E.

[ J. Ruyssen, drawing master. ] Engraved dedication leaf to his 'Collection of Principles'.

J. Ruyssen, drawing master in Georgian London
Publication details: 
'London, Published as the Act directs Decr. 1803.'

1p., 8vo (28 x 22 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn, with damp stain to top right-hand corner, not extending to the print. The engraving entirely consists of an attractive arrangement of copperplate lettering with some decorative flourishes (for example to the first two words).

[ West Indies cricket team in England, 1963. ] Autograph Signatures of Sir Garfield Sobers, Sir Wesley Hall, Lance Gibbs, Rohan Kanhai, and 8 others in the touring side. With three printed souvenirs (programme, brochure and 'record of test matches').

[ West Indies cricket team, tour of England, 1963; Sir Garfield Sobers; Sir Wesley Hall; Lance Gibbs; Rohan Kanhai; Derryck Murray ]
Publication details: 
West Indian cricket team in England, 1963.

A nice collection of souvenirs of a very exciting and interesting tour. The West Indies did very well indeed, beating England in the test series 3-1. ONE: The signatures on four pieces of paper, laid down on green 8vo paper backing, with card carrying maroon and black logo of 'West Indies | 1963 | England'. All in good condition, lightly-aged. First, signature of 'G Sobers' written across 22.5 x 11.5 cm magazine photograph of Sobers at the crease. Second, signature of 'W Hall' across 8 x 5 cm magazine photograph of face of 'WESLEY HALL (Barbados), age 25.', with swollen left eye.

[ Samuel Lewis, topographer. ] Printed prospectus, questionnaire and list of 'Subscribers in London': 'Preparing for publication, | By S. Lewis, | A Topographical Dictionary of England, | From a Personal Survey through every Parish in the Kingdom'.

Samuel Lewis (c.1782-1865), topographer and publisher
Publication details: 
12, Devereaux-court, Temple, London. [Late 1820s.]

4pp., folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper and creased paper, with slight damage to margins at foot of both leaves. Beneath the heading on the first page is a list of around 75 princes, dukes and lords, headed by 'His Most Gracious Majesty the King', under whose 'immediate patronage' the work is to be commenced. Beneath this, in small type is the prospectus, stressing the 'immense Labour and Expense' attending the work (Lewis later claimed had taken six years to compile it, at an outlay of £48,000), which is to be 'published in Four Volumes Quarto - Price 30s.

[ John Braddick of Boughton Mount ] Long manuscript responses to a questionnaire in a prospectus titled 'Preparing for publication, | By S. Lewis, | A Topographical Dictionary of England, | From a Personal Survey through every Parish in the Kingdom'

John Braddick of Boughton Mount, Monchelsea, Kent, slave trader; Samuel Lewis (c.1782-1865), topographer and publisher
Publication details: 
Prospectus published from 12, Devereaux-court, Temple, London. [Late 1820s.]

The prospectus is 4pp., folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper and creased paper, with slight damage to margins at foot of both leaves. Beneath the heading on the first page is a list of around 75 princes, dukes and lords, headed by 'His Most Gracious Majesty the King', under whose 'immediate patronage' the work is to be commenced.

[ Edward Hogg, doctor and travel writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd. Hogg') to 'Dear Dyer' [ George Dyer ], written while en route to 'Mr. Fry's'.

Edward Hogg (1783-1848), English doctor and travel writer, a friend of poet laureate Robert Southey [ George Dyer (1755-1841), author and political reformer ]
Publication details: 
'Hendon, Saturday.' No date.

16mo. 1p. In fair condition, with slight traces of glue from mount. He has received Dyer's 'parcel p[er] Coach', and informs him that his party is 'expected at Mr. Fry's' on the following day. He is returning with the letter 'all the Books you first forwarded for Mrs Jacksons inspection'.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Lamps of the Temple. A Letter addressed to the Churches of the Congregational Order by the Southern Board of Education, concerning the Supply and Education of their Ministers.

[The Congregational Church in England and Wales; The Southern Board of Education (England)]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Yates Alexander and Shepheard, Lonsdale Buildings, Chancery Lane. [Between 1881 and 1883.]

22pp., 8vo. Disbound. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with shelfmark in manuscript at foot of title-page. Scarce: the only copy on OCLC WorldCat and COPAC at the British Library, whose entry dates the item no earlier than 1881, and no later than 1883.]

[Rev. Charles Voysey.] Copy of his 'Lecture on Rationalism, delivered at Glasgow, Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester, and St. George's Hall, London' (1871), with three printed items relating to his 'Theistic Church, for the Worship of the One God'.

Rev. Charles Voysey (1828-1912), Church of England priest condemned for heterodoxy, who went on to found the Theistic Church, London
Publication details: 
'Lecture on Rationalism' published in London by Trübner & Co., Paternoster Row, 1871; the other three items from 'The Theistic Church, for the Worship of the One God, Swallow Street, Piccadilly, London'.

For more on Voysey, father of the architect of the same name, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Denouncing the doctrine of eternal punishment, he was deprived of his living on 11 February 1871. ONE: 'Doctrine on Rationalism' (1871). 34pp., 8vo. Stitched and stabbed as issued. No covers. Aged and worn, with ownership inscription in pencil at head of title-page, on which the author is described as 'REV. CHARLES VOYSEY, B.A., | LATE VICAR OF HEALAUGH.' (thus indicating that the pamphlet appeared immediately after his explusion from the Church of England).

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Electoral Disabilities of Women. A Lecture delivered at the New Hall, Tavistock, March 11th, 1871.

Milicent Garrett Fawcett [The Bristol & West of England Society for Women's Suffrage] [Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Printed for the Bristol & West of England Society for Women's Suffrage. By the Tavistock Printing Company, Limited, Tavistock. 1871.

23 + [1]pp., 12mo. In good condition, no wraps, disbound. Only one copy traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat, at the London School of Economics.

[Sir Alexander Muir Mackenzie, Vice-Lieutenant of Perthshire.] Autograph Table, signed 'A. Muir Mackenzie Col', headed 'Return of the 3d or Central Regiment of Royal Perthshire Local Militia Commanded by Colonel Sir Alexander Muir Mackenzie Bart.'

Sir Alexander Muir Mackenzie, 1st Baronet (1764-1835) of Delvine, Scotland, Vice-Lieutenant of Perthshire [The 3rd or Central Regiment of Royal Perthshire Local Militia]
Publication details: 
Perth [Scotland]. 29 July 1813.

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, aged and with traces of previous mount on reverse. On laid paper with watermarked date of 1810. Laid out in landscape within ruled lines. Returns for '10 Companies', with 19 columns (totalling 1456 individuals), gathered into sections for 'Commissioned Officers', 'Staff Officers', 'N[on]. C[ommissioned]. Officers' and 'Rank & File'. In bottom left-hand corner: 'one Captain on leave | one Lieutenant Sick | 1 Major & 2 Captains supernumerary | 1 Lieut. & 2 Ensigns wanting'.

[Thomas Frognall Dibdin, bibliographer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. F. Dibdin') to Thomas Amyot, regarding a planned visit, with the bibliomaniac Richard Heber, to Blickling Hall in Norfolk.

Thomas Frognall Dibdin (1776-1847), bibliographer and cleric [Thomas Amyot (1775-1850); Joseph Dixie Churchill (1762-1836), rector of Blickling, Norfolk; Richard Heber (1773-1833), bibliomaniac]
Publication details: 
[Kensington postmark.] 24 July [1823].

2pp., 8vo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Thos. Amyot Esq | 13. James St. | Pimlico', with two postmarks and a good impression of Dibdin's red wax monogram seal. He is 'solicitious' to know Amyot's movements. 'My request is, "Fly not yet." The later you go, the better for me.' He gives the dates on which he means to be in Norwich, 'to spend a day at Blickling - having written word to Churchill to that effect - to get instituted, inducted, & read myself in by the following Sunday - ye 17th.

[Offprint of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London.] Franco-American and Franco-British Relations. (Paper read on June 15th, 1926.)

M. André Siegfried [The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from "Journal of Royal Institute of International Affairs," September 1926.'

14pp., 8vo, paginated 225-238. Stitched pamphlet in grey printed wraps. Somewhat worn and aged, with pin hole passing through the pamphlet at head. Siegried's aim is to 'study as frankly as possible the spirit of Franco-American relations. Then - and this might look bold, as I am speaking to a British audience - I will try to analyse what I think is the spirit of Anglo-American relations.

Engraved 'Map of the Route from Kiakhta to Peking, through Mongolia; 1820 and 1821: By Iegor Timkovski.'

Iegor Timkovski [Egor Fedorovich Timkovski (1790-1875)] [Longman & Co., London publishers.]
Publication details: 
London: Published by Longman & Co. June, 1826.

Printed in black ink on one side of a piece of 55 x 44 cm wove paper. Dimensions of map 53 x 43 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with some foxing. Folds into a 21 x 10 cm packet. A detailed image, with key of eight features: Capital of a District; Town; Fort; Temple; Encampment; Post Station; Halt; Post Road; Public Road. The map was included in 'Travels of the Russian Mission through Mongolia to China, and Residence in Pekin, in the years l820-l821' by George Timkowski ('with corrections and notes by Julius von Klaproth').

[Early Thackeray item.] Volume I No. 8 of the humorous Cambridge periodical 'The Snob', containing two articles: a burlesque play titled 'The Blood-Stained Murderer; or, The Cock and Charley' and 'Mathematics'.

[William Makepeace Thackeray, contributor to and possible editor of 'The Snob', published in Cambridge by W. H. Smith
Publication details: 
Volume I No. 8, 28 May 1829. 'Printed for the Editors by Weston Hatfield; And published by W. H. Smith, Rose Crescent, Cambridge.'

6pp., 12mo, paginated 41-46. Unbound stab-stitched pamphlet. A frail survival: aged and worn. Priced at half a crown, and with the following note above the slug: 'No. 9 will be published on Thursday, June 4. | N.B. - All communications to be directed to Mr. Smith, Rose Crescent, which, it is requested, may be post-paid.' The number is almost entirely devoted to an anonymous burlesque play titled 'The Blood-Stained Murderer; or, The Cock and Charley'.

A complete run of the 14 numbers of 'Cinema Studies The Journal of the Society for Film History Research'.

Neville March Hunnings and John Gillett, editor [The Society for Film History Research, London]
Publication details: 
The Society for Film History Research, London. Between March 1960 and September 1967 (all published).

[8] + 344 + [7]pp., 12mo, and four pages of plates (vol.2, no.2). Fourteen issues, loose, with volume 1 (issues 1-9) continuously paginated to 244; and volume 2 (issues 1-5) paginated to 90; with the volume's separate prelims (8pp.) and index (7pp.) ready for binding up. Two identical fliers for the society (giving its 'Purpose') loosely inserted. The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, but with rusted staples to all volumes. Hunnings and Gillett are named as editors of the first four volumes, thereafter Hunnings alone.

Seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript Indenture, a copyhold lease from Sir Arthur Haselrig to John Atkinson of half an acre of land in Bedburne, County Durham.

[Sir Arthur Haselrig (1601-1661), parliamentarian soldier [Sir Arthur Hasilrige; Sir Arthur Hesilrige]; John Atkinson; Bedburne, County Durham]
Publication details: 
[Bedburne, County Durham.] 19 October 1653.

On one side of a piece of vellum (roughly 7.5 x 32.5 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. In English. Scan on application.

Early Stuart Signed Vellum Manuscript Indenture, a Bond of John Burnesall, yeoman of Thirne [Thorne, Yorkshire], to Francis Wilson, yeoman of the same place.

[John Burnesall and Francis Wilson, yeomen of Thirne [Thorne, Yorkshire]]
Publication details: 
20 September 1616 [14 James I].

On both sides of a piece of vellum (approximately 11 x 27 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn, with seal removed. In English. Concerning the fulfilment of articles mentioned in a pair of indentures of the same date (not present). The various signatures include the marks of two of the parties. Scan on application.

Part of seventeenth-century Manuscript Terrier on vellum, formerly annexed to a grant from Humphrey Hunt to John Brookes the younger [John Brooks of Merton, Oxfordshire].

[Humphrey Hunt; John Brookes the younger [John Brooks of Merton, Oxfordshire]; seventeenth-century terrier]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [Circa 1700.]

On one side of a long strip of vellum (circa 80 x 13.5 cm), made up of two pieces attached together. In fair condition, aged and worn. In English. The locality is not stated, but John Dunkin's 'Oxfordshire' has a reference to a will witnessed by both Hunt and Brooks.

Early seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript 'Terrier of lands in Humberston [Lincolnshire]', 'belonging to late Thoms. L<?> ff<?>'..

[Humberston, Lincolnshire, seventeenth-century terrier of lands]
Publication details: 
[Humberston, Lincolnshire.] 20 May 1623.

On one side of a long strip of vellum (circa 61 x 15 cm), made up of two pieces stitched together with green thread. In English, in an unusually close hand. In fair condition, aged and worn. Scan of part on application.

[Sir John Soane.] Typescript of unpublished monograph titled 'The Life, Works and Influence of Sir John Soane, R.A., F.S.A., &c. An Essay by "Excelsior" [A. E. Bullock?].'

'Excelsior' [Sir John Soane (1753-1837), English architect, Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academy] [Albert Edward Bullock, ARIBA?; Royal Institute of British Architects, London]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 25 May 1905.

48pp., folio. Each page on the recto of a leaf, and all 48 leaves held together by a brass stud. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Authorship or ownership inscription on title page: 'A. E. Bullock | 43 Chancery Lane | W. C.', with autograph note: 'An Essay written originally for a prize, I believe.

[The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.] Sturdy brown suitcase belonging to an anti-nuclear protester, containing numerous pamphlets, stickers, a traffic lamp from Greenham Common Air Force base, and other material.

[The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament [1981; Greenham Common RAF base; Protect and Survive]
Publication details: 
Twelve pamphlets from 1980 and 1981, one from 1977, and two from 1979. With another item from 1988.

A powerful and evocative artefact, and a decided museum piece, mainly centring on the year 1980 and 1981, significant years in the movement's history, with a quarter of a million people marched through central London in support of CND in 1981. The collection includes a copy of the 1980 government pamphlet 'Protect and Survive', and E. P. Thompson's celebrated riposte of the same year, 'Protest and Survive'. The collection is in fair condition, with signs of age and wear which enhance rather than detract from its impact.

[The first two printed parts, the first with inscription by author.] History and Antiquities of Brentford by Fred Turner, F. R. Hist. Soc., Author of "Brentford Literary and Historical Sketches," etc.

Fred Turner, F. R. Hist. Soc., Author of "Brentford Literary and Historical Sketches," etc.
Publication details: 
Both parts: Printed for the author by Henry R. Bohee, 58 & 59, High Street, Brentford. 1921.

Both parts in fair condition, with light signs of age; the second part with creased corner causing damage to the last couple of leaves and back cover. Two stapled pamphlets, uniform in grey printed wraps. PART I. 'Stone Age to 8th Century A.D. | Illustrated.' [4] + 13pp., 4to. Frontispiece and two full-page illustrations, with two more illustrations in text. Inscribed on front cover 'With the author's best wishes | Xmas 1921'. PART II. '10th to 14th Centuries A.D., etc. | Illustrated with Photographs by the Author.' 19pp., 4to (paginated to 32).

[Sir James Caird and George Ridley, MPs.] Indenture on vellum ('A Memorial [...] of An Absolute Order' re land in Durham owned by John Bowes), Signed by Caird and Ridley, with the seal in red wax of the Enclosure Commissioners for England and Wales.

Sir James Caird (1816-1892), MP, Dartmouth and Stirling Burghs; George Ridley (1818-1887), MP, Newcastle-upon-Tyne [John Bowes (1811-1885), of Streatland Castle, Darlington, County Durham]
Publication details: 
Ashurst Morris & Co, 6 Old Jewry [London], [for The Enclosure Commission for England and Wales, Whitehall, London.] 23 May 1872.

On one vellum skin. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketed 'No. 1 | Order left 22 May 1872. | Meml. regd. 23d. May 1872. | Order reld. 27th. May 1872' and 'Ashurst Morris & Co | 6 Old Jewry | E.C.' Arranged in the customary fashion, with tax stamps, and the signatures ('G: Ridley' and 'James Caird') on either side of the seal, on folded up strip at foot. The seal, in red wax on a green ribbon is 4.5 cm in diameter and in fair condition, with a few small fragments chipped away.

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